Redmond RMC-M4503 multicooker-review, instructions, reviews

If you have not yet become a happy owner of modern technology, hurry with a purchase. The multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 will become an indispensable assistant in the preparation of satisfying dinners and useful breakfasts, as well as save your time spent in the kitchen. This model is equipped with the most necessary programs that will be needed to prepare not only everyday, but also festive dishes. You can familiarize yourself with this model in more detail in this article.

The main characteristics of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503

This model can be called a trial option for beginners. She will completely suit those housewives who want to get acquainted with the equipment, and at the same time are not ready to spend a lot of money on the purchase. Despite the limited number of programs that this model is equipped, the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 is perfectly coped with the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. It is easy to prepare various side dishes, porridge on water and milk, fry cutlets, simmer vegetable stews. The multicooker is equipped with a 5 -liter bowl with a coating that does not allow handling, which makes it possible to prepare even such delicate pastries as biscuits, cakes and muffins. The device uses the technology of careful heat treatment, which allows you to save all vitamins and beneficial qualities of products. With a large volume of the bowl and high consumption of 800 watts, the slow cooker has small dimensions of 27x30x27 cm and weight 3, 65 kg.


Advantages and disadvantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503

Advantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503:

  1. Affordable price.
  2. Simple management of the model.
  3. Removable moisture collector, which simplifies the care of the device.
  4. The function of the delayed start.
  5. The ability to maintain the temperature for 24 hours.

Disadvantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503:

  1. The impossibility of preliminary disconnecting of the autopod heat.
  2. A non -removable inner cover, which complicates the care of the slow cooker.
  3. Lack of hours on the case.
  4. Lack of manual program "Multipovar".
  5. The presence of extraneous smells that disappear after the first use.


REDMOND RMC-M4503 multicooker overview

Review of the main programs of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503:

  1. In the program "Rice" you can cook rice porridge, a side dish of rice and other cereals. When choosing this mode, the timer sets the time for 28 minutes with the ability to change it in the range from 5 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes. Step - 1 minute.
  2. In the program "Pilaf" multicooker Redmond RMC-M4503 will prepare pilaf according to any recipe and in any variation. In automatic mode, this will happen in 1 hour. Depending on the recipe, change the time from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Step - 5 minutes.
  3. Fry meat, fish, fry vegetables, various semi -finished products is recommended in the “Frying” program. When choosing this mode, the timer sets the time for 15 minutes. The time selection range is manually - from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Step - 5 minutes. As soon as the process comes to the end, the multicooker automatically goes into autopomater mode. The function of the deferred start in this mode is disabled for security purposes.
  4. The multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 will help cook breakfast from milk porridge by default in 33 minutes. Depending on the recipe and the type of cereal, change the time from 5 minutes to 1 hour in a step of 1 minute.
  5. Garnish made of buckwheat and crumbly buckwheat porridge are recommended to be prepared in the buckwheat program. Automatically the dishes are prepared in 35 minutes. You have the opportunity to change the time from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Step - 5 minutes.
  6. Various first dishes, including borscht, soups of any complexity, hodgepodge and ordinary broth are conveniently prepared in the "Soup" program. In the same mode, you can cook compote or fruit drinks. Automatically multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 will cope with this in 1 hour. If necessary, the cooking time can be changed from 15 minutes to 8 hours. Step - 5 minutes.
  7. To prepare vegetables for dietary salads, meat, fish, souffle, various semi -finished products (manti, dumplings), and a steaming program for baby food will help. In it, you can boil any pasta and other dough products. When choosing this mode, time is automatically set for 15 minutes. It is possible to choose time in the range from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Step - 5 minutes. The kit includes a special container for cooking dishes.
  8. With the preparation of air biscuits, aromatic cupcakes, sweet and snack pies, various casseroles, an omelet and any desserts will cope with the Baking program. By default, baking time is 1 hour. It is possible to change time in the range from 20 minutes to 4 hours in a step of 5 minutes. The multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 is not designed for baking bread. After the baking process is completed, the slow cooker automatically switches to the car heater mode.
  9. Prepare a jelly, pouring, hot meat, vegetable stew, honeycomb can easily extinguish the “Extinguishing” program. Automatically, she will cope with this in 40 minutes. The range for choosing time is from 20 minutes to 12 hours. Step - 5 minutes.
  10. You can heat the finished dish in the heating program in 30 minutes by default. This mode is also useful to you in the preparation of yogurts and other sour -milk products. The temporary range of the program is from 20 minutes to 4 hours, the step is 5 minutes. The start of the start is inaccessible in this mode.


Additional features of the RMC-M4503 multicooker:

  1. With the advent of the child, a young mother is added a lot of trouble for caring for the baby, because she gives him all her free time. In this case, a multicooker RMC-M4503 will cope with the cooking for the smallest. It provides for the opportunity to prepare various children's soups, vegetable and meat puree and milk porridge. For recipes, you can contact a book that comes with a slow cooker or use your recipe.
  2. In addition to the preparation of baby food, this model will help in sterilization of children's dishes, bottles, dummy, nipple and even toys. This is very important for the first months of the baby’s life, when the body of the crumbs is not yet strong.
  3. This model also provides for the possibility of pasteurization of liquid products, which will help to extend their sale period.

Redmond RMC-M4503 multicooker equipment

The kit includes:

  1. The device itself with a bowl installed inside.
  2. Steam container for cooking dishes.
  3. Plastic scoop for the first dishes.
  4. Plastic flat spoon.
  5. A scoop and a spoon holder.
  6. A measured glass for bulk ingredients and fluids.
  7. Cord for connecting to power supply.
  8. Service brochure in two languages.
  9. Device Manage Guide.
  10. The book "120 recipes" with color photos.


Rules for using a multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503

In order for the slow cooker to serve for a long time, you need to adhere to such rules:

  1. Carefully read the operation manual for the device before the first use.
  2. Print the packaging and remove the device from it. Wipe the casing of the multicooker with a damp cloth, then wash the bowl with warm water and all plastic devices. This is necessary for disinfecting multicooker and eliminating an extraneous smell.
  3. When the device dries, pour water into the bowl, add a pinch of citric acid, activate one of the modes, such as “soup” or “extinguishing”. Boil water for 30 minutes, then drain it and wipe the bowl with a dry rag.
  4. Wash the slow cooker after each use and always keep it clean.
  5. Do not leave ready -made dishes in the bowl for a long time so that they do not deteriorate.
  6. Do not use metal cutlery for stirring ingredients in the bowl. They can damage the coating, which will lead to burning products.
  7. Rinse the removable valve with running water so that it does not clog.
  8. Always install the device on a solid surface.
  9. Connect the device only to ground outlets.
  10. Turn off the power cord with dry hands to avoid electric shock.
  11. During operation, the body of the device heats up, so it is not recommended to touch it with bare hands.
  12. If you follow all the safety rules, take care of the slow cooker in time, it will last you for many years by faith and truth.


Reviews about the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503

Most consumers were satisfied with the work of this model and noted in it such positive qualities as the simplicity of control, the low weight and size of the multicooker, as well as a convenient bowl that allows you to prepare dishes for a large family. Users were satisfied with the fact that the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M4503 has the most necessary programs that allow you to cook dishes not only for adults, but also for kids of the first year of life. The only drawback indicated by the housewives is the presence of the smell of plastic, which is almost immediately released.

Redmond RMC-M4503 multicooker. Video
