Cake in multicooker Redmond

Today, it is rare that a holiday does without a cake, because this treat is not only for children, but also to adults. Yes, and it is not necessary to wait for any celebration to please yourself with a piece of delicious pastries with tea or coffee. But many housewives do not undertake to bake cakes for various reasons: someone does not work for someone, others do not get the dough. In these cases, the redmond multicooker comes to the rescue.

Cake "Drunk Cherry" in the multicooker Redmond

Cake "Drunk Cherry" - for real gourmets. The combination of chocolate with cherries infused on cognac makes this dish unforgettable, and is prepared very quickly and easily if you use the Redmond multicooker.



  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilin - 0.5 tsp;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • cursed milk - 0.5 cans.


  • sugar powder - 4 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black chocolate - 100 g;
  • cherries without bones - 0.5 cups;
  • cognac - 0.5 cups.


Preparation of the Drunk Cherry Cake in the reducmond multicooker:

  1. Peel the cherries from the seeds, pour cognac and insist for 12 hours. You need to add 3 tbsp. l. sugar if you use frozen cherries.
  2. The basis of the cake is a biscuit in order to prepare it, you must first separate the proteins and yolks from each other. Add sugar to yolks and beat with a mixer. Next, mix with sour cream, cocoa and vanilla. Sift the flour and introduce into the dough in small portions, constantly stirring, so there will be no lumps in the test.
  3. Beat the squirrels to sharp peaks and gently introduce their dough, mixing with a spoon so that it turns out to be airy.
  4. In the oil -lubricated multicooker bowl, lay out the dough. Bake a biscuit in a multicooker Redmond in the "baking" mode for an hour. After the baking is completed, turn off the slow cooker, but leave the cake inside for another 15 minutes. Then remove it and cool it.
  5. The cake needs to be divided into two parts. The upper one is small width, it must be removed carefully so that it does not break. And the lower part is wide, you need to get the pulp from it, but not to the bottom, so that it turns out a rounded shape without the middle.
  6. Pour cherries into a sieve and let her drain.
  7. To prepare the cream, you need to beat a softened butter with condensed milk with a mixer.
  8. Make the lower and upper parts of the cake with a layer of cream and let it soak.
  9. The pulp of the biscuit that was taken out, cut into small pieces, mix with cream and cherries.
  10. Fill the resulting mass. Cover on top of the cut upper cake and squeeze well.
  11. To make glaze, it is necessary to melt the butter in the pan, add sugar powder and cocoa to it, and boil. Then add the chocolate and dissolve it completely. Remove the finished glaze from the fire and cool it, but do not let it thicken. After that, cover the over the cake and on the sides of the glaze.

The Cake "Drunk Cherry" in the multicooker Redmond is ready. Before serving, the cake must be well cooled in the refrigerator.


Cake "Zebra" in the multicooker Redmond

The Zebra cake attracts not only its taste, but also the original look. In it, light and dark stripes alternate in it, like a zebra, from here its name went. This cake can also be prepared in the multicooker Redmond.



  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • flour in/s - 2 cups;
  • soda (extinguish with apple cider vinegar) - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.


  • sour cream (20%) - 300 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cream (33%) - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • coconut chips - 1 package.


Preparation of the Zebra cake in the multicooker Redmond:

  1. Mix the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until the whole mass increases by 3 times.
  2. Add softened butter to whipped eggs. Put sour cream there and mix everything well. Add soda with apple vinegar to the dough. Put pre -sifted flour and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. The dough should be divided into two parts. Put cocoa in one part and stir.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter. Lay out a light and dark dough on each other - 2 tbsp. l. Light, 2 tbsp. l. Dark. Repeat the procedure until the dough ends.
  5. The cakes are needed on the Baking program for 30 minutes.
  6. After the signal sounds, leave the cake for another 15 minutes in a slow cooker.
  7. After 15 minutes, take out the cake and wait until it cools down. Then divide it into 2 cakes.
  8. To prepare the cream, you need to beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla.
  9. Prepare the icing: melt the butter in a water bath without bringing it to a boil. Pour the cream, add sugar, cocoa and mix everything thoroughly. Cook to thickening, constantly mixing, so as not to burn. Leave to cool.
  10. Lubricate cream cream.
  11. Cover the upper cake with glaze.
  12. Decorate with coconut. If desired, you can decorate with grated chocolate or hammer nuts.

This cake in a redmondic multicooker can be prepared without a cream, then you get a delicious pie.


Pancho cake in a multicooker Redmond

Pancho cake is one of the most popular and very tasty cakes. You can cook it not only in the oven, but also in the redmond multicooker.



  • wheat flour in/s - 2/3 cups;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • citric acid –0.5 tsp;
  • vanilin - 1 tsp;
  • starch - ¼ tbsp.;
  • butter - 10 g.


  • sour cream (preferably 25 %) - 900 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • pineapples canned (slices) - 1 bank;
  • cognac (optional) - 2 tbsp. l.


  • black chocolate - 1 tile.

Cooking method:

  1. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter.
  2. Gently separate the proteins from the yolks. In separately, beat the proteins with citric acid with a mixer and at low speed, gradually add sugar (half the norm). After adding all the sugar, you can increase the speed and whisk the proteins to sharp peaks (if the protein mass does not spill out of it when turning the dishes, the proteins are beaten correctly).
  3. Beat the yolks into another container with the remaining sugar until the mass becomes light yellow, add vanillin and beat a little more.
  4. Pre -sifted flour and starch add to whipped yolks, mix. Enter proteins, gently mixing with a spatula.
  5. Put the finished mass in a multicooker bowl. Install the "baking" mode for 60 minutes. After the end of the program, leave the finished biscuit in a slow cooker for another 15 minutes. Then carefully remove the biscuit and cool it.
  6. Cut the lower part of the biscuit about 1.5-2 cm high. Cut the upper part into 2 cm pieces.
  7. Beat sour cream with sugar. Divide into 3 parts.
  8. Put the whole cake on the dish and soak well with pineapple juice. Add cognac if desired. Lubricate the cake with cream and lay out half the pineapple.
  9. Mix chopped pieces of cake with the second part of the cream, adding the remaining pineapples.
  10. Lay the resulting mass on the cake, giving the cake the shape of the cone, and pour the cream that remains.
  11. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and decorate the cake from above.

If desired, pineapple can be replaced with cherries.


Honeycot in the multicooker Redmond

A honey carrier is one of the delicious and favorite cakes. Delicate and soft, just melts in the mouth. It will become a decoration of any holiday! And most importantly, this wonderful cake is completely uncomplicated in cooking. You can prepare a honey cord in the multicooker Redmond. This will need:

For cakes:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • sour cream - 700 g;
  • prunes - 300 g.;
  • walnuts - 200 g.

Preparation of a honey cake in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until the mass increases by 3 times.
  2. Add honey to whipped eggs. Mix well so that the honey is completely dissolved.
  3. Add pre -sifted flour. Mix the dough with a spatula.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and lay out the dough. Bake for an hour at the Baking program. After the signal about the completion of the baking sounds, it is necessary to check the cake for readiness. To do this, pierce the cake with a wooden skewer. If the skewer is dry, then the cake is ready. If the skewer is wet, it will be necessary to continue the baking for another 15 minutes.
  5. While the dough is baked, prepare the cream. Beat sour cream with sugar. Prepare the prunes. To do this, it must be praised with boiling water so that it is softened. Cut the cooled cake into 3 parts. v-Multivarke-Medovik-RECEPT
  6. Lubricate the cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts and pieces of prunes.
  7. Leave it in the refrigerator so that it is soaked in cream for 5 hours.


The delicious honey carrier is ready. You can call a family for tea drinking.

Cake Smetannik in a multicooker Redmond. Video
