Pear jam in a slow cooker

Jam is a sweet particle of summer, stored in a bank. Sunny and aromatic jam from pears under a cup of hot tea or coffee is the best remedy for winter longing and cold. In this article, we will consider several recipes for making pear jam in a slow cooker.

Pear jam with cinnamon in a slow cooker


The aroma of cinnamon with pears as good as with apples. Thanks to the components added to it, such a treat will acquire homemade baking. A little sweets with a crispy bread toast are an excellent and inexpensive way to please yourself with something pleasant. We will cook such jam from pears in a slow cooker using the following products:

  • sweet ripe pears - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 25 g;
  • pectin - 10 g;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.


We make jam from pears in a slow cooker according to the instructions:

  1. My pears and, if desired, clean from the peel. Cut the seeds and chop fruit with slices. We put in a bowl of the multicooker, sprinkling with sugar in layers. Brown sugar is best for such a recipe, but you can use simple white granulated sugar.
  2. We cut lemon into pieces or thin slices. We also put them in a slow cooker. Pour pectin and cinnamon on top.
  3. We send the form with fruits for several hours to the refrigerator so that the pears are allowed to let the juice.
  4. Then put the bowl in place, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and bring the fruits to a boil. Remove the foam, cook for 5 minutes, turn off for 6 hours.
  5. Again in the same program we boil pears for 5-10 minutes, again turn off the device and leave the mass for several hours.
  6. Before the last cooking, sterilize cans and lids. We bring the fruits to a boil and cook jam from pears in a slow cooker for another 10 minutes. Pour into banks, roll up and hide.

Pier and grape jam in a multicooker


The secret of this recipe for jam made from pears in a slow cooker is to add an unusual seasoning - lavender. In addition to her, in this delicacy you will meet cinnamon, grapes and white wine. To make this unusual treat, we need the following:

  • white grapes - 0.5 kg;
  • pears - 1 kg;
  • white wine - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • lavender - 1 twig.


Let's try to cook pears in a slow cooker according to this recipe:

  1. We wash the pears and remove the skin from them, and then cut out the middle, dividing the fruits into 4 parts. Cut the pears with slices.
  2. Pour wine into the slow cooker and add sugar to it. In the “Extinguishing” program, we will bring everything to a boil and wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  3. We shift our fruits into this syrup, pour cinnamon. Cook jam from pears in a slow cooker for 15 minutes in the same mode.
  4. Turn off the device and leave the treat for 3 hours to soak with syrup. After 3 hours, add lavender to the dish and again turn on the “Extinguishing” program. After boiling, prepare the jars of pears in a slow cooker for another 10 minutes.
  5. Cool the contents of the bowl for another 3 hours. Then we extract lavender and again turn on the “Extinguishing” option. We cook the treat for another 10 minutes.
  6. Then we pour it on sterilized containers, cover with lids, turn it over and hide under a warm blanket. After a day, we remove for storage.

Jam from pears and apples in a slow cooker


You can supplement the taste of fruits not only with cinnamon, but also with fragrant herbs. In this recipe for jam from pears in a slow cooker, for example, we will use mint. Here is a list of the initial components we need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sweet apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • mint - 4 twigs;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.


Cooking jars of pears and apples in a slow cooker in this way:

  1. We carefully sort out and process all the fruits before cooking, that is, my and clean from the peel and cores, cut off the crushed and rotten places.
  2. Cut the fruits with cubes or slices, and then immerse in the multicier bowl in portions, pouring sugar. It is best to start cooking jam in the evening, so that the fruits infuse and let the juice over the night. We rearrange the fruit bowl in the refrigerator for several hours or at night.
  3. After a while, set the shape to the place, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode, remove the foam after boiling and cook the jam from pears in a slow cooker for 1.5 hours, stirring it from time to time and watching it so as not to burn.
  4. About half an hour before the end of cooking, add citric acid. 10 minutes before the end of the program, we put peppermint branches on the fruits on top.
  5. We sterilize the jars while boiling jars of pears and apples in a slow cooker. We take out a mint from the finished delicacy, and pour the jam into banks and canned for the winter.

Pears with grapes and orange in a slow cooker


Citrus taste in pear jam can be achieved not only with lemon, but also with a more aromatic orange. In this recipe, we will also use the grapes of the Kishmish variety, since there are no bones in it and there is such jam will be more pleasant. Here is a list of ingredients for making pears jams in a slow cooker:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 300 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • orange - 1 pc.


We make jars of pears in a slow cooker in this way:

  1. We free the washed pears from the peel and seeds, cutting the fruits into quarters. Shink fruits with slices or beautiful even cubes.
  2. We cut off the grape berries from the branch, firmly sort out so that we do not come across rotten, wash with water in a colander and leave to drain for several minutes.
  3. Pour 150 ml of water into a slow cooker and pour half the sugar rate there. In the “Extinguishing” program, we bring to a boil and cook the syrup until crystals dissolve. In hot syrup, lay out pieces of pears and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool pears in syrup for 3-4 hours. Then we activate the same program again and let it boil from pears in a slow cooker. Pour the remaining sugar and grapes, as well as an orange cut with thin slices. We prepare the treat for 1 hour, stirring.
  5. During the preparation of jam, sterilize the dishes for conservation. We pour the hot treats into banks and roll up. Cool under a warm blanket, hide until winter in a cool dry place.

Jam from pears in a slow cooker


Pear can be closed not only with whole beautiful pieces, but also in the form of jam. Jam is good because it can be spread on fresh bread or on crispy fried toasts. Ingredients for making such jams from pears in a slow cooker do not need much, here is a full list:

  • ripe soft pears - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp.


Such a jam of their pears in a slow cooker is done in the following way:

  1. For jam, it is not necessary to use beautiful whole fruits, and this is a plus of preparing such a delicacy. Pear can choose slightly crushed, overripe. In general, the softer the fruits will be, the faster they will be divorced and the more a homogeneous consistency will be acquired. Having prepared the indicated amount of pears, clean them from seeds and peels, cut off the rotten places.
  2. We cut the fruits with arbitrary pieces and put in a multicier shape, pour water and turn on the “cook” mode, in which we cook pears for about 20-30 minutes until completely softened. The resulting mass should be more reminiscent of mashed potatoes than individual pieces of fruit.
  3. We grind the cooled puree in a blender or rub through a sieve, then we return it back to a multicier vessel.
  4. There we fall asleep with sugar and add citric acid. Mix.
  5. In the “Extinguishing” program, we prepare jars of pears in a slow cooker for 30-50 minutes, until it thickens enough.
  6. We lay out the jam on sterilized jars and roll it with clean boiled lids. After cooling, we hide in a cool dark place.

Pear jam with lingonberries in a slow cooker


Pear with lingonberries is double benefits. In addition, such a jam gets an excellent beautiful shade. To make such a jam from pears in a slow cooker we will be from the components:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lingonberries - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.


A detailed description of the recipe for jam from pears in a slow cooker:

  1. First, wash the lingonberry berries, pouring them into a colander. Then we leave for a few minutes so that the glass is excess water.
  2. The pears, after raining, clean it from the peel and seeds. We do not throw away the waste, but put in a metal bowl along with lingonberries.
  3. Cut the pulp with beautiful slices. Put them in a slow cooker and spray the juice of the half of the lemon. The squeezed lemon itself is transferred to the vessel with pear cleaning and lingonberries. We pour 200 ml of water into this saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, prepare under the lid for 20 minutes. Our goal is to achieve complete softening of lingonberry berries, which should become gruel.
  4. Cool the mass from the saucepan and rub through a sieve. We spread in a slow cooker on top of pear slices. Pour sugar and turn on the “Extinguishing” program.
  5. Cooking pears in a slow cooker for 40-50 minutes until thickened.
  6. Then we distribute it into sterilized banks and roll it up. After cooling, we remove for storage.

Pear jam in a slow cooker. Video
