
Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Boiled condensed milk has a thicker consistency and creamy-caramel taste. Of course, you can buy a ready -made boiled condensed milk in a store. One minus - it costs many times more expensive. You can save and buy an ordinary condensed milk, and then cook it yourself. The finished product is simply amazing and not distinguishable from the original. A boiled condensed milk can be used in the preparation of various creams for the cake and home sweets. In today's article, we will tell you how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker and what to cook out of it in our miracle machine.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

The best device for making boiled condensed milk is a slow cooker. The thing is that the smart machine optimally selects the cooking temperature and supports it throughout the cooking. And this is the most important condition for obtaining a tasty, whole product without grains of sugar. The finished product has a dense consistency of brown color and a characteristic taste. As mentioned above, the main advantage of independent preparation of boiled condensed milk is savings. Take a recipe for a note and aida to prepare a delicious treat!

A list of ingredients that are needed to make boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • solid condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • water-1-1.5 l.

Phased preparation of boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Without opening a jar with condensed milk, wash it and remove the label.
  2. Turn a tin can in a food film in 3-4 layers.
  3. The bottom of the multicier bowl is covered with a silicone rug.
  4. Place a can with condensed milk in a slow cooker.
  5. Pour water into the slow cooker so that the liquid completely covers the jar.
  6. Close the device with a lid.
  7. On the multicooker display, install the “Extinguishing” program.
  8. Cooking time - 2 hours.
  9. By cooking, turn off the car heating and wait for the cooling of the contents of the multicooker.
  10. Wipe the jars of condensed milk dry and place in the refrigerator.

After cooling in the refrigerator, the treat can be opened and enjoy your favorite cream-puncture taste.

Homemade boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

If you do not want to take a storey milk, then you can cook it yourself, starting from the first stage. Boiled homemade condensed milk is preparing in the same way as ordinary. The only difference is that the ingredients will have to be darkened in a slow cooker a little longer, until the acquisition of a characteristic caramel color. We offer to prepare a boiled home condensed milk in the simplest way. Such a recipe can even a beginner in a culinary field.

What ingredients are needed to prepare home boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • soda - a small pinch;
  • sugar - 500 gr.

Note. It is better to choose milk with homemade or with an increased percentage of fat content. So condensed milk will be cooked faster and will have a more saturated taste.

Preparing a boiled home condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Combine milk, sugar and soda in a multicier bowl.
  2. Install the program "A steamed."
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil, constantly stirring it with a whisk.
  4. As soon as the milk boils, turn off the slow cooker so that the contents of the bowl do not “run away”.
  5. When the milk foam settles, install the “Extinguishing” mode on the multicooker software panel.
  6. Prepare a condensed milk for 3 hours.
  7. After the sound signal, open the slow cooker, mix the condensed milk.
  8. Put the device in the "welding" mode.
  9. Rigger condensed milk with an open lid until the desired consistency is obtained and the desired shade (about 30-50 minutes).

By cooking, transfer the finished homemade boiled condensed milk to the prepared container and wait for cooling. The cooled product is screwed with a lid and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

Boiled condensed milk with pears in a slow cooker

Modern hostesses have a whole storehouse of all kinds of recipes. A very interesting and “tasty” recipe, the so -called pear boiled condensed milk. This unusual combination is simply excellent in their taste. Plus such a treat - it can be rolled into banks and eaten all winter. At the output, a very fragrant mass is obtained to taste as condensed milk, but with a pear tint and aftertaste. Try and you will definitely like it!

What ingredients are needed for the preparation of pear boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • pears - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • milk - 1.5 liters.

Note. Choose milk with an increased percentage of fat content.

A step -by -step recipe for cooking boiled condensed milk with pears in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the pears, peel.
  2. Cut off the pulp with the pears, throw the core.
  3. Cut the pears into small cubes.
  4. Pour the cubes of a pear with sugar.
  5. Place the pears with sugar in a slow cooker.
  6. Close the device with a lid and install the extinguishing program for 1 hour.
  7. Pour soda in jam. The mass will hiss out and foam - do not be alarmed, it should be so. Otherwise, milk will curl up.
  8. Add milk to the slow cooker.
  9. Extend the extinguishing for 3 hours.
  10. Stiring periodically, cook a condensed milk with a biped lid.
  11. Cool condensed milk and place it in the bowl of the food combine.
  12. Kip condensed milk until smooth.
  13. Sustain banks.
  14. Pour boiled condensed milk into banks and roll up.
  15. Wrap the container with a dense fabric and not touch it to cool completely.
  16. Store condensed milk in a dark dark place for no more than 4 months.

Cream made of boiled condensed milk with nuts in a slow cooker

The process of cooking iris itself is not complicated. It is much more difficult to make a worthwhile from boiled condensed milk. Most often, this product is used to prepare various cream creams. One of the popular and beloved by many creams based on boiled condensed milk is with nuts and butter. Such a lubricant for the cake is easy, but at the same time saturated and fragrant. In addition, this cream is not rarely used to fill profiterols or cupcakes, coating pies or for serving with pancakes and pancakes.

What ingredients will be required to prepare a cream made of boiled condensed milk with nuts in a slow cooker:

  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter - 200 gr.

Stages of preparing a cream made of boiled condensed milk with nuts in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the can, remove the label, remove the label.
  2. Wrap a tin with cling film in 4 layers.
  3. Place the jar with condensed milk in a slow cooker.
  4. Pour water into the device.
  5. Install the Extinguishing program.
  6. Cooking time - 2 hours.
  7. Remove the oil from the refrigerator and wait until it becomes soft.
  8. Send the oil to the bowl of the mixer and whisk until it becomes magnificent.
  9. Open a warm boiled condensed milk.
  10. In a small stream, pour the iris into the bowl of the mixer, continuing whipping.
  11. Grind the fried walnuts in a coffee grinder.
  12. Add nuts to the cream and kill everything again with a mixer.

After these simplest manipulations, a delicious cream will be ready.

Custard with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Agree, little is compared with the taste of custard. This filling has been known to us since childhood. Then it was possible to feast on it most often when eating custard cakes. Having matured, we discovered the magic of cooking and realized that you can prepare a delicious custard cream on our own. We suggest you get acquainted with an amazing recipe for custard based on boiled condensed milk, which is prepared in a slow cooker. A smart machine greatly simplifies the process of making cream, preventing burning and coagulation of ingredients.

What products will be needed for cooking custard with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • water - 1l;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  • flour - 70 gr.

How to cook custard with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash the tin with condensed milk, remove the label from it.
  2. Wrap the jar with four layers of food film.
  3. Put a tin in a slow cooker.
  4. Pour water into the device.
  5. Close the unit with a lid, install the “Extinguishing” program.
  6. Cook condensed milk for 2 hours.
  7. By preparing, wait for the cooling of the jar and remove it from the device.
  8. Wash the multicier bowl and wipe it dry.
  9. Mix milk, sugar, flour and vanilla sugar in a multicier container.
  10. Mix the contents of the device, breaking all possible lumps.
  11. Install the extinguishing program on the multicooker display.
  12. Constantly stirring the cream, wait for its thickening.
  13. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, turn off the slow cooker, remove the bowl.
  14. Set the multicooker capacity and wait for the mass of mass in it.
  15. Pour the cream into the bowl of the mixer.
  16. Add boiled condensed milk and butter to the mass.
  17. Beat the cream with a mixer to splendor and homogeneity.

Tafita with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Tafita is a popular cream based on cream and dark chocolate. This treat can be prepared with the addition of condensed milk. Moreover, with this tafite ingredient it turns out more saturated and tasty.

List of products for cooking tafits with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cream - 180 ml;
  • butter - 180 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 200 gr.

Method of preparing tafita with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash a tin can with condensed milk, tear off the label from it.
  2. Wrap the jar with cling film.
  3. Place condensed milk in a slow cooker.
  4. Pour water into the device.
  5. Install the extinguishing program and cook a condensed milk for 2 hours.
  6. Remove the coolering field, wash the multicooker bowl and wipe it dry.
  7. Break dark chocolate into small pieces, place in a multicooker container.
  8. Add the cream to the device.
  9. Install the program "Multipovar", temperature 60 degrees.
  10. Constantly stirring, warm the contents of the device to the maximum temperature mark, then remove the bowl, turn off the device.
  11. Beat the butter at room temperature with a mixer to splendor.
  12. Introduce a boiled condensed milk into the oil mass without interrupting the process of whipping the cream.
  13. Add a creamy mixture to the cream.
  14. Put the cream into a suitable container and place in the refrigerator.

After 50 minutes, Tafit will be completely ready for use.

Ice cream with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker

Want to get delicate homemade ice cream with caramel taste? Then our recipe is for you. Curses are also better to take home, but a store will also fit. So, we present to your attention a recipe for delicious ice cream with boiled condensed milk.

What components will be required to make ice cream with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  • boiled condensed milk - 150 gr;
  • cream (fat content of 20%) - 300 ml;
  • black chocolate - 50 g;
  • milk - 100 ml.

Stages of cooking ice cream with boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker.

  1. Boil the condensed milk in the way described above.
  2. Combine milk and boiled condensed milk, send to a slow cooker.
  3. Set the program "Cooking".
  4. Constantly stirring the mass, bring it to a boil.
  5. Add cream.
  6. Also constantly stirring the mixture, again bring its boils.
  7. Remove and set aside the multicooker bowl, cool the liquid inside.
  8. Pour the liquid into a freezing container and place it in the freezer.
  9. Prepare ice cream in the freezer for 5 hours. Get ice cream (only 3-5 times) and with the help of a fork to break ice crystals.
  10. Black chocolate chop into small crumbs.
  11. Pour chocolate into ice cream and mix.
  12. Put a treat in the freezer for another 1 hour.

Boiled condensed milk in a slow cooker. Video
