Bulk cake

When there is no time, but I want to bake something tasty-a slow cooker comes to the rescue. Hundreds of various recipes, various variations of fillings from simple to complex. You can try all the options to choose a suitable recipe. Just with such a recipe, you can call a bulk cake in a slow cooker.

Bulk cake


Those who at least once try to cook pastries according to this recipe will advise him to all his friends and relatives. The pie is simply prepared, it all depends on the test. And it can be different: sandy, puff, kefir and even on yeast. As for the name of the pie, then everything is clear, because the dough for the pie is dry. Therefore, the pie is called "bulk".

What do you need:

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • sugar is an incomplete glass;
  • pekarsky powder - 2 tsp.;
  • vanilla sugar or cinnamon (both spices can be at once) - to taste;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • creamy chilled oil - 120 g.

Features of cooking bulk pie:

  1. In this recipe, everything is extremely simple, because the dough is prepared very quickly. After all, you need to mix all the components and get the dough, like a dry baby.
  2. And now in order: take a deep bowl so that it is convenient to knead the dough in it.
  3. See the flour (this is necessary!), And then add a baking powder to it. Mix both dry components, leave for a few minutes.
  4. Add other dry products to the flour: it is semolina and sugar. As for sugar, half the amount of sugar specified in the recipe can be reduced. This is for those who do not love sweets too much, as well as if sweet varieties are used for filling.
  5. Do not forget to add vanilla sugar to the dry mixture, and if you like it, then a little cinnamon. All components need to be mixed while the bowl is set aside.
  6. We’ll take up the filling, and then everything is simple: the apples need to be washed, wipe each, clean the peel and quickly grate with large notches. If you want apples not darkened, then the grater, as well as the apple mass, need to be sprinkled with lemon juice and mixed quickly.
  7. Preparing the multicooker bowl usually does not take much time, but listen to our advice: wash and dry it in advance, so that then do not waste your time on this.
  8. A dry multicooker bowl should be well lubricated with soft butter, and then lay out dry dough and filling in such a sequence: take a handful of dough, trim the bottom of the multicooker, well so that there are no gaps. Then a layer of apples, again a layer of dough, and then another layer of apples. And so on until the dough and filling end.
  9. Please note that the last layer is not a filling, but a dry dough.
  10. The butter remains: it must be chilled, because it will have to be rubbed on the large side of the grater, or you can cut it with a sharp knife into pieces. Choose the option that suits you the most.
  11. Oil chips need to be distributed at the top of the pie and starting to the last stage - preparing a bulk cake in a slow cooker.
  12. We choose the program - it is known that all the pastries need to be prepared in the "baking" mode. So there are no options, so we select this mode and set the time. And to bake the bulk pie in the slow cooker will be long enough, about an hour and a plus of 40 minutes, if necessary. Moreover, you cannot turn the pie to the other side.
  13. When the pie is ready, you need to open the lid and so far leave the bulk cake in the slow cooker until it cools. And then, as usual: getting pastries is easier, if you use a boar basket and transfer the pie to a flat plate. And if this option seems doubtful to you, try to get a pie from the multicooker bowl in another way. In any case, the most important thing is caution, because the bulk cake in the slow cooker is very fragile and the slightest careless movement can lead to the fact that the pie will break.

And a slightly cooled bulk pie in a slow cooker can be cut into portioned pieces and immediately start tea drinking. You will see how amazing this pie will turn out: it will literally melt in your mouth. Although at first glance many housewives will appear to be unpresentable. Everything is relative. All of you pleasant tea party in a good company!

Empitage pie in a slow cooker with dates


This recipe for a bulk cake is especially not different from the previous one, only a couple of new ingredients are added. The taste of baking at the expense of the filling will be slightly different, with new notes, and in terms of density the pie will turn out the same - a little crumbly and slightly wet due to the filling. It is amazing that you can cook the dough for the pie in advance and pour it into a jar, and then bake a delicious pie at work or in the country. After all, all that remains for you is only to make the filling and sequentially lay the dough and filling in the multicooker bowl.

Prepare the following products:

  • square flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 180 g or 200, if the filling is acidic;
  • semolina - 150 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • pekarsky powder (the same baking powder) - 2 tsp.;
  • filling: apricots and apples, as well as dates - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • nuts - to taste;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag.

The pie is prepared as follows:

  1. This pie is very fast in cooking, because you need to mix flour with vanilla first, then add semolina and sugar and do not forget about vanilla sugar, all components must be mixed.
  2. The filling will have to devote more time, because it is necessary to prepare apricots and apples. Choose apricots dense, slightly unripe. The seeds need to be removed, cut into slices. Wash, clean, grate the apples and be sure to immediately sprinkle lemon juice.
  3. Add pieces of dates to the chopped apricots (dried dates need to be cut as smaller as possible). And in the apple filling you need to put a little cinnamon and add chopped nuts.
  4. And now the most interesting: grease the multicooker bowl with butter, then we will play the bottom with the dough, and then lay out the first layer of apricot with dates with an even layer.
  5. Then again a layer of dough - we type directly in the hand and distribute on the surface of the filling. They coped with this work successfully, then again a layer of filling - this time apple.
  6. Then again a layer of dough, a layer of filling - apricot and dough, fillings and apples. The final layer is a layer of dough.
  7. On top of the pie, you need to grate on a coarse grater a slightly frozen butter. It should be chilled, then it is easier to rub it, because it will not swim.
  8. That's all, now it is no less important to set the correct cooking mode. Of course, we will prepare a bulk pie in a slow cooker in the "pastries" mode, and the time is 50-60 minutes. But here you must take into account the power of your device.
  9. The finished cake does not need to be rushed out of the form, let it “get used to it” a little, lie down and cool. Then it is easier to remove it from the slow cooker, substituting a shear-bars.
  10. A pie on a plate, if you want - the top can be decorated with pieces of phases and nuts, and then also sugar powder through a fine strain.

The bulk pie in a slow cooker is prepared easier and despite this simplicity, it turns out tasty, delicate and very soft. A cup of herbal tea or coffee with cream, as well as homemade yogurt or a glass of chilled milk, is ideal for such baking. In any case, it will be very tasty, treat yourself!

Bulk cake in a slow cooker


The simplicity of cooking is why the housewives fell in love with this recipe. And for the fact that the pie is moderately juicy, moderately sweet and immensely tasty. Let's check?

Then let's buy everything you need:

  • flour of the highest variety - 600 g;
  • butter - pack;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • a pinch of salt-just a little;
  • soda - 1 tsp (we will not extinguish);
  • for the filling of cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag.

How to cook a bulk cake in a slow cooker:

  1. Cottage cheese is just perfectly combined with cottage cheese dough. And all because each ingredient complements each other. Even small children who do not like cottage cheese will be happy to eat this bulk pie, prepared in a slow cooker.
  2. Please note that the recipe indicates the amount of dough and fillings for a large pie. So in a slow cooker you can bake as many as 2 pieces!
  3. The flour needs to be sift several times, put soft oil, sugar and a little salt in it, as well as soda. All these components need to be mixed and then rubbed with your hands. You will get wet baby. So it should be.
  4. Now about the filling, it is better to buy cottage cheese not fat, 5% is quite enough, we knead the cottage cheese well with a fork, or you can also be a bit so that there are no lumps.
  5. We drive one fresh eggs into the cottage cheese, add vanilla sugar. Mix so that the filling is homogeneous.
  6. The assembly of the pie is as follows: the multicooker bowl should be greased with soft butter, put 2 strips of baking paper crosswise, so that it is easier to remove the finished pie from the mold.
  7. Pour half the portion of the dough, carefully compact the dough with our hands, form the sides. We distribute the dough very carefully along the bottom of the form so that there are no gaps, the thickness of the layer is 1.5 cm.
  8. Naturally, the sides need to be formed at a height of 2 cm so that the whole filling is placed.
  9. Next, lay out the filling with a spoon, level it on the surface of the dough.
  10. We almost reach the edge of the form, because in the process of baking the filling itself will find a place. In any case, the bulk pie in the slow cooker has protection - this is the sides, so the filling itself will not go anywhere and naturally, it will not flow out.
  11. On top you need to trigger the remaining portion of the dough, smoothly flatten a spatula, just do not need to crush the dough.
  12. The bulk pie in the slow cooker will bake in the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes and plus 20. Here you need to proceed from the power of your multicooker. In any case, if you want the top to get rosy, then you need to bake 1 hour.
  13. The finished pie should be left in shape, let it cool a little, and then, pulling the edges of the baking paper, remove and put it on a flat dish.
  14. You can not even decorate the top of the pie, because the pie itself turns out beautiful. And it is also very tasty - the dough is crumbly, and the filling is just melting in the mouth.

By the way, the pie is high -calorie, so for those beauties who monitor their weight, it is allowed to eat no more than 1 piece. This bulk pie baked in a slow cooker with sour -milk products goes well. You are pleasant appetite!

Bulk cake in a slow cooker with cottage cheese and blackcurrant


Another recipe for a delicious bulk pie we present to your attention. The highlight of this baking is a filling with berries, namely - with blackcurrant. It is this useful berry that goes well not only with cottage cheese, but also with sand tests.

Prepare products:

  • butter - half a pack;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 or 3 tbsp. - taste;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar-at will, but not more than 3 tbsp.;
  • berry blackcurrant berries - a glass.

The bulk cake is prepared in the slow cooker as follows:

  1. To knead the dough, it is necessary that the oil is soft, let it lie down on the table and when it starts to thaw, you can start preparing the dough.
  2. In the meantime, we are not losing time for nothing, sift the flour through a sieve, mix with baking powder, add sugar.
  3. Mix the mass, that's all - the dough for baking is ready. Only it needs to be shifted with your hands so that there are no lumps. Only not long, otherwise the oil melts strongly.
  4. Without a break, we immediately proceed to prepare the filling: Buy cottage cheese with low fat content, mix it with eggs and sugar. As for sugar, it can be excluded in general, since it is enough in the test. Well, for sweet tooths, of course, this recommendation will be superfluous, then feel free to add 3 full tablespoons of sugar-sand and mix well. Yes, so that there are no large lumps.
  5. Now preparation of the form: grease with oil, you can lay paper for baking.
  6. Put half a portion of dough, distributing directly with your fingers along the bottom of the shape, and you also need to try to form low sides from the same portion of dough. The thickness of the dough is 1.5 cm, and the height of the sides should be approximately the same or slightly larger, about 2 cm.
  7. Put the filling on top of the dough, smooth out with a spoon or spatula, only crushing and pressing the filling into the dough.
  8. Now you need to lay out the berries. Only they must first be sorted, washed and dry on a paper towel.
  9. Right to the filling, and these will be currant berries, you need to pour the remaining dough. Now we can say that the bulk pie in the slow cooker is almost ready, because it remains only to wait for its cooking.
  10. We bake using the Baking program, time - 50 minutes if we set the temperature of the device for 150 aboutFROM.
  11. Pull out the pie 10 minutes after the timer signal. Let it lie down, get used to the environment. And it is easier to take out if you pull the strips of bakery paper. And if they didn’t do this, then carefully turn over and put baking on a dish.

Cut with a sharp knife, serve the cake for tea still warm. Enjoy your tea party!

Castle pie in a slow cooker. Video
