
Steam dishes in a slow cooker - recipes

Steam dishes retain more beneficial substances, as well as taste and aroma. For example, if you cook vegetables, meat or fish in a slow cooker, these products will be much more useful, they are not so many calories, because they are not fried in oil. Eating tasty and healthy is easy with a slow cooker.

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes and tips

You can cook different products for a couple. Vegetables, seafood and fish, as well as meat are excellent. For a couple, you can cook omelet and other egg dishes, make delicious and healthy desserts and casseroles. With a slow cooker, cooking in this way is convenient and easy. The omelet is lush and does not burn.

You can cook liquid dishes for a couple, but then you will need a special bowl.

What is undesirable to do steam: for example, pasta. They will be twisted, and then stick together. Legumes also do not try to steam, because it will be a very long process. It is also undesirable to cook offal and mushrooms.

Rules for cooking a couple in a slow cooker:

  1. Always take only fresh products.
  2. Preliminary preparation: wash and if necessary, clean.
  3. Cutting: for pieces of medium -sized or more average, since very small pieces can prepare faster and boil.
  4. Meat and vegetables, if cooked together, cut the same way for uniform cooking.
  5. Laying products in a double boiler: not tight, so that there is free space. If you tightly lay the products in a double boiler, then you will need more time for cooking.
  6. All products in the “double boiler” mode are cooked with a closed lid.
  7. It is necessary to ensure that the water is always in the bowl of the device, and if you boil, add a fresh portion.
  8. If you cook seafood, they can be covered on top with a sheet of foil, then they will turn out to be juicy and more tender.
  9. In a slow cooker, you can simultaneously cook 2 dishes: in the main one, cook porridge or meat in the main one, and in a bars-a bars-vegetables or fish.
  10. For different products, different cooking time has been installed. For example, all root crops boil at least half an hour, if the vegetables do not contain starch, then about 20 minutes, green vegetables are within 3 minutes. If the meat is chopped thinly-calculate for 1-1.5 hours of cooking, all minced meat products-at least an hour. If these are chicken tags, they will prepare in 30 minutes. Poultry: chicken and turkey are steamed quickly-it will take about 40-45 minutes. If you want to cook porridge, calculate for half an hour at least. The fish must be cooked for 15 minutes, but you need to consider which variety of fish you cook.

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: cook vegetables

To prepare this simple and light dish, you will need a little fresh or frozen vegetables, a slow cooker and a little time. The process of cooking vegetables is not delayed, so we recommend that after turning on the slow cooker, immediately slowly set the table.

For this dish will be needed:

  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli; zucchini;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • onion;
  • pumpkin and carrots, green peas, asparagus - at will;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - a clove;
  • dried spicy herbs and salt - to taste;
  • home yogurt is non -fat - a glass.

The process of cooking vegetables is steamed:

  1. You need to prepare all the vegetables: disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, clean the zucchini if \u200b\u200bmature and just cut into cubes or rings, if young. Similarly - rings need to cut onions and pepper.
  2. You can supplement the basic recipe and put in a slow cooker another carrot and a piece of pumpkin.
  3. Pour water into the device bowl, preferably warm to speed up the process of boiling, and therefore save a little time.
  4. Put all the prepared vegetables in the container, prepare in the "steam" mode for 20 minutes from the date of boiling of the water.
  5. Then the vegetables must be carefully transferred to the plate, only neatly so as not to burn the steam.
  6. While the vegetables are cooling, quickly prepare a delicious and healthy sauce. You need to take a glass of yogurt, add mustard and liquid honey, a little salt and spices, as well as let a clove of garlic through the press. All this needs to be mixed and watered just before serving. You can still serve a bunch of fresh greenery to this simple and easy dish, crush vegetables with grated cheese.

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: Preparing a delicious omelet

Preparing a tasty and healthy for breakfast with a slow cooker is easy and simple. We offer to serve for breakfast an omelet made steamed. It will turn out lush and tender at the same time. This is a basic recipe, but you can add a little greenery, any vegetables, bacon and even mushrooms.

For a steam omelet, you will need the following products:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste.

The process of cooking the dish is steamed:

  1. We break the eggs in a bowl, immediately put salt and pepper, pour milk.
  2. With the help of a blender, the whisk is lightly beaten with the whole mass. You don’t need to beat for too long, you can do it at all manually if you use a hand whisk or beat everything with a fork.
  3. Silicone molds will also be needed, a few or one large to fit in a cup-boiler room. It must be greased with a piece of softened butter.
  4. Now the main preparation: pour warm water into the bowl, put a double boiler and install a shape or several small molds on it. Forms need to be filled with the egg mixture.
  5. Then enable the “double boiler” mode and count the water from the moment of boiling of the water exactly 10 minutes. Here you also need to take into account the height of the molds so that the steam does not break through the valve. Therefore, the forms should be slightly lower than the level of a shear-boiler.
  6. Immediately after the signal, do not rush to open the lid, let the steam drop. Leave the omelet for a couple of minutes in a slow cooker, then throw off the lid and carefully shift the omelet in the forms on the dish.
  7. Egg omelet will turn out airy, very light and tender. By consistency, it will be more like a delicate souffle.
  8. By the way, in time, the cooking process takes as much as you wait until the kettle boils and tea is brewed.

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: cook fish

A recipe for a large family or for those who love mackerel very much. Each housewife faced the fact that when cooking this type of fish, the kitchen and all neighboring rooms fills a special aroma, which then have to get rid of for a long time. And what is it worth deriving the same smell from the slow cooker? After all, it is known that this device absorbs all smells very much and to prepare the bowl for cooking desserts and other delicate dishes, you need to try to get rid of the fish smell. Therefore, we will cook fish in the sleeve, but steamed.

List products:

  • fresh not large mackerel - from 2 to 4 pcs.;
  • salt is large - a pinch or to taste.

Preparing the dish steamed:

  1. Fish must be thawed, removed, head and insides. Rinse under running water. Pay more attention to the inside when you wash the fish.
  2. Salt needs large, sea. It is necessary to grate the fish well inside and outside with large salt and fold in a baking sleeve or wrap in foil. For each fish - a separate package, tighten the ends well.
  3. Now you need to leave these bundles on the table for at least half an hour.
  4. Then put the fish in a pairing container, pour water into the slow cooker, install the “steam boiling” program and set the timer for 40 minutes. This can be a lot, but follow the time yourself and from the moment of boiling in the 20th minute, check the fish.
  5. Mandatory rule: immediately after cooking, the fish must be carefully transferred to the dish and remove the sleeve, as it can stick to the fish and tear off the skin, and this is already an unsightly appearance of the finished dish.

Tip: if 4 mackerels in a slow cooker do not immediately place, prepare 2 pcs. And choose medium -sized fish to fit in the bowl. To the taste of mackerel, prepared in this way, will be more like a hot smoking fish. Well, if you want to get exactly the same taste, you need to enrich the finished dish slightly with liquid smoke. According to reviews, a couple prepared according to this recipe, it turns out tasty, delicate and juicy. It can be eaten in any form: when it has not yet cooled down in chilled. Enjoy your meal!

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: Preparing pike perch

Recipe for a lean dish, useful and satisfying. Pike perch is more juicy if steamed with vegetables. Whoever wants to enrich and increase the calorie content of the dish can add a little butter.

And we share the list of everything necessary:

  • zander - 1 carcass;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • stem celery - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc .;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • spices, salt - to taste;
  • olive oil is also to taste.

The process of making a simple dish:

  1. The carcass needs to be prepared: clean, remove fins, tail and head, as well as insides. Wash the fish well, paying maximum attention of the inside, namely, remove the films.
  2. Then you need to cut the fish to get the fillet and then into portioned pieces, 7 cm wide.
  3. The fish is ready, you can engage in vegetables: so that in the finished form the dish looks harmonious, you need to try and grind all the vegetables the same way. We start with the most difficult: carrots. It must be chopped with a knife into strips.
  4. Then celery is similar. If you are afraid that celery will kill the taste of all other products, put less.
  5. Potatoes - put at will, cut into strips.
  6. The remaining vegetables are similar, except tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes are difficult to cut into strips, so it is enough to cut them into 4 parts so that the vegetable does not lose shape.
  7. You can also put a clove of garlic for the aroma or leave it for later to enrich the taste of the finished dish.
  8. All vegetables and fish need to be laid in a bars. Salt and spices - if desired, slightly attach all the ingredients.
  9. Pour water into the bowl, activate the program “Warm -up”. In time, calculate for at least 30 minutes.
  10. After cooking, wait for 2 minutes, throw off the lid and wait a couple of minutes so as not to burn yourself, then remove the bowl and transfer the vegetables with the fish to the plate.
  11. Decorate the finished dish with a twig of fresh herbs, add finely chopped garlic, pour olive oil. Enjoy your meal!

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: Cooking cottage cheese pudding

Not everyone loves cottage cheese and even more so, cottage cheese puddings. It is tastier to eat several ruddy cheesecakes for breakfast than an incomprehensible and tasteless curd mass. But everything changes when a multicooker is involved in the work. All dishes are tender and tasty, and the aroma is also preserved, because we will steam. 10 minutes are allocated for the preparatory process, about 20 on the expectation. So now it is much easier to prepare a delicious and healthy dessert for all family members for breakfast.

What is necessary:

  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • raisins - a pinch;
  • flax seeds - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • sugar - 2 or 4 tbsp. taste.

Preparing a steamed dessert:

  1. First you need to turn the seeds into flour, for this they need to be ground in a coffee grinder. Flax flour in this case will replace eggs.
  2. Apples need to be washed and cleaned, grated or chop finely chop.
  3. Cottage cheese - take fresh, homemade, dry. It needs to be wiped through a sieve, add flax flour and all other ingredients.
  4. Mix everything well and put in shape. It can be a silicone form that will fit in a steamed cook container or disposable foil.
  5. Pour warm water into the bowl of the device, put a pairing basket and shape with cottage cheese. Close the lid, cook for 20 minutes using the "double boiler" mode.

Cottage cheese pudding must be served immediately, in hot form, although in the cold it will be no less tasty. Pour this dessert with maple syrup or any berry syrup, jam, serve with fresh berries. Enjoy your meal!

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: cook chicken cutlets

To prepare a useful dinner, you will need a minimum of effort. Let's play together step together to cook delicious chicken cutlets, and in order not to waste time, at the same time we will make delicious buckwheat porridge.

The list of everything necessary:

  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • salt - to taste;
  • kurin minced meat - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices for cutlets are to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We take the finished chicken minced meat or make minced chicken fillet yourself.
  2. Grind onions, carrots and potatoes: rub everything on a fine grater.
  3. In a bowl, connect all the components: vegetables and meat minced meat, add salt and a pinch of ground black pepper, mix. Add the egg, mix everything again.
  4. We form cutlets-shars from minced meat, immediately put on a pair of bars, previously greased with vegetable oil (but this is not necessary).
  5. Rinse the cereal, pour into the multicooker bowl, pour 2 cups of water, put salt to taste.
  6. We put a steamed grille on top, we activate the “double boiler” program, set the cooking time - 40 minutes.
  7. While the food is being prepared, you can safely go with your child for a walk. And when you return, a delicious and healthy dinner will be ready. Enjoy your meal!

Steam dishes in a slow cooker. Recipes: Cooking beetroot cutlets

Not many of us are ready to share impressions of the taste of beetroot cutlets, because they have never tried them. With a slow cooker, you have the opportunity to cook cutlets for all family members, especially for those who do not like beets.

What will be needed from products:

  • medium -sized beets - 2 pcs.;
  • kurin minced meat - 200 g;
  • bulb;
  • cheese - hard - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • and also for the sauce: garlic - a clove, sour cream - 100 g and fresh greens.

Preparing the dish steamed:

  1. Raw beets need to be cleaned and chopped (in a blender or grate).
  2. Add minced meat, chopped onion to beets (you can grind with beets), as well as sour cream, salt and spices. Everything needs to be mixed.
  3. The cheese must be cut into small cubes, we will put on a cube in each cutlet.
  4. Now we give the form to the cutlets: roll the ball from the minced meat, put a piece of cheese in the middle, roll it. Cutlets, as formed, must be immediately put in a container.
  5. We offer 2 cooking methods: the first-you need to fry quickly cutlets in hot oil on both sides, and then continue cooking in a “double boiler” mode, for a couple for half an hour. Or immediately steam, only 10-15 minutes more.
  6. While the cutlets are cooked, we will make the sauce: chop fresh parsley, chop the clove of garlic, add sour cream. Everything needs to be beaten in a blender and served such a sauce to beetroot cutlets.
  7. To save time, in a slow cooker you can boil potatoes. Just be prepared for the fact that beet cutlets can paint water and the potatoes will turn out to be pinkish. This will not affect this, only for appearance. Small girls will appreciate such an unusual dinner and enjoy eating pink cutlets. Enjoy your meal!

Steam dishes in a slow cooker recipes. Video
