Redmond RMC-M70 multicooker-review, instructions, reviews

Redmond RMC-M70 multicooker is a great choice for cooking for the whole family. Its spacious bowl, high power and uniform heating contributes to a rapid and easy cooking process, and the result will surpass all your expectations.

The multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 is suitable for both a novice cook and a professional in culinary art. With its help, you can create simple dishes and exclusive masterpieces according to your unique recipe.

16 automatic modes will help you with this, where the multicooker will do everything for you, and 26 manual settings, using which you can prepare a unique dish, which, undoubtedly, will delight your relatives and friends with its originality, excellent taste and wonderful aroma.

The multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 is a pressure cooker, a double boiler, and a bread machine. In it you can fry meat, cook porridge, bake bread and create magnificent desserts. With a multicooker from the famous Redmond company, all dishes during cooking, thanks to unique processing, retain all beneficial vitamins and trace elements, the consumption of which has a beneficial effect on your body.

REDMOND RMC-M70 multicooker overview



A ultra-resistant metal case, modern design and a stable design, multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 will become a real decoration for your kitchen and an indispensable rush stick during cooking.

The main features of this multicooker model include:

  • capacious 5-liter ceramic bowl with anti-stick coating of the Korean brand Anato;
  • high Power Ten (electric heating element) - 860 watts;
  • 42 preparation modes;
  • the presence of an internal lid for the bowl;
  • 3D heating;
  • convenient control panel and LCD display;
  • the function "Multiper";
  • the function of the deferred start;
  • the function of maintenance of heat;
  • the ability to install a timer with a delay of up to 24 hours;
  • the case is made in two color resolutions - white metallic and black metallic.

A distinctive feature of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70 is the presence of special tactile characters on the main buttons. This allows a person with weak vision easily using this household device.


Multiper function in a multicooker Redmond RMC-M70

With this wonderful program, you can easily set the right time and cooking temperature without problems, depending on your requests. The “multi -porch” function will be very helpful to all those housewives who love not only to cook, but also experimenting.

The range of temperature setting in the multi -breed program is limited by the lower limit of 35 degrees and the upper limit of 160 degrees, while the change step is 5 degrees Celsius.

The range of time setting in the Multipovar program is limited by the lower limit of 5 minutes and the upper limit of 12 hours, while in the interval of 5 minutes - 1 hour of a change in 1 minute, and in the interval 1 hour - 12 hours, a change in 5 minutes.

Initially, in standard settings, it was set: a temperature of 160 degrees and a time of 10 minutes.

The Multiper function makes the cooking process pleasant, and the result is worthy of the title of chef.

Description of the main cooking modes in the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70


The multicooker Redmond RMC-M70 includes 16 automatic cooking modes. So, by pressing just one button on the control panel, you get access to a wide range of opportunities in the preparation of various dishes.

Automatic modes in the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70

The regime "Frying"

This mode is designed to fry meat, fish and vegetables.

The "Frying - Meat" program is recommended for cooking meat and meat products. The standard time here is 40 minutes.

The "Frying - Fish" program is designed to create fish and seafood dishes. Standard time - 15 minutes.

In the program "Frying - Vegetables" you can easily and simply fry all kinds of vegetables. The standard time in this program is 10 minutes.

In the "Frying" mode, you can set your cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 1 hour with one -minute step. The ingredients added to the bowl must be stirred from time to time so as not to get drunk. To get a golden crust, the casing of the multicooker should not be closed. The function of the delayed start in the Frying program is not available. The function of automatic heating can be turned off by hand as necessary.

The mode "Cooking"

Its direct purpose is a cook of rice, cereals, the preparation of pilaf and all kinds of dairy cereals.

Using the program “Cooking - Rice, Group” you can prepare rice, buckwheat, millet and other types of cereals. Porridges are friable, tasty and healthy. Automatically displayed time is 25 minutes.

The program "Cooking - Dairy Porridge" is designed to make milk cereals, especially popular dishes for breakfast. Milk and cereal are an excellent combination of proteins and energy, vitamins and useful minerals. The standard cooking time is set for 10 minutes. In the process of cooking, it is possible to boil milk, so before starting the cooking process, you should add a little drinking water to the milk and grease the bowl of the multicooker with butter.

In the programs “Cooking - Rice, Group” and “Cooking - Dairy Porridge” you can set time in the range from 5 minutes to 1.5 hours with one -minute step.

In the program "Cooking - Pilaf" by default it costs 1 hour. At the end of this period, you can enjoy one of the most delicious dishes - domestic pilaf. The cooking time with manual settings can be varyed from 30 minutes to 2 hours with a five -minute step.

In all of the above modes “Cooking”, the automatic heating function can be turned off manually. The deferred start function is available.


Training mode

This is an ideal option for the preparation of vegetable and meat broths, cold people, languor of meat, fish and vegetables. Cooking in this mode is close to low -temperature preparation of dishes in the furnace.

The “Extinguishing - Meat” program is designed for the process of creating meat dishes that require long -term heat treatment. The default time is 1 hour, but manual setting is possible in the range of 10 minutes - 12 hours with a five -minute step.

The program "Extinguishing is fish". Tasty stewed fish prepared in this program will become a wonderful find for real connoisseurs. A pre -installed time in the slow cooker is 35 minutes with the possibility of changing it from 10 minutes to 12 hours with a five -minute step.

The program "Extinguishing - Vegetables". To prepare vegetable dishes that require prolonged heat treatment, a stove is now not required. The cooking time, by default, is 20 minutes, but it can be changed manually, starting from 10 minutes and ending with 12 hours with a five -minute step.

In all of the above modes of “Cooking”, the automatic heating function can be disconnected manually. The deferred start function is available.

Steam mode

In all dishes preparing in this mode, beneficial substances are preserved. Steam food retains its original taste, aroma and freshness.

The "steam - meat" program is designed for cooking in a special steam container of meat products, mantles and dietary dishes. Initially, in the slow cooker, the cooking time is set for 40 minutes, with a possible subsequent change from 5 minutes to 1 hour with one -minute step.

The program "Steam - Fish". You can make a steam in a slow cooker fish and seafood using this program. Automatically set time - 15 minutes, changing it manually is not difficult in the range from 5 minutes to an hour in one minute.

The program “Steam - Vegetables” is recommended for cooking vegetables, various vegetarian, dietary and children's foods. The standard cooking time in the slow cooker set 10 minutes, with a possible change in 5 minutes to an hour in a step in one minute.

In all “steam” modes, automatic heating can be disabled manually, and the function of the deferred start is available.


Soup mode

It serves for the preparation of the first dishes: borscht, soups, bribberries, honeycombs, cabbage soup, ear and others. By default, 1 hour of time for cooking is set, which can be changed manually in the range with the lower limit of 10 minutes and the upper limit of 8 o’clock, while the step will be one minute. Automatic heating of the dishes here can be disabled manually, and the function of the deferred start is available.

Pasta mode

Thanks to this regime, you can prepare all kinds of pasta, dumplings, khinkali, etc. The set time by default is 8 minutes. It can be changed manually in the range from 2 minutes to 20 minutes with one -minute step. In connection with the possibility of the formation of foam when cooking some types of products, you can prepare in this mode with an open multicooker lid. Automatic heating can be disabled manually. The function of the delayed start in the Pasta program is not available.

"Baking" mode

The mode is used to create cupcakes, biscuits, pies, charlotte, etc. The default time in this program is 1 hour, but if necessary, it can be changed yourself in the range from 30 minutes to 4 hours with a five -minute step. In this program, the function of the delayed start is possible. Manual shutdown of auto -heating is available.

The multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70 is able to remember the last preparation time you introduced with displaying it on the display, and in order to return to the default installations, you must press and keep the “Time installation” key until the sound signal sounds.

Redmond RMC-M70 multicooker equipment


The standard equipment of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70 includes everything you need in order to make the cooking process simple and convenient.

The kit includes:

  1. Ceramic bowl with anti -stick coating.
  2. Plastic spoon and scoop.
  3. Steaming container.
  4. Merged cup.
  5. Fritical.
  6. Forceps to raise a bowl.
  7. A book with 200 recipes for cooking dishes (including section on baby food).
  8. Instructions for use.

Advantages and disadvantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70


The undeniable advantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70 are:

  1. The ceramic anti -stick coating of the bowl is resistant to scratches, thanks to it, the dishes are not burned even in the absence of preliminary lubrication with fat.
  2. Simple management.
  3. Removable inner cover and steam valve.
  4. Uniform heating.
  5. Tactile symbols on the main keys of the multicooker for visually impaired.
  6. Remembering the last cooking time.
  7. The instruction is written in an accessible language for understanding.
  8. A large number of cooking programs will allow you to cook almost any dish without unnecessary expenses of time and effort. Drawing, double boiler or bread machine will no longer be useful to you.
  9. The presence of the program "Multipovar" for the embodiment of all your culinary fantasies.
  10. A large temperature range of cooking will prepare the dish and quickly and slowly.
  11. The ability to choose the right color of the multicooker housing of two proposed: white or black.

It is difficult to believe, but this model of multicooker also has disadvantages, only there are significantly less of them than pluses.

The disadvantages of the multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70 can be considered:

  1. Overcharge.
  2. There is no condensation container.

Having purchased a multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70, you will not regret the money spent, because first of all, it is you, your relatives and friends will feel that it is tasty, quickly prepared and at the same time healthy food. When buying this multicooker model, you buy not just a kitchen device - you buy an invaluable assistant in cooking that can replace you with many other household units. With a multicooker REDMOND RMC-M70, you will receive only pleasure from the cooking process, and your family will say only thanks to you!


REDMOND RMC-M70 multicooker: video

In this video, you can evaluate all the advantages of the multicooker Redmond RMC-M70.
