
Jam in a multicooker Polaris

Cooking jam is a simple matter. The main thing here is to prepare food and dishes, and then periodically stir the sweetness so that it does not steal and boil evenly. If you do not work jams in too large quantities for the winter, then a five -liter multicier bowl is also suitable for cooking. We will talk about the features of making jam in the multicooker Polaris in this article, as well as share interesting recipes for treats.

How to cook jam in a multicooker Polaris


The capacity of the standard multicooker bowl is 5 liters. This means that the maximum amount of jam that you can close at a time is a few jars. Preparing jam in a slow cooker is no more difficult than in a regular basin or in some other container. However, the use of such technology has some subtleties:

  1. In order not to scratch the anti -stick coating of the bowl, it is better to pre -turn sugar into a syrup and pour fruits or berries to them. You can just wait until the jam boils, the sugar completely melts, and only then stir the treat with a spoon.
  2. When working with a slow cooker, you need to use special plastic tools that are included, or replace them with silicone or wooden devices.
  3. When cooking jam, you should not fill the bowl to capacity, because the foam will surely run through the lid. Leave at least 1/3 of free space.
  4. Preparing jam in a slow cooker is most convenient in the program “Extinguishing” or “Soup”.
  5. Since in a closed device the liquid does not evaporate as fast as in a pan, the jam made in a slow cooker will be slightly liquid. So that the syrup boils faster, it is better to remove the steam valve from the cover. You do not need to add water when cooking, but the foam must be removed, as during the preparation of the delicacy in the pan.
  6. In the slow cooker, jams without sugar are well prepared. It takes a lot of time for their cooking - at least an hour.

Brusnic-apple jam in a multicooker Polaris


Is it worth mentioning the enormous benefits of lingonberries for the body if its folk name “Berry of Immortality” speaks for itself? Such an apple-brave jam cooked in the multicooker "Polaris" is a storehouse of health. A rich set of vitamins in the cold season will help to cope with any disease and vitamin deficiency. We will make a treat from such products:

  • lingonberry - 1 kg;
  • apples - 300 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


And now we will prepare lingonberry-apple jam in the multicooker "Polaris":

  1. In a colander, under clean running water, wash lingonberry berries. My apples and clean from the skin.
  2. We boil water in the pan. Having folded apples in a metal sieve, we lower it into boiling water for half a minute, transfer to a slow cooker. We do the same with lingonberries. Berries are also poured into the bowl.
  3. Pour sugar, do not mix, but simply turn on the “Extinguishing” program.
  4. Within 2 hours, cook lingonberry-apple jam in the multicooker "Polaris". Do not forget to remove the foam after boiling, and when the sugar crystals are completely melted, the jam can be interfered with a spatula from time to time.
  5. We do not roll the treat immediately. First, we completely cool it, and then again in the “Extinguishing” program, we bring to a boil. So, in hot form, and pour into sterilized jars.

Citrus waits from zucchini in a multicooker Polaris


Ruckers jam is a rather popular recipe. The most pleasant thing in this vegetable is its unobtrusive, subtle aroma. Thanks to this, zucchini can purchase stronger smells of other vegetables or fruits, for example, citrus fruits, as in this recipe. We will try to cook jam in the multicooker "Polaris" from this list of components:

  • young zucchini - 800 g;
  • sugar - 2 glasses;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


We will analyze the cooking process by stages:

  1. Young zucchini there is no need to clean either from the peel or from the seeds. We just wash them and sweat on a coarse grater or on a special grater for making carrots in Korean. After 5 minutes, the vegetables will let the juice, squeeze the excess liquid with your hands.
  2. We pour citrus fruits with boiling water and twist in a meat grinder.
  3. The zucchini with lemon and oranges is mixed in a multicier dish and sprinkle sugar. Put in the cold for about an hour to let the juice.
  4. Turn on the slow cooker, install the program "Baking". In this mode, we prepare the jam in the multicooker "Polaris" for 20 minutes, meanwhile we hold the lid open.
  5. Then we switch the option to another - “extinguishing”. We cook jam for another 2 hours.
  6. While it is hot and still boils, pour into small sterilized jars, close.

Psikovo-apelsin jam in a multicooker Polaris


Peach is good in any form - fresh, baked or canned. And with oranges, peaches become even tastier, brighter and more aromatic. We will try to cook jam and these two types of fruits in the multicooker, this is what we need for him:

  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • orange - 6 pcs.


But the cooking process itself:

  1. It is advisable to clean the peaches from the rough skin, and for this they must be dipped in boiling water for a moment. Then the skin will easily move away from the pulp. We will cut the fruits into halves and pull the seeds.
  2. We wash the oranges and chop slices.
  3. We lay fruits in the multicooker, embankment sugar. Let us stand a couple of hours to get enough juice.
  4. We turn on the extinguishing program and prepare the jam in the Polaris multicooker 1.5 hours. Then we close it in sterilized containers. A small amount of goodies can be stored in the refrigerator, or can be hidden in the cellar.

Cherry jam in a multicooker Polaris


Closing in its composition contains a large amount of pectin, and it has good geling properties. Note that its fruits are acidic, so you need a lot of sugar. In this recipe, we will use it 2 times more than the cherry plum itself. We will prepare the jam in the multicooker "Polaris" from the following list:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • water - 50 ml.


And here is how we will cook cherry jam in the multicooker "Polaris":

  1. My fruits, remove the stalks and falling leaves, rotten plums. Pour good fruits into a slow cooker, pour 50 ml of water, turn on the “extinguishing”.
  2. Cook plums until they become completely soft. It takes 15-20 minutes for this.
  3. Cool the cherry plum so that it does not burn your hands, and transfer it to a sieve or into a colander. We wipe so that the juice with the pulp is in the vessel from below, and the seeds and peel remained in a colander.
  4. We transfer the pulp again to the slow cooker and add sugar. In the “Extinguishing” program, we cook the cherry jam in the multicooker “Polaris” for 30 minutes.
  5. Pour cinnamon and boil with it for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. We roll jam into jars.

Poleris pile jam and kiwi in a multicooker


In real cooks, nothing will prevent anything from experimenting and adding a little exotic to jam, namely, kiwi. This is what we need for such a delicacy:

  • white plum - 1 kg;
  • ripe kiwi - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


Cooking jam for the winter in the multicooker "Polaris" looks like this:

  1. We sort the plums, carefully remove the seeds, and we fill the fruits in the slow cooker with the indicated amount of sugar. For a couple of hours we leave to let the juice.
  2. Then we find and activate the “Extinguishing” program, we wait for the syrup to boil. In the meantime, we are waiting, along the way, we clean the kiwi from the rough skin.
  3. We remove the foam from the syrup and put kiwi cut into slices in jam.
  4. We cook jam in the multicooker "Polaris" for 20 minutes.

Apple jam with nuts in a multicooker Polaris


Why not make simple apple jam slightly spicy, especially since it is not at all difficult. Add a little lemon zest, a little cognac and bay leaves - the original treat is ready. We will cook apple jam in the multicooker "Polaris" from:

  • apples - 500 g;
  • purified walnuts - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • cognac - 1 tbsp.


Cooking spicy jam in the multicooker "Polaris" as follows:

  1. With apples, we cut the peel with a thin layer, divide the fruits into 8 parts, remove the middle.
  2. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the lemon. Before that, we scald the lemon with boiling water. From the pulp, squeeze the juice.
  3. We boil 50 ml of water, pour into the bowl and pour sugar. Then we put the slices of apples and lemon zest. We also pour lemon juice into jam.
  4. Put the bay leaf and turn on the “Extinguishing” program. Boil, remove the foam from the syrup, cook 1 hour. After the first 15 minutes of cooking, we take a bay leaf out of the dish.
  5. Add walnut nucleus to the treat and 1 tbsp. Cognac. We cook jam in the Polaris multicooker for another 10 minutes, after which we clog in clean jars.

Melon jam in a multicooker Polaris


Many love fresh melon for its fresh, incomparable fragrant aroma, juiciness and sweetness, which in winter you can only remember. However, the melon can be closed in the form of jam, like any other fruit. And to cook it in the multicooker "Polaris" will need the following:

  • melon - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


In the multicooker "Polaris" we will cook melon jam in the following way:

  1. We clean the melon from the seeds, cut off the crust, crumble the pulp. Put them in layers in a slow cooker, pouring sugar.
  2. We are waiting for about 3 hours so that the melon lets the juice.
  3. We scald the lemon with boiling water and scroll in a meat grinder. Add to jam.
  4. We turn on the “Extinguishing” program and prepare the jam in the multicooker “Polaris” 40 minutes.
  5. Cool the treat and cook again for the same 40 minutes, using the same option.
  6. For the third time we repeat the procedure, boiling pieces of melon for 1 hour. Then we clog the jam in sterilized containers.

Pumpkin jam in a multicooker Polaris


The pumpkin is rapidly boiled, so the easiest way to cook jam, and not jam with pieces. And so that the smell of this vegetable in the delicacy does not seem boring, when cooking such a jam in the multicooker "Polaris" we will add cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla to it. Here is a list of products we need:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • cardamon - ¼ tsp;
  • vanilin is a pinch.


Preparing pumpkin jam in the multicooker "Polaris" in this way:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp with cubes and spread in a multicier shape. Pour sugar.
  2. We squeeze the juice from lemons and also pour into a slow cooker.
  3. Pour all the spices indicated in the recipe.
  4. We activate the “Extinguishing” program and prepare pumpkin jam in the multicooker “Polaris” 1 hour.
  5. Cool the treats a little and turn it into mashed potatoes with a blender. We do this in another bowl so as not to damage the anti -stick covering of the bowl. Then, in the “Extinguishing” mode, we boil the dish for another 15 minutes and roll up to banks.

Jam in a multicooker Polaris. Video
