
Wheat porridge in a multicooker Redmond

Wheat porridge is very nutritious and almost tasteless, if nothing is seasoned. But this is a fixable thing: a pinch of fragrant appliances and additional components turn the product into an appetizing reflection. There are several options for cooking wheat porridge in the redmondic multicooker. In our article you will find the most popular recipes.

Patrum - a real find for dishes made of wheat cereal. With this ingredient, the porridge will never be sticky and lumpy. For the period of post, butter is replaced with a certain amount of vegetable. Wheat porridge is good both as a separate dish, and as a side dish combined with meat ties (then you can do without oil). Sended wheat porridge is a great choice to eat in the morning.

Wheat porridge in milk in a multicooker Redmond

Let's start with a classic recipe. Redmond prepares this dish in a multicooker in "Milk porridge" for half an hour.

What should be at hand:

  • wheat cereal - 200 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • butter - 20 g.

We proceed to the practical part of the recipe:

  1. Sort out the cereal and take away large sorcerers, then pour water into a bowl with cereal and drain immediately. Repeat the procedure twice more.
  2. Put the cereal in the pot of multicacha, follow the milk and water, put sugar with salt.
  3. We give the device the necessary command and set the working time - 30 minutes.
  4. When the multicooker gives a signal about the readiness of the dish, leave the porridge “rest” on the heating for about 20 minutes.
  5. Laying out a sweet dish on plates, smash every portion. Eat to your health!

Wheat porridge on water in a multicooker Redmond

Porridge prepared this way is served as a side dish. Nothing complicated and, most importantly, delicious.


  • cereal - 1 multistakan;
  • water - 4 multistakan;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • oil - 50 g.

We will organize the workflow as follows:

  1. Run 2 - 3 times under the tap. When you make sure that it is clean, pour it into a slow cooker. Add taste and aroma regulators (for example, basil or rosemary). Mix the contents of the bowl.
  2. Take water into the device. To make the porridge more boiled, we use the water already hot.
  3. “Rice/Groups”, “Milk porridge”, “Cooking” - put a multicier machine in one of these modes for exactly 60 minutes.
  4. Given the volume of the liquid and the selected regimen, the porridge can be liquid. The higher density of the dish is achieved by a smaller amount of water or by languishing the finished porridge on heating for 25-30 minutes.

Wheat porridge with vegetables in a multicooker Redmond

Wheat porridge contains a whole set of nutrients so necessary for the body. A wonderful composition of the product is an occasion to cook it more often. And so that the dish is quickly not bored with home, every time offer its different options - for example, with vegetables.

Grocery list:

  • wheat cereal - 2 tbsp.;
  • small zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • medium size onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper, spices;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

The work course is as follows:

  1. Install the multicier machine in the "Frying" mode for 10 minutes. Put finely chopped vegetables on sunflower oil - carrots with onions.
  2. Peel the old zucchini, the young vegetable can not be cleaned. Cut it with small cubes and also send it to the slow cooker. Fry the vegetables, stirring them from time to time, otherwise they will suck. Now you can slightly salt and pepper roasting.
  3. Put the browned vegetables into a bowl, we will “dilute” the finished porridge. If you prepare the ingredients together, the vegetable frying will digest and lose its useful qualities.
  4. Rinse wheat cereal to clean water and pour into the multichan. Pour water and salt the ingredients. Put the reducing multicooker in the “Cooking Express” mode for 40 minutes. In the slow cooker of other companies, choose the Porridge program.
  5. When the signal sounds, it remains only to connect the porridge with the vegetable roasting. Mix the products well. If desired, you can add fresh chopped garlic. Let the finished dish stand for about 20 minutes, then all its taste will open in full. Before serving, a little butter is added to each portion. On top, the dish is decorated with a cap of finely chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

Wheat porridge with pumpkin in a multicooker Redmond

This is a option of thick wheat porridge. If sugar and vanillin are excluded from the recipe, you get an original side dish for meat.

The following ingredients will be needed:

  • crushed wheat cereal - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 4 of the same glasses;
  • a piece of Tykvin - about 300 g;
  • vanilin - on the tip of the knife;
  • butter;
  • salt, sugar.

Check out the procedure for cooking wheat porridge in the redmond multicooker:

  1. Place a multicier device in a saucepan repeatedly washed cereal, generously lubricated with softened butter.
  2. Cut the peel from the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces and mix with our wheat.
  3. Planned a sweet dish? Then put salt, sugar and vanillin to the products, last pour water.
  4. Put the device in the "rice/cereal" mode for 35 minutes.
  5. Prepared in a multicooker Redmond wheat porridge with pumpkin is served on a table with a piece of butter and honey.

Wheat porridge with meat in a multicooker Redmond

And this dish of wheat cereal will serve you a hearty dinner or dinner. We will cook it with meat.

Write down the list of ingredients:

  • pork pulp - 350 g;
  • wheat cereal - 300 g;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • salt, rosemary.

Preparation instructions:

  1. Clean and chop the onion and carrots. Fry the vegetables in preheated sunflower oil to a rosy shade on the corresponding program.
  2. Now add cleaned to the roasting and, pay attention, whole garlic teeth and the pulp cut by large pieces. Fry the products for another 7 - 8 minutes. Do not close the device with a lid, during this time you need to mix the products 1 - 2 times with a spatula.
  3. Salt pork with vegetables, add seasonings and pour in water. As a working mode, select “Extinguishing” for 25 minutes with a cover closed.
  4. When the time expires, take the garlic from the device, and add washed wheat cereal to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. To prepare wheat porridge in the Redmond multicooker, we select the “Group/Rice” mode and set the working hours from 30 to 45 minutes (the readiness of the dish must be checked periodically).
  6. When the porridge with the meat is ready, fluore the dish for another 10 - 15 minutes on the heating. To health!

Wheat porridge with stew in a multicooker Redmond

There is another “meat” recipe using wheat cereal. For the simplicity of cooking and an excellent taste, many hostesses know and love it.

List of necessary products:

  • wheat cereal - 250 g;
  • pork or beef stew - 180 g;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • butter - 50 g.

We attach a short manual for the preparation of the dish:

  1. Pour clean wheat cereal with water and put the saucepan on low heat. After 5 minutes, add potatoes chopped with small cubes to the cereal. Leave the container with products on fire until the liquid evaporates from there.
  2. In a slow cooker in butter, fry the vegetable cut, and when the onion becomes transparent, put stew, fat and gravy in the bowl. Salt a little. Fry meat with vegetables for about 8 minutes.
  3. Transfer porridge with potatoes to a frying in a slow cooker, add spices and seasonings at will.
  4. Set the “Extinguishing” program for 12 minutes and cook wheat porridge in the redmond multicooker under a closed lid.
  5. Decorate the finished dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Wheat porridge with chicken hearts in a multicooker Redmond

Chicken hearts are a successful addition to wheat croup. Such a dish is tasty, hearty and completely not fat.

You will need:

  • chicken hearts - 400 g;
  • wheat cereal - 2 multistakan;
  • water - 3 multistakan;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper.

Method of preparing wheat porridge in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. To begin with, wash the hearts in running water, and then cut all the fat from them. If desired, divide each heart into 2 parts.
  2. Put the offal into the slow cooker and pour a little water next. Run the “Extinguishing” program on the device for 50 minutes. Our meat should be soft and melting in the mouth.
  3. While the slow cooker is working on meat, chop the onion and carrots, as it is convenient for you.
  4. When the extinguishing time expires, rearrange the unit on the Baking program for 20 minutes and report chopped vegetables to the hearts.
  5. After 20 minutes, put the washed wheat cereal, salt and pepper in the multicooker container. Pour the contents of the device with water and prepare the automatically set time in the Express mode.
  6. Wheat porridge with chicken hearts prepared in the multicooker Redmond is served with a piece of butter, sour cream or a small amount of mayonnaise.

Wheat porridge with fish croquet in a multicooker Redmond
