Kefir in multicooker Redmond

On the shelves of grocery stores you can see a wide range of sour -milk products, including kefir. The fact that kefir is useful is known for a long time. But how to buy fresh kefir in the store? It is better not to buy sour milk products in the store, but to cook kefir in the redmond multicooker yourself.

Kefir in multicooker Redmond


When a small assistant appears in the kitchen, you can cook any dish easily and quickly. This also applies to kefir in Redmond multicooker, only a few components, a little time - and you can feed your family with a useful product.

The ingredients used:

  • milk (homemade or store), with a fat content of at least 3.2% - 1 l.;
  • fresh kefir - 1 cup.

How to make kefir in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. First, prepare milk - pour it into a multicooker container, install the “Frying” program and wait for the milk to heat up to a temperature of 40 aboutC. You can lower your finger into milk, if you feel a light tingling or burning sensation, then the milk is heated to the desired temperature. This applies to store pasteurized milk.
  2. In the event that kefir from homemade milk is prepared, it does not matter how much you trust the seller, the milk needs to be boiled and cool to a temperature of 40 aboutFROM.
  3. When the main product is ready, we enter as follows: pour 1 cup of kefir into warm milk, mix thoroughly so that the kefir dissolves well in milk. Important: in order for kefir to be thick, it is necessary to initially use milk and leaven with a high percentage of fat (from 2.5).
  4. Close the slut cover, turn on the program "Multipovar", temperature 30 aboutC, set the time - the kefir in the multicooker Redmond will be prepared for 6 hours. The heating function needs to be turned off.
  5. When the time expires, warm kefir should be poured into a glass container and cooled at room temperature in a natural way, and then put in the refrigerator. It is impossible to use “shock” manipulations for cooling kefir (placed in a freezer, put on a balcony in frost).

In the refrigerator, kefir will become thicker. You need to use it for its intended purpose, but if you plan to prepare a fresh portion of home kefir in the redmond multicooker, you must immediately leave 200 ml of zhiva kefir.

Children's kefir in multicooker Redmond


Since it is advisable to do the first feeding products, it is advisable to do kefir on your own. For the preparation of children's kefir in the redmond multicooker, it is better to take pasteurized baby milk and ferment it with kefir or special leashes. Consider several options for cooking kefir in a redmond multicooker for children.


  • milk - 1 cup;
  • kefir (fat content of 2.5%) - 1 tbsp.

Preparation of children's kefir in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. A simple way to prepare kefir: pour milk into a multicooker container, turn on the “heating” mode, wait for the milk to warm up to a temperature of 40 aboutC. If cow's milk is used, then it is pre -boiled and cool.
  2. Kefir is added to milk, mix well. Then they include the “heating” function, the kefir in the redmond multicooker will be prepared for 10 minutes. Then you need to leave kefir in a slow cooker for 1 hour, then turn on the heating again for 10 minutes.
  3. The finished kefir is warm in warm bottles, leave to cool at room temperature and only then move to the refrigerator.

Kefir for children on a sourdough


As this kefir, you will not have to doubt, it will bring only benefits to the children's body.


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • source "Narine" - 1 pc.

Step -by -step preparation of children's kefir in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. We make the main leaven: pour 50 ml of warm milk into the bubble with the sourdough (sold in pharmacies). Mix both components thoroughly, pour the multicooker into the bowl and turn on the heating mode for 10 minutes.
  2. After 10 minutes, the heating is turned off. We leave the starter for 12 hours on the table, and then put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  3. Boil cow milk or heat to 40 aboutWith pasteurized. Add the starter to it, mix thoroughly. Turn on the “heating” mode for 6 hours.
  4. When the time expires, the finished kefir in the redmond multicooker can be poured into glass containers.

Children's kefir in a multicooker Redmond with bacteria


For children who suffer from pain in tummy, you can prepare healthy kefir with a probiotic - it will help to establish digestion.

Ingredients for the preparation of children's kefir:

  • store pasteurized milk - 1 l.;
  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • probiotic "Bifidumbacterin".

How to cook kefir in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. The probiotic has no contraindications, and you can even give it to newborn children. You can first prepare a sourdough on the powder of a probiotic, and then enter it into kefir, or you can immediately make a children's kefir with the addition of "bifidubacterin".
  2. Boil and cool the milk, add sour cream to it, mix thoroughly.
  3. Enter 1 bottle “Bifidubacterina” in the mixture, carefully mix the powder with a wooden or plastic spatula. It is not recommended to use metal cutlery.
  4. Close the multicooker lid, set the Multiper mode. Kefir in a multicooker Redmond will be 7 hours to prepare.
  5. Ready kefir can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, and then useful bacteria will die. Therefore, it is better to make a small portion of kefir and drink it for 3 days-then there will be much more benefit from the drink. After 3 days, kefir can act on the human body differently and instead of a laxative it is worth expecting the opposite effect.

With the same success, you can cook kefir in the redmond multicooker using any sourdough that you can buy at the pharmacy. A bag of sourdough is stored in a cool place, best in the refrigerator. When using the sourdough, it is advisable not to use metal dishes and table objects made of metal, it is also necessary to pour boiling water on the dishes in which kefir and glass bottles will be prepared for storing the finished product. Compliance with all recommendations allows you to get a quality product with the maximum number of beneficial bacteria. Since the time of cooking yogurt in the Redmond multicooker may vary depending on the starting starts used, you can set different modes: “multi -pods”, “yogurt”, “heating”.

How to get a quality product. Several useful tips:

  1. Follow the hygiene: starting from hands, towels and ending with dishes - everything should be clean.
  2. Before boiling milk in a pan, even if it is clean, it is better to boil water or just pour it with boiling water.
  3. If kefir is prepared for a small child, then it is better to continue the dishes. This also applies to a spoon (wooden or plastic).
  4. In order for other bacteria in the milk when preparing kefir in the redmond multicooker, it is necessary to scald all the dishes with boiling water and leave it for 3 minutes, and then drain hot water and pour boiling water again.

Kefir in the multicooker Redmond "Like store"


Use this recipe to prepare a home kefir in a redmondic multicooker that tastes a store sour -milk product. You can purchase uterine kefir leaf in a dairy kitchen or in a laboratory at a dairy.

What needs to be prepared:

  • kefir leaf - 50 g;
  • milk - 1.2 l.

Preparation of kefir in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. Take whole raw milk - 200 ml, pour it into a sterile jar, close it with a clean sterile lid. Pour hot water into a multicooker container (70 aboutC) so that water and milk in the bank are at the same level.
  2. Turn on the “frying” mode for 15 minutes, wait for the water to begin to boil, and from the moment of boiling, hold the milk in the water for 10 minutes.
  3. Cool naturally milk to a temperature of 30 aboutC, add kefir leaf, mix.
  4. Put a jar of milk in a warm place for 15 hours. During this time, a kefir clot should form from fermented milk. It must be transferred to a sterile container and stored at a temperature not higher than +10 aboutS. Thus, we have prepared production kefir leaf. After 24 hours, it will be ready for use. The sourdough should be homogeneous, do not exfoliate, it looks like liquid sour cream to taste.
  5. To cook kefir pour 1 liter. Close milk, close the lid (all the dishes should be sterile), place it in the multicooker bowl. Pour water. Set the "Frying" mode, wait for the water in the slow cooker to boil.
  6. Kefir in boiling water in a multicooker Redmond should be 5 minutes, then it must be cooled up to 30 aboutC and leave in a warm place for 10 hours.
  7. When a clot forms, kefir can be rearranged in a cool place.
  8. They use ready -made production kefir chilled.

Kefir in the multicooker Redmond. Video
