
Orange jam in a slow cooker

The slow cooker is so universal household appliances that even jam can be boiled in it. However, you do not have to stand over the bowl for several days. You can cook it in a slow cooker in just one trick and not only from the usual berries for us. Very original in taste is orange jam, which can be served with tea or used for baking.

Orange jam in a multicooker - preparation of products

  • Using a multicooker, cooking jam from oranges is very simple. A bright citrus taste can be emphasized with fragrant spices, ginger or lemon and lime. Due to the dense structure of the jam, many housewives like to use it as a layer in desserts or serve with pancakes, pancakes or simply spread on a sandwich.
  • The classic version of the preparation of orange jam provides for a homogeneous consistency. But there are recipes in which the shape of the slices is preserved, and the peel is left. In this case, Jam acquires not only an interesting appearance, but also the original taste.
  • The choice of fruit will determine the taste of the finished dish. So, if you want to get a slightly sour taste with a dense consistency, then buy elastic fruits. Of the ripe oranges, a more fragrant jam with a sweet taste will turn out. In any case, citruses should be without damage and traces of rot.
  • Fruits for the dish must be thoroughly washed. This is necessary only in running water. Then the skin is dried with paper towels. The zest is removed from the oranges, the seeds are removed, and the pulp is cut into slices. The juice that stands out from citruses must be assembled and poured into the multicooker bowl. The zest is also added when cooking jam.
  • Orange jam can be prepared for the future. To do this, after cooking, pour the mass into sterilized jars and roll up. If you want to make baking in the near future, it will be enough to store jam in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.
  • To get a homogeneous consistency from a jam, it is grinded through a sieve or pierced with a blender. Since the dish is prepared in a slow cooker at a time, gegar-agar powder is used to thicken the mass.
  • Some housewives boil jam from dried orange crusts. The technology of cooking is slightly different from other recipes. The skin is pre -poured with boiling water and remains in it for 30 minutes. Then cut into strips. The peel is not covered with sugar, but poured with hot syrup from it. In addition, it increases 2 times for cooking.

Orange jam in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

You can cook jam from oranges at any time of the year, because they are sold in stores all year round. If you like this jam, then try to cook it in the fruit season. At this time, they are the sweetest. According to the recipe, you will need not only the pulp of the orange, but also its zest. Also, instead of lemons, you can use citric acid.

List of necessary ingredients:

  • ripe oranges - 10 pcs.;
  • lemons are whole - 2 pcs.;
  • citric acid - if necessary;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

A step -by -step recipe for making oranges jam:

  1. First of all, prepare fruits. First, wash the fruits in warm water very thoroughly. If you purchased oranges and lemons not in the season, then they often come in from above by paraffin or other means. You can also gently rub them with a brush or scraper.
  2. Then transfer citruses into a deep pan and pour boiling water. In this case, all fruits should be completely covered with liquid. Close the container with a lid and leave the oranges with lemons in water for half an hour. This time is enough to make bitterness from the skin. After the indicated time, remove the fruits from the liquid and let them cool.
  3. Remove the zest with a thin layer of oranges and lemons. Cut it very carefully so that the white pulp does not remain on the peel. Finely cut the zest. Download it to the bottom of the multicooker bowl, add 300 g of sugar to it and mix with a spatula.
  4. Set the container in the slow cooker, close the lid. In the menu, select the “Extinguishing” option, set the time for 20 minutes and press the Start button.
  5. Now the most time -consuming process is coming. Remove the white peel from the fruit, divide the pulp or cut into slices. Remove the seeds and cut the thickest partitions and films. Then finely chop the citruses.
  6. After the multicooker signal, open the lid, load the pulp of citrus fruits into the bowl and pour the rest of the sugar. Mix the mass well. When sugar is completely dissolved, try the syrup to taste. If it is strongly sugary, then add a teaspoon of citric acid.
  7. To prepare an orange jam, it is best to use the Jam or Jam program. But, if your multicooker does not have such a function, then cook the dish for the “Extinguishing” option. The "Baking" mode is also suitable.
  8. Turn on the technique on the jam function, set the time for 40 minutes. For the first 10 minutes, do not close the multicooker lid and constantly stir the fruit so that the grains of sugar are completely dissolved. Then close the lid and cook jam until the end of the time.
  9. After the multicooker signal about the end of the cooking process, let Jam cool for 20 minutes with a cover closed. During slow cooling, the flesh of fruits is nourished by syrup. Then try jam, add more sugar or citric acid if necessary.
  10. Mix the mass, close the lid and cook jam for another 30 minutes on the same option. At the end of cooking, the mixture should acquire amber color and a thick consistency. If this does not happen, then cook jam for another half hour.
  11. When the sweet dish is ready, you can leave it with pieces of pulp or grind the mass with a blender. For canning jam, it is necessary to pour in hot form in sterile jars and roll up. It must be stored in a cool place or in the basement.

Orange jam with ginger and apple in a slow cooker

The sweetness of the orange can be emphasized by the acuity of fresh ginger and apple sourness. Such ingredients are prepared for different times, but the technology for making jam is different from the classic recipe. It can be prepared in small portions, since it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • large orange - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon with a thin crust - 1 pc.;
  • big apple - 1 pc.;
  • ginger root - 30 g.;
  • white sugar - ¾ Art.;
  • boiled water - 1 tbsp.;
  • ground clove - ½ tsp.

Step -by -step description of the recipe:

  1. Pour the orange with lemon with boiling water, then wipe it thoroughly with paper towels. So you will wash off the wax that manufacturers apply for the safety of the fruit. Remove the skin from the orange and cut into small stripes. In this case, the white part is not required to prepare a jam.
  2. Pour the peeled water into the multicooker bowl, pour all the sugar into it. Stir sugar grains and add sliced \u200b\u200borange zest. Turn on the multicooker on the “extinguishing” mode, leave the lid open. Bring the mass to a boil, often stirring it.
  3. Divide the pulp of the orange with your hands into slices, cut into 2-3 parts, remove the film with the veins and pull out the seeds. When the syrup with zest boils, load the fruit into the bowl, stir and wait until the liquid boils again.
  4. Unlike an orange, the lemon has a white pulp is not so bitter, so it can be used during the preparation of a jam. Cut the lemon with a cube with the peel. Remove the seeds. In boiling syrup with oranges, add lemon pulp. Boil jam for 10 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, prepare apples. Rinse them, remove the skin and finely cut the pulp. Any fruit variety can be used, only make sure that the fruits are mature. Since a ripe apple will give more juice for jam. Put it into the bowl and pour ground cloves.
  6. Now close the multicooker lid and cook jam for 30 minutes. After that, let the mass cool for 15-20 minutes. While jam cools down, clean the ginger root, chop it or rub it on a fine grater. At the same time, do not pour its juice, but add with the pulp to the oranges.
  7. Again, boil jam for 20 minutes and cool right in the cup of the multicooker with a closed lid. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, close the lid and put in the refrigerator.

Orange jam in a multicooker with gelatin

To make a thick jam from oranges optional to boil it for a long time. You can preserve the juice and give the mixture the consistency of the jam using gelatin. It can be used in powder or sheets, the main thing is to observe the ratio of fluid and ingredient.

Take the following products:

  • orange - 0.6 kg.;
  • white sugar - 200 g.;
  • gelatin powder - 2 g.;
  • boiled water - 60 ml. on jam and 1 tbsp. for zest;
  • vanilin - on the tip of the knife.

The phased recipe for making orange jam:

  1. Oranges will need ripe, without dents and other damage. Lower them into boiling water for a few seconds, then wipe with a kitchen towel. Gently remove the peel from 2 fruits with a knife. If the white pulp remains, then cut it. Grind a cube.
  2. Put the zest in the multicooker bowl, pour 1 tbsp. water. Close the lid, select the “Baking” option and boil the zest for 20 minutes. Then cool, squeeze the liquid, and leave the zest in the bowl.
  3. Clean the rest of the oranges. Disassemble the pulp of all fruits on slices, remove the film and large veins. Do this over the container so that the juice flows into it. Cut the fruits finely and, together with the juice, transfer the multicooker to the zest into the bowl.
  4. Add sugar, vanillin and 60 ml to oranges. purified water. Mix the mass well with a spatula. Close the slow cooker and cook jam for 20 minutes in the “Jam” or “Extinguishing” mode. Dilute the gelatin in a small amount of boiled water and leave to swell.
  5. After the sound signal, open the lid and cool with jam. Belender, whisk it until a homogeneous mass, but not mashed. Then add gelatin, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil in the "baking" mode. Hot jam pour into jars and leave to cool.

Orange jam with melon in a slow cooker

Some housewives like to cook desserts with melons. It goes well to taste with orange, so in the jam you can add a fragrant fruit from it. The melon should also be ripe, but with dense pulp. Use it only a third part in relation to the total volume of citrus. You can regulate the amount of sugar yourself. From spices you can add cinnamon or bati. Use them as a whole, then to get it from a jam.

List of necessary ingredients:

  • sweet orange - 1 kg.;
  • ripe melon - 350 g.;
  • brown sugar - 500 g.;
  • cinnamon in sticks - 1 pc.;
  • badya star - 2 pcs.

Method of preparing a jam from oranges:

  1. Wash the oranges in warm water and wipe with wipes. For this recipe, the fruit is not needed, but you do not throw it away. Dry the skin and grind in a mortar. It will become an original additive to baking or stewed meat.
  2. Wash the melon, peel. Cut the pulp with slices, then with a small cube. Remove the skin from the orange, cut off the white veins and remove the film from the lobules. Grind a cube.
  3. Put the chopped fruits into the multicooker bowl, pour the fourth part of the sugar, mix and leave for 20-30 minutes. During this time, melon with orange will be launched, and you will not need to add water. Use brown sugar, as it is not so sweet and contains many useful elements.
    From the rest of the sugar, weld the syrup on the stove and pour it to the fruits. Add spices, mix the mass thoroughly, close the multicooker lid. Turn on the function “jam” or “extinguishing” for 30 minutes.
  4. After the indicated time, open the multicooker lid, leave Jam cool for 10-15 minutes. Take a stick of cinnamon and Badyan. Instead of them, you can use spices in crushed form, but they will be felt in the finished jem.
  5. Then cross the mass with a blender and cook for another 15 minutes, but now open a pair hole on the multicooker lid. During this time, the mass should decrease and thicken. Fasten the banks in any way and pour hot jam into them. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Orange jam with Revens in a slow cooker

Rhus gaining more and more popularity among ingredients. It is often used in salads or stewed meat with it. But also delicious desserts with an original taste are prepared from the stalks of rhubarb. The orange jam together with a rug will acquire a sweet and sour taste.

Recipe components:

  • rhubarb stems - 1 kg.;
  • ripe orange - 1 kg.;
  • white sugar - 1.5 kg.;
  • ground ginger - 1 tsp.

How to cook jam in a slow cooker:

  1. Such an unusual jam will require you a little more time to cook it. At first, take a rhubarb. I use only stems for food, as they contain a lot of useful components for the body.
  2. Rinse rinse and pour boiling water. Remove the film that is on top of the pulp from the stem. Cut the ingredient with a very small cube. In a slow cooker, weld the syrup from the entire amount of sugar in the "baking" mode. You will need about 7-10 minutes for this. At the same time, constantly stir the sugar so that it does not burn.
  3. Turn rhubarb into the syrup, close the lid and leave it to brew in a slow cooker for 1 hour. This product emits a lot of liquids, so it needs to be given for this time.
  4. To remove the bitterness from the peel of oranges, pour them with boiling water. After 20 minutes, remove, wipe with wipes and remove the zest from 2 fruits. Avoid white pulp, as it will give Jema a bitter taste.
    Cut the pulp of orange as smaller as possible. Download it with the zest to rhubarb, mix. Turn on the slow cooker for the "jam" mode. Boil the mass for 30 minutes with a closed lid.
  5. Jem let it brew and cool for 20-30 minutes. Then add chopped ginger and cook jam for another 15 minutes. Pour it hot into prepared containers. Cool and store in a cool place.

Orange jam without sugar with agar-agar in a slow cooker

Adherents of a healthy diet are trying to reduce the amount of sugar consumption and do not use gelatin. You can cook jam from oranges without these ingredients. This recipe uses a sugar substitute and agar-agar powder.

Prepare such ingredients:

  • sweet oranges - 400 g.;
  • agar-agar powder-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • mint leaves - to taste;
  • any sugar -substitute is to taste.

Method of preparing orange jam:

  1. Remove bitterness from orange (pour boiling water), remove the skin. From the fruit, cut the remains of white pulp, remove the seeds and film. Cut the citrus in pieces, transfer into a container and beat with a blender. Use the lowest speed so that you do not get mashed potatoes.
  2. Pour the mass to the multicooker bowl, add crushed mint leaves and fill the sucriner to your liking. If oranges are very sweet, then you may not use it. Mix the orange well so that the sugar substitute evenly dissolves in the mass. At this stage, you can add your favorite spices, but only chopped.
  3. Close the slow cooker, open the pair hole. Select the "jam" option and cook the orange for 20 minutes. Agar-agar powder must be added to the boiling mass and mix thoroughly. Do this at the end of cooking.
  4. The second time jam does not need to be boiled. It is necessary to pour it only in hot form, since Agar-Agar comes into force. The mass is quickly thickening and then you will not be able to transfer it to banks.

Orange jam in a slow cooker - Secrets of a delicious recipe

  • If you want to cook jam along with orange peels, then you first need to remove bitterness from them. To do this, cut the fruit in large slices and blanch it for several seconds in boiling water. Then finely cut into pieces.
  • To check the consistency of the finished dish, drop a small amount of hot jam on a chilled plate. If the mass after cooling is covered with an elastic film, then the jam is ready. Unsowry syrup from oranges cannot be left, otherwise it is moldy.
  • When using oranges for a jam, the zest is not thrown away from them. It can be an original addition to baking. Pour it with sugar and put it in the freezer.
  • To preserve the freshness of the product for a long time, instead of lemon juice, use citric acid. It will give the dish sour and will play the role of the easy preservative in the dish.
  • Be sure to try each fruit before adding it to the total mass. The bitterness of even one fruit can ruin the taste of jam. Also, do not allow the bones to enter the syrup, they will give him an unpleasant taste.
  • You can quickly remove the zest from the citrus with a coarse grater. For jam cooking, it is quite suitable in this form, especially if you then interrupt it with a blender.
  • To reduce the time of cooking jam in a slow cooker, cut the flesh of the fruit as smaller as possible. Also, instead of adding sugar, prepare syrup out of it and pour it to orange in hot condition.
  • If you add other fruits or berries to the orange jam, try not to exceed a third of the total oranges. Otherwise, the taste of the main ingredient will not be felt.
  • Do not use too much orange zest in Jeme. The optimal ratio of pulp and peel is 2 tbsp. l. for every kilogram of citrus. You can download zest during the preparation of jam at any stage.

You can cook at home a fragrant orange jam in a slow cooker. So you will save time on cooking, and the dish itself will turn out to be aromatic and save all the useful elements in the product. Enjoy your meal!

Orange jam with apples in a slow cooker, video:
