
Turkey creamy

Indian meat is often used in dietary dishes and children's menu. The creamy taste will give the bird sauce. For its base, use sour cream or cream. To reduce the satisfaction of the dish, dilute the sauce with water. A multicooker will help you preserve the juiciness of the turkey, near which you do not need to control the cooking process - it will do everything for you.

Temper in creamy sauce with champignons in a slow cooker

The meat of the turkey goes well to taste with mushrooms, especially champignons. They have a delicate consistency and aromatic taste, such mushrooms do not need to be pre -treated. For sauce, use fat cream and Shalot onions, with these ingredients the meat will remain juicy.

The number of products for 4 portions:

  • indian Files - 0.4 kg.;
  • small champignons - 200 g.;
  • fruit lemon juice;
  • raw garlic cloves - 3 pcs .;
  • onions Shalot (purple) - 2 pcs.;
  • cream 25% fat - 250 ml.;
  • the cheese is solid Parmesan or another variety - 100 g.;
  • olive oil - 35 ml.;
  • thyme, ground black pepper, salt to taste.

How to cook turkey meat with cream in a slow cooker:

  • Wash the turkey fillet, lay out on a towel and dry. Remove the film with a sharp knife, cut the veins. Grind the meat with slices, the thickness of which should not be less than 1 cm. Squeeze the juice of one lemon, mix with meat and let it be marched for 7-10 minutes. The turkey can be left to eat juices at room temperature.
  • Wash the champignons thoroughly under running water from the remains of sawdust. For a dish, choose small fruits. Cut them along first in half, then again into 2 parts. Leave to dry.
  • In addition to taste, the dish should be beautiful, so instead of onions, use pellot. In terms of taste, it is much softer, and also has a purple hue. Peel the rays, cut the rings. Remove the husk from the garlic slices, chop the pulp with a knife.

  • Pour oil at the bottom of the multichanes, install it in a slow cooker, select the “Frying” function. In some models there is no such option on the menu, instead of it you can use the “Baking” mode. The ingredients should only be frying with the lid open. So they will form a delicious crust and comfortably mix with a spatula.
  • When the olive oil warms up, load the turkey, fry it from all sides until a golden shade appears. This usually takes 10-15 minutes. Loads with champignons to the meat. Fry the ingredients for another 7 minutes, stirring constantly. Onions during this time should become translucent. At the end of the frying, add the garlic, mix the products and turn off the slow cooker.

  • In a separate container, mix cream with spices and salt. In a water bath, slightly heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil, otherwise the cream will curl up and lumps will appear. Warm liquid will make it possible to open up to spices. In addition, it will not spoil the surface of the bowl, since it remains still heated. Pour the cream to the meat with mushrooms and onions.

  • Close the slow cooker. Cook the dish in the "Extinguishing" mode for 35 minutes. Grate hard cheese and load into the bowl 10 minutes until the turkey is cooked.

  • Mix the ingredients with a spatula, close the lid and simmer the dish to the signal. You do not need to insist it after cooking, immediately serve to the table.

Thigh turkey hip with creamy sauce in a slow cooker

For preparation in a slow cooker, you can use any part of the carcass of a turkey. If the fillet quickly becomes dry, then the hips retain their juiciness, since more oily. In combination with creamy sauce, the meat will become tastier. Do not cook the dish from the hips of the turkey for the future, it should be immediately served to the table.

Recipe ingredients for 3 portions:

  • the thigh is large - 1 pc.;
  • onions are a small stalk-1 pc .;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cream with a low percentage of fat content - 150 ml.;
  • boiled milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic slices - 1 pc.;
  • corn oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, dry rosemary, turmeric, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • greens of parsley or dill - to taste.

The phased course of preparing the hips of the turkey in a slow cooker:

  1. First take care of the preparation of meat. Use the hip for the recipe in chilled form, in this form, the turkey will have a rich taste. If you decide to cook from a frozen ingredient, then previously defrost it on the refrigerator shelf. Be sure to rinse the meat and dry with a kitchen towel.
  2. Cut the film and veins, and leave the fat at the edges. Cut the meat from the bone with a knife. You can remove or prepare a turkey with the skin with it. Put the bird into a deep plate, add spices. It is not necessary to salt the meat at this stage, since the salt will eliminate moisture, and it will become dry after cooking. Cover the container, rearrange in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  3. The taste of cream sauce will be complemented and made more tender on onions. It taste much softer than his “brothers”. Rinse the stem very thoroughly under running water, since sand may remain between the outer layers. Give the excess water to drain and cut the vegetables with rings or half rings.
  4. Remove the disgusted meat from the refrigerator, prepare flour. Pour the oil into the bowl and warm it in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. Dip each piece into flour, solve excess powder and transfer to the oil. Fry the turkey until golden color for about 10-15 minutes. Try to make the crust form on all sides of the pieces.
  5. Load the onion to fried meat, carefully mix the ingredients with each other and fry them for 5 minutes. Drink products during frying as often as possible, since the onion is very delicate. Use a special spatula for this so as not to damage the surface of the multichanes.
  6. Mix the cream with milk, let the mixtures warm up, salt. If you like thick sauce, then add flour or starch to cream. Mix the sauce, pour it into a multicash. Add washed and crushed greens. Turn off the "Frying" mode. Now start the “Extinguishing” function. With a closed lid, prepare the turkey for 15 minutes. During cooking, the dish must be stirred. Serve with pasta or mashed potatoes.

Turkey -sauce and vegetables in a slow cooker

To cook a hearty turkey dish, add vegetables. Cream sauce will complement carrots and bell pepper. If you really like thick sauces for meat, then add hard cheese 10 minutes before the end of the extinguishing. Grate it on a fine grater.

List of ingredients for 4 portions according to the recipe:

  • indian fillet - 0.5 kg.;
  • medium -sized onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper, carrots - 1 pc. everyone;
  • cream is not fat (10%) - 350 ml.;
  • any milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • ground paprika, salt, pepper peas, coriander, curry to taste;
  • butter - 30 g.;
  • sesame oil - 3 tbsp. l.

A detailed description of the recipe for cooking:

  1. Rinse the breast of the turkey, remove the veins and cut the film. Fat on the meat can be left. Blind the bird with paper towels and cut into a large cube. Put the turkey into a separate container, mix with carry and pour milk. Let the meat marinate for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator. Milk will make the breast more tender and retain its juiciness, and spices will give aroma and taste.
  2. During this time, take care of vegetables. Wash the carrots, cut with rings or cubes. Peel the onion, chop in half rings. Cut the pure bell pepper into strips after removing seeds and membranes.
  3. Open the slow cooker, pour vegetable oil. Instead of sesame oil, you can use any, for example, olive or corn. In the menu, click the "Frying" function. Instead, you can use the "pastries" mode. Let's give a warmth to warm up.
  4. Loose onions with carrots into the bowl, fry them for 5-7 minutes. Then add sweet pepper and let the vegetables frure for about 10 minutes. During this time, often mix the ingredients so that they are evenly fried. Leave the multicooker lid all this time open.
  5. Now it is necessary to rearrange the menu to the “Extinguishing” option. Install time for 30 minutes. Add a barbed turkey to the vegetables, all other spices except garlic. Heat the cream, but do not bring to a boil. Pour into the bowl. It is imperative to heat the liquid, since in a cold state it can ruin the bowl during contact with a hot surface.
  6. Add butter. It does not need to be melted first. Close the lid and run the program. After 20 minutes, load finely chopped garlic. If you add it during frying, then the dish will acquire a bitter taste, as the garlic quickly burns out. Leave the finished dish to brew for 10-15 minutes on the Auto-GOTARS option, then serve to the table.

Turkey -sauce and eggplant.

If there were no mushrooms at hand, then replace them with eggplant. In fried form, they can remind the milestones or champignons. You can supplement the dish with a creamy sauce with hard cheese. So the sauce will become thick. It is best to serve a turkey according to this recipe with potato mashed potatoes and a vegetable salad.

You will need so many ingredients for 5 portions:

  • the eupa of the turkey - 700 g.;
  • medium -sized eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • small onions - 1 pc .;
  • fat cream (25-30%)-200 ml.;
  • solid cheese - 170 g.;
  • corn oil or olive - 30 ml.;
  • garlic, salt, wig, ground black pepper, dry basil to taste.

Recipe for making turkey fillets with cream in a slow cooker:

  1. Eggplants in the finished dish are often given bitterness. To remove it, use young fruits, which are soaked in advance in salt water. Peel the eggplant, chop in a large cube. Put into a pan, pour water (only cold) and add salt. After 15-20 minutes, drain the water through a colander. Put the vegetable on a kitchen towel for drying.
  2. Now take care of the fillet. Remove all the veins and film from the meat, wipe with napkins. The turkey should be cut with strips with a width of more than 1 cm wide. Clean onion, chop in any way.
  3. Wipe the multichan, install in a slow cooker, pour vegetable oil on the bottom. Choose the program "Frying". Leave the lid open and give the clock for 3-4 minutes to warm up. Put the onions in hot oil, fry it for 5-7 minutes or until a transparent color is obtained.
  4. Add eggplant dry from moisture to the onion. If you do not dry the vegetable enough, then spray will appear when the liquid with hot oil is in contact. Fry the ingredients for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  5. Add spices and salt to cold cream, warm on the stove. Do not bring the mixture to a boil, the cream may be curled. It is important to add seasonings and spices to cold liquid. So when heated, they will reveal their aroma. Mix products in the bowl.
  6. Close the slow cooker, rearrange the program to “extinguish”. You will take 25-30 minutes until the meat is ready depending on the size of the pieces. Skip the slices of garlic through the press, add it along with grated cheese 10 minutes before the multicooker signal. After cooking, serve the meat, watering on top with creamy sauce.

Temple with creamy sauce without frying in a slow cooker

If you cook for a children's menu or observe a diet, then the vegetables for meat cannot be pre -frying. In this case, they are added raw and prepared with a turkey. You can diversify the taste spices, but for children, choose them according to age.

List of ingredients for 4 portions according to the recipe:

  • the turkey is not fat, the fillet is suitable - 0.5 kg.;
  • carrots, shallow onion-1 pc.;
  • fresh dill - to taste;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • butter - 30 g.;
  • low fat cream - 150 ml.;
  • warm water - 1 multistakan;
  • young potatoes - 3 pcs.

How to cook turkey in a slow cooker without frying:

  1. The file part of the meat should be thoroughly washed, left to dry. If there are veins or a film, then cut them. Cut the turkey into strips. At the same time, try not to make pieces small, otherwise the meat will quickly become dry.
  2. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and pour cold water. After a while (20-25 minutes), drain the liquid and put the vegetable on the napkins so that excess moisture is absorbed into them. This is necessary to remove excess starch from potatoes. Put the dry vegetable to the container for steaming.
  3. Put meat with vegetables in Multichash. Pour cream, boiled water, shift the softened butter and pour spices. Salt to your liking, mix the products well. Put a container with potatoes on top. Be sure to open the pair hole.
  4. Close the lid of the slow cooker. Click on the program in the menu "Extinguishing" or "steaming". For a turkey, it will be enough to prepare 30 minutes. This recipe uses young potatoes, during the time it will also have time to cook.
  5. After the signal, carefully open the slow cooker so as not to get burns from hot steam. Remove the tray. To serve on the plate, lay the potatoes in one layer, put the meat with the sauce on top, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Steam turkey with creamy sauce in a slow cooker

Some housewives prefer to cook turkey meat. For such a process, a multicooker is perfect. At the same time, you can cook pasta or potatoes. Cream sauce for this recipe is prepared separately.

Take such products for 5 portions according to the recipe:

  • file turkey meat - 700 g.;
  • large pasta - 200 g.;
  • mustard sauce - 30 g.;
  • cream of any fat content - 200 ml.;
  • butter is not fat - 70 g.;
  • wheat flour - 10 g.;
  • salt, paprika, turmeric, black pepper - to their liking;
  • any fresh greens - to taste.

A step -by -step recipe for turkey cream multicooker:

  1. The breast of the bird should be washed, trim the film with the veins. Be sure to dry the surface of the meat with a kitchen towel so that the marinade evenly envelops it. Cut the fillet in large pieces.
  2. Separately mix mustard with salt and ground black pepper. Rub the turkey with a mixture, transfer it to foil and close it, but not tightly. You must leave a place for steam circulation. To make the meat to prepare, wrap each piece in a separate strip of foil. Put the bird in a steaming container.
  3. Pour the purified water into the bowl according to the instructions of your multicooker model for steaming. Salt the liquid, load pasta into it. Use large ingredient so that they do not boil during cooking.
  4. On top of the multicaches, set the tray, close the cover of the equipment. Choose the program in the menu "Warm -up". Small pieces of turkey will prepare in 20-25 minutes. It is important to leave a hole for the steam open on the lid.
  5. While cooking meat, boil the sauce. Pour the cream into a metal container, add all other spices and seasonings. Put on the stove, turn on the slow fire and heat, but do not boil. Hot cream will quickly curl up. Add oil, let it completely dissolve in the cream. Then pour the flour in parts. At this stage of cooking sauce, constantly stir it so that the flour does not stray lumps. Test taste, if necessary, add salt. When the sauce thickens, set it aside.
  6. Remove the finished meat from foil, drain water from pasta. Put the pasta on the plate, then the turkey. Pour the dish with sauce on top, sprinkle with fresh herbs and enjoy the taste.

Using a slow cooker, you can cook a juicy and tasty turkey, and a delicate taste of meat will give a cream sauce. To make the dish fragrant and mouth -watering, experienced housewives advise you to adhere to the above recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Drug meat with mushrooms and carrots in creamy sauce, video
