
Spaghetti in a slow cooker

What could be easier than spaghetti? This simple dish can be prepared by a novice hostess and even a teenager. In a slow cooker, this process is greatly simplified, because it is not only convenient, but also quickly.

Spaghetti in a slow cooker. Classic recipe

It is known that spaghetti is one of the varieties of pasta that are famous for their taste and benefit. For the preparation of spaghetti, hard varieties of wheat are used, so you can not worry about extra pounds, because such a product will be useful and will not lead to surplus on the waist and sides. And this is not the only property of spaghetti, this type of pasta is very easy to cook, they do not boil and do not stick together, like ordinary pasta.

Components for this dish:

  • spaghetti is not thick - 200 g;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • water for cooking to cover spaghetti 1.5 cm;
  • salt is a pinch or to taste.

How to cook classic spaghetti in a slow cooker:

  1. Almost everyone loves pasta, and spaghetti - especially, because they turn out in a slow cooker tastier than on the stove. Yes, and prepare very quickly. You just need to do everything right, observing the sequence and then trust the slow cooker. The result of efforts is a delicious breakfast/lunch/dinner on the table without personal loss.
  2. Immediately put the kettle, because we need boiling water, and proceed to prepare everything you need. We open a pack of spaghetti, break the pasta in half, put in a slow cooker.
  3. Just the kettle boiled, pour so much boiling water so that it covers the pasta completely, but not more than 1.5-2 cm. This will be enough.
  4. Now you need to add oil, put a pinch of salt, mix all the components with a silicone spatula, and then lower the lid.
  5. Standardly, spaghetti in a slow cooker is prepared in Pasta or Spaghetti mode. But not every device is equipped with such a program. There is an alternative: you can cook spaghetti in a slow cooker in the "Soup" or "Steam" mode and even in the Pilaf program. It is only necessary to set the time, and if it is impossible, to control the cooking process yourself. Spaghetti will be prepared for 12 minutes.
  6. After the signal, there are 2 ways: drain the remaining water, throw the pasta into a colander to get rid of excess fluid and then use spaghetti for its intended purpose as the basis for cooking the dish. And if you want spaghetti to be crispy, with a ruddy crust, then you need to drain the water, return the spaghetti back, turn on the “Frying” program or you can “baking”, fry the pasta within 3 minutes, stirring periodically.

Spaghetti in a slow cooker with tomato sauce and vegetables

Any pasta can be served with anything: with fish, sausages, vegetables, sauce, meat dishes. The only condition is to add vegetable oil without smell when cooking so that pasta does not stick together. You can also enrich the dish with spices to give the dish your favorite aroma: it can be fragrant pepper with peas, bay leaf, cloves, sage and even lemon balm. We will prepare classic spaghetti in a slow cooker with a dressing of vegetables and tomatoes.

Prepare everything you need:

  • spaghetti - half a pack;
  • zucchini or tsukini - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • green feathers of onions-2-3 pcs.;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - half;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • ham - 70 g;
  • low -fat cream (10%) - 250 ml;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • greens and hard cheese - for serving.

Cooking sequence:

  1. We spread spaghetti in a slow cooker, pour boiling water, add olive oil, a little salt. Cook in Spaghetti or Soup mode for 10-12 minutes.
  2. After the pasta is cooked, a signal sounds, it is necessary to drain excess water, and rinse spaghetti and leave in a colander so that the excess fluid flows.
  3. The second stage is the preparation of the gas station. It is necessary to pour oil in a dry and clean multicooker bowl, activate the “Frying” program, put tsukini or young zucchini sliced \u200b\u200bwith rings, fry for 5 minutes.
  4. While the zucchini is cooked, it is necessary to cut the ham with cubes or strips, add the ham after 5 minutes. Next - tomato and green onion sliced. Continue preparing the gas station for 3 minutes, then pour the cream, enrich with spices and salt.
  5. We return spaghetti back to the slow cooker, mix pasta with sauce and you can turn off the device completely.
  6. Spaghetti should be laid out on deep plates, seasoned with chopped fresh herbs and grated hard cheese. Enjoy to all of you appetite! Cook in a slow cooker easy and fast!

Spaghetti in a slow cooker with garlic and pepper

To prepare breakfast for this recipe, you do not need to be an experienced mistress, just get a slow cooker and adhere to the rules for cooking spaghetti in a slow cooker according to this recipe.

In this case, we will need:

  • spaghetti - 200 g;
  • boiling water;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. For cooking spaghetti and 1 tsp. for refueling;
  • sweet red Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • spices and salt are to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the water and immediately open a pack of spaghetti, break in half so that the pasta fit in a slow cooker.
  2. As soon as the water boils, pour boiling water so that the water covers 1.5-2 cm pasta, activate the Spaghetti or Soup program (you can “steam” and “pilaf”).
  3. Add oil and salt to the water to the water. Important: if you do not want to break spaghetti, they need to be put in a slow cooker, pour boiling water and wait until the pasta is fused. We will cook within 10 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, spaghetti cooks, we will prepare a delicious sauce. It is necessary to wash pepper and tomatoes, cut thinly strips or cubes. Free garlic from the shell and grate on a fine grater.
  5. All vegetables need to be folded in a bowl, add oil, mix. Also, if desired, you can put a little grated hard cheese, it will be tastier.
  6. When the pasta is cooked, you need to drain excess water, throw spaghetti into a colander, and cook the sauce in the slow cooker: all the vegetables must be tapped for 20 minutes in the “extinguishing” mode. 5 minutes before the completion of the program, you need to return the spaghetti to the multicooker bowl, mix and, after the signal, you can immediately serve to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Spaghetti in a slow cooker with champignons

Each housewife should have a special recipe in a culinary book to please relatives with something tasty, prepared in a hurry. As always, the multicooker helps out, in it we will prepare delicious spaghetti with mushrooms.

List of necessary products:

  • spaghetti - 1.5 packs or 300 g;
  • red Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage cauliflower (can be white) - 200 g;
  • mix of fresh greenery: parsley, dill, basil - a bunch;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • spices and salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • the greens are fresh and hard cheese - for serving.

How to cook spaghetti in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into the slow cooker, salt and lower the lid. Select the mode "pasta", "spaghetti", "pasta" or "soup".
  2. Next, you need to wait for boiling water, then put spaghetti. Macarone products can not be broken, you just need to wait until, under the influence of steam, they are slightly softened and dropped into the bowl of the device. After that, you need to lower the lid and continue to prepare spaghetti for 8 minutes.
  3. After the signal, throw the pasta into a colander, rinse them in warm water, if necessary, leave for now that the excess water water.
  4. And then you need to return to the assistant-multureus again to make a delicious vegetable sauce. It is necessary to wash and dry the bowl, pour oil, activate the "Frying" mode.
  5. While the oil is warming up, you need to clean the onion, chop, then fry for 3 minutes.
  6. The line of mushrooms: wash, refresh the cut and, if necessary, clean, cut with plates. Attach to onions, fry for 3 minutes.
  7. Pepper - clean, remove the seeds and a stalk, cut into strips thinly, add to the mushrooms, mix. Next, send cabbage (chop as thin as possible) and crushed greens. Mix everything, cook for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Then the vegetables need to be seasoned with sauce, add your favorite seasonings to taste, cook until the vegetables and mushrooms become soft. It is possible in the same mode, then you need to periodically stir or switch the device into the "extinguishing" mode.
  9. When the vegetables are soft, and the mushrooms are prepared, you can add spaghetti to the slow cooker, mix and continue preparation from this moment for 3 minutes.

Subject: Lay out spaghetti with refueling on plates, enrich it with chopped fresh herbs and grated cheese.

Spaghetti in a multicooker with salmon

This dish is prepared quickly, and everyone is satisfied with the result without exception. Even those who do not really like the fish, this dish goes into the category of loved ones. Let's prepare spaghetti in a multicooker with fish according to this simple recipe.

From these products we will cook:

  • spaghetti - 500 g;
  • salmon - 300 g;
  • a piece of butter;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • cream - 400 ml (fat content);
  • spices to taste, Provencal herbs and salt;
  • fresh parsley - for serving;
  • firm cheese - for serving.

Cooking spaghetti in a slow cooker:

  1. We lay the pasta, pour boiling water, add a little salt and vegetable oil (olive), prepare in the “paste” mode, from the moment of boiling of water - no more than 10 minutes.
  2. We drain the water after the signal, we discard spaghetti into a colander.
  3. We pay attention to the salmon, since you need to cut the fish into pieces, rinse each under a stream of running water, if possible try to remove all the seeds. Next, the fish should be cut into cubes of the same size (up to 1.5-2 cm), or not-shaped strips (1 cm in width).
  4. We clean the onion, chop as smaller as possible, let the garlic through the press, peel the pepper and cut into cubes (or the way they prepared the fish).
  5. In a clean and dry multicooker bowl we put the butter, activate the “Baking” program. It will take so much oil to fry all the ingredients. First you need to put onions, fry for 3 minutes, then pepper and you need to cook together for 3-5 minutes, then attach the salmon, mix and then cook until the fish is softened. Well, if the salmon is slightly browned.
  6. Now we do the sauce: we put the flour, mix and immediately, only slowly, a thin stream, pour the cream. Then you need to mix all the ingredients, enriching the spices and you still need to add salt to taste.
  7. Switch the device to the “Extinguishing” mode, to bring to readiness, 10 minutes are enough for this dish. After that, you can immediately lay out a hot dish on plates as follows: first spaghetti is portioned, then a sauce from above and the final stroke, slightly chopped greens and grated cheese. This is how easy and simply you can cook a delicious dish that deserves the highest ball. Enjoy to everyone appetite!

Spaghetti in a slow cooker with minced meat

Flot pasta is loved by many and a very popular dish that was cooked in every house. With the advent of a multicooker, the cooking process was facilitated, and besides this, the taste of the finished dish and its benefit improved.

Products for work:

  • spaghetti - 300 g;
  • minced meat - 450 g;
  • butter-to taste, vegetable oil-1-2 tbsp.;
  • water - 3 cups;
  • spices - to taste, as well as a little salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl, activate the Baking program.
  2. We clean the onion, chop, fry in the "frying" mode for 3 minutes, add minced meat, mix, cook for 20 minutes, enriching with spices and salt. So that the minced meat does not take up large pieces, it must be periodically mixed and kneaded with a spatula.
  3. Put the kettle, put spaghetti in the multicooker bowl, pour just boiled water (you need no more than 3 glasses). Add butter to taste, close the lid, leave for 3 minutes.
  4. When the pasta is soaked, you can mix them, additionally salt them, if necessary, then switch the multicooker to the “pilaf” or “paste” mode, prepare a signal before the completion of the program.
  5. After the signal, you can immediately mix the finished dish and serve.

Spaghetti in a multicooker with sausages

The recipe for bachelors, students, beginner kitcheners and those who are dear to every minute, but I want to cook dinner faster and feed their relatives.

The list of everything necessary:

  • spaghetti hard varieties of wheat - 250 g;
  • water - 2 multistakan;
  • sausages-3-5 (by the number of people);
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices and salt are to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. We fill up the pasta into the slow cooker, clean and chop the onion, pour into the slow cooker.
  2. Sausages can be put whole, but it is better to cut into circles.
  3. Add a pinch of ground black pepper and salt, if desired - a little olive oil.
  4. Then you need to pour boiling water so that the water covers all the ingredients 1.5-2 cm, cook with a closed lid in the "pasta", "pasta", "pilaf" or "soup" for 8-10 minutes.
  5. After the signal, you need to mix the contents and immediately serve. Since we do not fry the bow, but lay all the ingredients without preliminary processing, the dish is fragrant, only the onion will not be golden. You can slightly change the recipe and first fry the onion in the oil, then sausages and all together in “frying” mode, and then add pasta and cook further according to the recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Spaghetti in a multicooker with cheese


And again, an unpretentious recipe for making a delicious and light dish. Spaghetti with cheese prepared in a slow cooker can be used as a side dish. To prepare the dish, according to this recipe, you need to choose macarone products of solid varieties.

For preparation, you will need:

  • spaghetti - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • water;
  • spices and salt are to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour oil into the slow cooker, put pasta, pour out onion, finely chopped. Activate the program “Baking”, fry for a quarter of an hour, stirring periodically.
  2. Then we put salt and spices, pour spaghetti with boiling water so that the water only covers them and activate the Pilaf program (you can “spaghetti”, “pasta” or “soup”). Cook for 10 minutes.
  3. While spaghetti is prepared in a slow cooker, you need to grate cheese on a grater and after a signal pour it into a slow cooker. Then close the lid, leave for a few minutes so that the cheese melts.
  4. Before serving, it is necessary to mix spaghetti and serve hot to the table, with a crushed fresh herbs. Bon Appetit everyone!

Spaghetti in a slow cooker. Video
