
Curd cake in a slow cooker

The world of cooking can definitely boast a huge variety of cakes. One of the most popular can be considered cottage cheese cake, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Cottage cheese goes well with other ingredients, whether it be fruits, jams or any other fillers, in this article we will talk about cottage cheese cake.

Cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker

Curd cake with dried fruits, it is always tasty and simple, so today we will start with such a recipe.

We prepare products:

  • Cream oil - 180 g.
  • Sugar - 170 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 250 g.
  • Baking powder - 10 g.
  • Kuraga - 80 g.
  • Turmeric, cinnamon.

The filling of the cake will be from these components:

  • Home cottage cheese - Paul kg.
  • Sugar - 170 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Starch - 80 g.

When we need everything that we need for goodies, we have, we begin the process itself:

  • We pre -take out the oil from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft, so it will be much easier for us to work with it.
  • Put the oil in the container, and gradually adding sugar, we achieve a homogeneous mass.
  • Now drive into the mixture of eggs.
  • We must sift the flour so that all the lumps are eliminated and do not get into the dough.
  • Little the flour, turmeric, cinnamon, baking powder to the liquid mixture, and knead the dough.
  • According to the recipe, it should turn out to be quite dense, but at the same time soft.
  • We leave the resulting dough for half an hour.

Now we can start making delicious fillings:

  • Kuraga is sure to be and pour with steep boiling water so that it becomes soft. Then cut each piece into 4 parts.
  • In the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks.
  • We carefully rub the yolks with sugar, and then beat with a whisk.
  • In the resulting mixture we put cottage cheese and starch. Beat the ingredients with a whisk, and preferably a mixer.
  • Squirrels need to be beaten separately. In the process of whipping, add a little salt.
  • When the protein mixture is ready, carefully insert it into the filling, stir it with a spoon. Beat our mixture at this stage.


  • We take the electrical appliance bowl and carefully cover it with two parchment ribbons. We put strips of paper in such a way that later, taking up for them, you can easily get a treat.
  • We take the dough and put it in the bowl of the device, forming quite high sides.
  • Pour the filling into the dough.
  • We put pieces of dried apricots on top.
  • The device is driven into the "pastries" mode and expect 1 hour.
  • When the time specified in the program will end, check the cake with a toothpick or a match.
  • Perhaps your multicooker for baking this cake will need a little more time. In this case, turn on the specified mode again and give the treat another min. 15 for cooking.
  • When the cake is ready, carefully remove it using parchment paper, which we covered with a bowl of the device.
  • Let sweets stand for about half an hour.

Curd cake with strawberries in a slow cooker

Strawberries are a favorite berry of almost all children and adults, so we could not help but tell about the recipe for a cottage cheese cake with this berry.

To bake such sweetness, prepare the following products:

  • Wheat flour - 230 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g.
  • Butter - 120 g.
  • Turmeric, cinnamon, baking powder.

We will fill the cake as follows:

  • Homemade cottage cheese - Paul kg.
  • Strawberries - Paul kg.
  • Sour cream - 130 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Starch - 90 g.

Next, we follow the instructions:

  • Grind soft oil with granulated sugar. At the same stage, add to a mixture of spices and slightly baking powder.
  • Gently introduce the sifted flour to the resulting mixture. We knead the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. Follow the amount of added flour, you may need it a little less or more than indicated in the recipe.
  • According to the recipe, the dough should be quite solid. Having made it, we set him aside.
  • We are engaged in filling the delicacy. To do this, I can remove the tails and interrupt it with a blender, but we take only 150 g. Next, mix cottage cheese, strawberries, sour cream, eggs and starch and beat again. At the exit we must get a homogeneous mass.
  • Now take the baking paper and cut a few strips. We place these strips in the circuit of the electrical appliance in such a way that later, taking up for them, you can easily get the cake.
  • We gently lay the dough in the container, forming quite large sides.
  • Pour strawberry and sprout into the dough.
  • We put the device into effect in the "baking" mode and expect 1 hour.
  • At the end of this program, do not rush to get a treat. Turning on the “heating” mode, let the cake stand for about half an hour.
  • Then we wait until our sweetness has cooled.
  • When the cake has cooled, we take it out of the bowl and decorate the remaining berry over the filling.

Curd cake with cherry in a slow cooker

This delicacy with cherry-torn filling is unusually tasty and tender. Such a dessert can easily be served on the festive table.

The following products will be needed:

  • Wheat flour - 60 g.
  • Sugar - 55 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 10 g.
  • Turmeric, cinnamon.
  • Pattering oil is a small piece.

We will fill the cake with such ingredients:

  • Home cottage cheese - Paul kg.
  • Sour cream - 450 g.
  • Sugar - 230 g.
  • Gelatin - 10 g.
  • Cherry - Paul kg.
  • Boiling water - 220 ml.
  • Jelly for the cake - 1 pc.

We also need a detachable form for the formation of a cake. The cooking process is quite laborious, but the result is definitely worth it:

  • In the container we combine sifted flour, baking powder, turmeric, cinnamon.
  • Beat the eggs with a whisk, and preferably with the help of a mixer. During this process, gently add sugar sand to the egg mixture, in the amount of 55 g.
  • Now mix liquid and dry mixtures and bring to a homogeneous mass.
  • Lubricate the container of the device with butter and pour the dough there.
  • We put the device into effect in the "baking" mode and expect about 45 minutes. Your multicooker can cope with the task a little faster or vice versa, slower, but it is considered to be standard for 45 minutes.
  • The readiness of the cake can be checked in an old -good way - a match or toothpick.
  • We leave the finished cake alone so that it completely cooled.
  • At this time, we take 130 g of sugar and dissolve it in 220 ml of boiling water.
  • Berries must be washed, sorted out, if necessary, remove the seeds.
  • Now we put cherries in this sweet liquid, we wait a couple of hours.
  • Next, we are engaged in the following process. We take gelatin and fill it with 100 ml of water, expect the right amount of time while the product swells. We heat the gelatin, but in no case boil, then cool it.
  • We combine home cottage cheese with 100 g of sugar, sour cream and beat until a creamy mass is obtained.
  • Now we gradually pour the dissolved gelatin into this mixture and continue to beat for a couple of minutes.
  • We take a detachable shape that suits us in size, taking into account the size of the cake.
  • We put a biscuit in it, generously impregnate it with berry syrup, which we got during the insisting cherries in sugar fluid.
  • Then we pour the cottage cheese-mixed mixture onto the cake and leave the future cake in the cold for a couple of hours so that it freezes.
  • Now lay out on the frozen mass of cherries.
  • We dilute the jelly for the cake according to the instructions indicated on the product.
  • Pour the berries with the resulting jelly.
  • We leave the cake in a cold place for another hour.
  • Then carefully open the shape and transfer our masterpiece to the dish.
  • It turns out an incredibly beautiful and delicious cake, which, if desired, can be decorated with fresh mint leaves.

Curd cake "Zebra" in a slow cooker

The name of the treats involves something unusually beautiful and interesting, and these guesses are absolutely true. A cake called Zebra is very fond of kids, because it turns out two -color.

To bake this sweetness, we will need:

  • Home cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 180
  • Cream - 80 ml.
  • Dark chocolate - tiles.
  • Cream oil - a small piece.
  • Starch - 50 g.
  • Turmeric, cinnamon, vanilla sugar.

Now that all the products are at hand, we proceed to the cooking process:

  • Pour the cream into the pan and, turning on the gas, let them warm up well, but in no case boil them.
  • Now add chocolate to the container and put it on the gas again. We are waiting for the mass to become homogeneous, while we stir the liquid.
  • Turn off the gas under the pan again.
  • In a separate container we combine cottage cheese, all eggs and granulated sugar. Mix all ingredients and beat.
  • The resulting mass is divided into 2 parts and add the contents of the saucepan to one of them. At the output, we get 2 mixtures in different containers: one is white cottage cheese, the second is cottage cheese, chocolate color.
  • Then, add 25 g of starch, spices, vanilla sugar to each container and mix both mixtures without connecting them with each other.
  • Now take a piece of oil and lubricate the bowl of the device. At the same time, we lubricate not only the bottom, but also the sides.
  • Then the "jewelry" work begins. We take a spoon or a small scoop and take turns pouring light and dark mixtures into the container, while it is not forbidden to pour the dough with some patterns, but most often it is poured in circles.
  • When the entire white and dark mixture is poured, we take a toothpick or any other clean stick and carefully decorate the top of the cake. Again, you can make a web or some other pattern.
  • We drive the device in the "baking" mode and expect 45 minutes.
  • Then we check the readiness of the treats and, if necessary, bake it in the same mode for about 20 minutes.
  • When the cake is ready, we are in no hurry to get it. Let it stand in the device for half an hour.
  • Next, we take out the "zebra" and serve.

Cottage cheese cake with apples in a slow cooker

Apples are an affordable fruit for each person, so they are very often used to prepare various desserts, and cakes are no exception.

The following products will be needed:

  • Flour - 5.5 tbsp.
  • Homemade cottage cheese - Paul kg.
  • Apples sweet and sour-3 pcs.
  • Sanny cereal - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 170 g.
  • Salt is a pinch.
  • Pattering oil is a small piece.

According to the recipe, we will also prepare the syrup:

  • Butter - 65 g.
  • Sugar - 120 g.
  • Water - 3 tbsp.

Next, we follow the preparation instructions:

  • My fruits, cut the peel and remove the core. Next, cut the apples with slices.
  • Lubricate the bowl of the device with a small piece of oil, while paying attention not only to the bottom, but also to the sides. We lay out the fruits at the bottom of the container.
  • In the pan, we lay out all the ingredients for the syrup, while the water should be cold. We bring the mixture of the products to a boil and fill the apples with the resulting syrup.
  • In a separate container we combine cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream, semolina, wheat flour, granulated sugar and salt, if desired, you can add turmeric and cinnamon to the dough.
  • Beat all the ingredients until we get a homogeneous mass.
  • Now we pour the resulting dough into the bowl of the electrical appliance for fruits.
  • We drive the device in the "baking" mode and expect 1 hour.
  • When the device goes into waiting mode, do not get the cake, but let it stand for about half an hour.
  • Next, we transfer the treat to the dish and, if desired, decorate with powder and mint.

Curd cake with a banana cream in a slow cooker

The combination of cottage cheese biscuit and delicate banana cream will not leave anyone indifferent. This dessert is perfect for home tea and for the festive table.

We stock up with products:

  • Wheat flour - 260 g.
  • Butter - 120 g.
  • Sugar - 250 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 15 g.
  • Salt is a pinch.

We will make the cream from these products:

  • Home sour cream - 250 g.
  • Sugar powder - 3 tbsp.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.

Now we begin to cook the cake:

  • Cottage cheese must be thoroughly wiped in order to remove all the grains.
  • We pre -take out the oil from the refrigerator so that it manages to become soft. Then we connect it to sugar and beat. You need to beat with a mixer, because we need to get an air homogeneous mass.
  • Now we combine cottage cheese and oil mixture and beat again.
  • We drive eggs into the curd-oil mixture. It is recommended to add 1 egg to the mixture, each time whipping the mass slightly.
  • Then we sift the flour, removing all the unnecessary lumps, and mix it with salt and baking powder.
  • Combine liquid and dry mixtures.
  • Make the dough.
  • Lubricate the power supply capacity with a small piece of oil.
  • Pour the mixture into the bowl.
  • We drive the device in the "baking" mode and cook an hour and a half.
  • We transfer the treat to the dish and let it cool, and at this time we make the cream.
  • In the container, connect the chilled sour cream and powdered sugar, beat the ingredients until a thick mass is obtained.
  • We clean the fruits from the peel and interrupt with a blender.
  • Next, connect the sour cream mixture with bananas and beat the resulting mass again.
  • We cut the cake into 2 parts and generously lubricate them with our cream.
  • Let the cake be saturated for several hours and proceed to tea drinking.

Curd cake with chocolate cream in a slow cooker

Chocolate cream, perhaps, can be considered a classic option for impregnation of most desserts. And not in vain, because such a cream is always a win -win option, since it taste almost all sweet tooth.

We will need the following products:

  • Wheat flour - 160 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 260 g.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Baking powder - 10 g.
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Pattering oil is a small piece.

We will make the cream from these products:

  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Curses - 200 g.
  • Cocoa - 50 g.

We proceed to the process of making a cake:

  • We drive all the eggs into the container, begin to whisk, gradually adding sugar to them.
  • We sift the flour to remove unnecessary lumps.
  • Add flour to the egg mixture. We do it gradually.
  • Also, lay out cottage cheese, baking powder in the container. If desired, you can add a little turmeric and cinnamon.
  • Make the dough.
  • Lubricate the device with a piece of oil.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl.
  • The device is driven in the "baking" mode and expect about half an hour.
  • After the specified time, check the readiness of the cake.
  • If necessary, bind it in the same mode for 10-15 minutes.
  • Now you need to cook the cream. We take soft butter and beat well without adding any ingredients.
  • When the mass becomes airy, we begin to add condensed milk to it, constantly whipping the products.
  • Having achieved a homogeneous mass, add cocoa to it and beat again.
  • When our cake has completely cooled down, we cut it into 2 parts.
  • Glistically lubricate the cakes with cream.
  • Let the cake be saturated for several hours.
  • If desired, you can decorate the cake with nuts or stitches of almonds.

Cottage cheese can be added to any dough for treats, while only the proportions of the ingredients should be taken into account. Such cakes always turn out to be much more tender and more than the usual, this is facilitated by cottage cheese in their composition. Regarding the filling is an exclusively business of your imagination, because you can impregnate cakes with anything.

Video: Curd cake in a slow cooker
