
Steam chicken breast in a slow cooker

Chicken meat is a valuable dietary product, low -fat meat, and not heavy for the stomach compared to pork or lamb. Chicken meat is tender and low -calorie, only chicken breast is considered useful, but the legs - on the contrary, can harm the body, moreover, more calories in this part than in the chicken breast. It is believed that the product will also be useful if you cook it according to all the rules - for example, for a couple.

Steam chicken breast in a slow cooker

If you delve into the numbers, it will become clear that only 200 g of finished product will be almost the same calorie, a little more than 200 kcal, these are good indicators. There are a lot of vitamins and microelements in the chicken breast: there are B vitamins, healthy vitamins E and A, as well as iron, protein, magnesium and potassium, phosphorus. Naturally, this meat is always held in high esteem. We will prepare and we steam chicken breast in a slow cooker.

What will be needed from products:

  • chicken breast - 800 g;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • fresh greens for decoration.

How to cook this dish:

  1. In order to prepare a low -calorie and healthy product, you will need a grille with holes, because this dish is steamed. It is not necessary to cut chicken breast into several parts, it is necessary to rinse a piece of chicken under running water, get rid of excess fluid (for example, soak with paper or tissue napkins).
  2. The breast needs to be put in a bowl so far in order to thoroughly rub with salt and spices. Spices can be used, classic is suitable: black ground pepper, as well as fragrant ground pepper or mixture of peppers+small salt.
  3. The chicken needs to be thoroughly rubbed with spices and salt, leave at least for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then transfer the double boiler to the grate, and pour 3 cups of warm water into the multicooker bowl.
  5. Perhaps this is where all the preparations are completed, you just need to close the lid of the device, select the optimal mode of cooking the breast chicken steamed in a slow cooker. Since we are steaming, we choose the corresponding mode: “steaming steam”, the time is 40 minutes.
  6. We click “Start”, go to do our own business, and when the signal sounds, all that is required of the housewife is to transfer the finished meat to the plate, cut into portioned pieces, and then the fantasy will tell you what to serve this simple, but very useful for health dish. We recommend that you try to try, pleasant appetite!

Steam chicken breast in a slow cooker with garlic

How else can a simple recipe for cooking chicken breast be diversified? Of course, add your favorite spices and enrich the meat with garlic. Let's start cooking.

For this dish will be needed:

  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, spices for chicken - to taste;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetables: carrots, pepper, tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Preparing chicken breast steam in a slow cooker:

  1. Food, steamed - better absorbed, more nutrients are preserved in the meat, the chicken is tender and juicy. Previously, the meat can be marked or grated by a mixture of spices, left for 20 minutes.
  2. We will do so: we need to wash the breast, wipe dry (paper towels or clean cloth), if the breast is large, you will have to cut it into 2 or 3 parts. But we do not recommend that the chicken not recommend it.
  3. Garlic needs to be cleaned, passed through the press or grate on a fine grater.
  4. Spices mix with salt if it is black ground pepper, Carry and other favorite spices. If you took a ready -made purchased mixture for chicken, then it is advisable not to add salt, because the salt will be enough there.
  5. It is necessary to mix chopped garlic with spices and salt, grate each piece of chicken breast well, wrap in foil, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  6. While the meat is pickled, we will prepare the rest of the products: why force the slow cooker to work for hours on end, if you can simultaneously cook vegetables for steamed? Prepare 1 or 2 carrots (optional), several fresh tomatoes of medium size and elastic, eggplant or zucchini, as well as sweet pepper. Vegetables need to be cleaned, cut in large.
  7. Prepare a slow cooker: you need to pour water into the device bowl. It is preferably warm to accelerate the process of boiling fluid.
  8. Put the cup-pairing cup on top, and put chicken breast wrapped in foil in the center in the center. After pickling, it should not be deployed and checked.
  9. Around the meat, lay the prepared vegetables. You can a little and the vegetables with a mixture of salt with spices, and if you adhere to proper nutrition, then this is not necessary. Vegetables will turn out to be already tasty, very juicy.
  10. We prepare the chicken breast in a slow cooker using the “steam” or “double boiler” mode. The timer must be set for 40 minutes.
  11. Vegetables should prepare earlier than meat, especially with tomatoes, so after 15 minutes after boiling water, it is necessary to open the lid carefully (so as not to burn with hot steam), transfer the finished vegetables to the plate. We recommend that you check the rest of the vegetables at the same time. If the zucchini is young, then they will also be ready, pepper can be left, carrots and eggplants - these vegetables will also need more time.
  12. After 40 minutes, when the slow cooker turns off, the bundle with chicken breast must be carefully transferred to a plate, carefully expanded. Here, be very careful not to burn yourself, because the meat is very hot.
  13. Cut a piece with a sharp knife, try the meat - if you satisfied, on this you can complete the process of cooking chicken breast in a slow cooker. If the meat is harsh, you can still hold it steamed in the same program, only then we recommend adding a little more water into the working bowl.
  14. Vegetables can be transferred to a plate, and finished meat - cut into portioned pieces. The aroma is just amazing, pleasant appetite!

Steam chicken breast in a slow cooker with a side dish

We immediately prepare 2 beneficial dishes or a full breakfast/dinner. Chicken breast can be prepared both separately and save precious time - immediately cook a delicious and healthy side dish. We will find out how to make a chicken breast steam in a slow cooker with buckwheat.

What needs to be prepared:

  • chicken breast-1-2 pcs. (depends on the size);
  • buckwheat - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 cups;
  • salt, spices - for meat;
  • salt - 1 tsp For buckwheat.

We will cook like this:

  1. Wash the chicken meat, dry, grate the salt with spices with a mixture of salt, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Buckwheat - sort out (if necessary), rinse several times, pour the prepared cereal cereal into the multicooker bowl, pour 2 glasses of water. Water can be taken boiled, warm. So the device will join the work faster, will save a little time.
  3. While they were engaged in cereals, just the meat managed to quarrel a bit and is fed with the aroma of spices. It must be wrapped in foil at will or leave it as it is - put on a lattice with holes for cooking dishes for steam. Insert a double boiler into the workplace of the device.
  4. If you prepare the chicken breast in a multicooker without foil, keep in mind that buckwheat is focused on the aroma of chicken. This is even good, so decide in advance what to do.
  5. We cook this double dish in the “steam” mode, the time is 40 minutes, it will just be needed so that buckwheat is welded (it will even be crumbly), and the chicken breast is soft and tender.
  6. After the specified time, both dishes will be ready. It remains only to extract a bars and a bars, transfer the meat to a plate and cut into pieces, and pour porridge into plates. It is possible to serve such a tasty, and most importantly - a dietary and healthy dish with a salad of fresh vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. Enjoy your meal!

Steam chicken breast in a slow cooker under mint sauce

This stunningly delicious dish will not leave indifferent a single gourmet. It would seem-a simple, fresh chicken breast, can play in a new way if you add only a few new ingredients. All the beneficial properties of this product will remain because we will cook this dish for a couple.

Ingredients and their number:

  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt, black ground pepper - a pinch;
  • fresh mint - half a bunch;
  • non -fat kefir - 1 cup.

How to cook chicken breast steam in a slow cooker:

  1. Chicken meat needs to be washed, dried and cut into large pieces, put in a bowl, pour a glass of kefir. While leaving, we will do other products.
  2. Mint must be washed, remove excess fluid, chop finely.
  3. Garlic - clean from the shell, grind in a convenient way.
  4. Mix in a small pole of spices and salt.
  5. All prepared ingredients: mint, spices and salt, garlic, add to the meat, mix well. Cover the container with meat, put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  6. After the indicated time, you need to get the meat from the refrigerator, remove excess fluid. Dissage foil on the table in 2 layers, lay out pieces of meat, carefully wrap it so that an air cushion remains inside. Pin the edges, put the bundle in the cup of the multicooker on the bars-steamer.
  7. Do not forget to pour water into the bowl of the device, as well as turn on the “welding steam” mode. For cooking chicken breast in a slow cooker, only 40 minutes are enough.
  8. It is necessary to serve the finished dish right away until it has cooled. You can with a salad of fresh vegetables, only without mayonnaise and sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

A steam chicken breast in a slow cooker. Video
