Gooseberry jam in a slow cooker

In the summer I don’t want to cook much, it becomes very hot in the kitchen that the stove is constantly turned on. Now it is in the past. If there is a slow cooker, then you can cook everything you want, including cooking from gooseberries in a slow cooker.

Gooseberry jam in a slow cooker


What do you need to cook delicious jam? A little time, slow cooker and food. In this case, everything is very simple, you will need to collect the ripened gooseberry berries from the branches and buy sugar in the store. That's it, you can proceed to cooking jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker.

What do you need:

  • gooseberry berries - 700 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking from gooseberries in a slow cooker:

  1. I immediately want to draw the attention of the reader to the fact that the indicated volume of berries is better not to exceed, because the jam when boiling increases in volume and can rise.
  2. It is very simple to cook jam, you first need to prepare cans with lids, so as not to do this work on the stove. Wash the jars in warm water with soda, the lid is the same. Install the pairing container in the multicooker container, put jars on top (2-3 pcs. 0.5 l).
  3. Turn on the program “Warm -up”, you can sterilize the container for half an hour. Put the covers simply in the water, and the jars are bottomed up.
  4. While banks are processed, it is possible to not lose time for nothing and do the preparation of berries. Wryngery needs to be sorted out, removed and leaflets, rinse well. And this can be done as follows: pour gooseberries into a colander, rinse under a stream of running water.
  5. The banks are processed, they need to be put on a clean towel bottom up, drained water, put gooseberries in the multicooker bowl, pour sugar and still leave for half an hour so that the berries are released and sugar began to slowly dissolve.
  6. Now you can start the most important thing - preparing jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker. And only you need to turn on the “Extinguishing” program, to set the time for 30 minutes.
  7. With this mode, sugar dissolves gradually, it turns out that the jam will reach the stages of the boiling after 10 minutes from the beginning of turning on the slow cooker. It may take a little more time, for example, 15 minutes.
  8. When boiling on the surface, a foam forms, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  9. During the preparation of gooseberry jam in a slow cooker, it can be mixed several times. By the way, the lid of the device cannot be closed, otherwise the jam can “run away” through the valve.
  10. As soon as the slow cooker is turned off, you need to remove the bowl from the device and put it on the table so that the jam cools faster. And when it cools completely, you need to repeat the actions again: turn on the “Extinguishing” program for 15 minutes so that the jam boils. Remove and cool the jam again and once again bring to the boiling stage. But you need to boil only 5 minutes both times. This is quite enough.
  11. The welded gooseberry jam in this way is much tastier and fragrant. And also - it will last longer, even at home in the pantry.
  12. Hot jam should be poured into jars, rolled with lids. You should not turn it upside down, wrap it up the same way.

A jug of gooseberries is stored in a slow cooker in a cool place, but if it doesn’t work, then put jars with jam on a shelf in the pantry (there are still cooler than in the room and even more so, in the kitchen). It turns out fragrant, tasty jam, moderately sweet with light sourness. With such jam you can drink tea in the morning, bake pies (open) or breed jam with water to get a drink. From the specified number of ingredients, 1 jar with a volume of 0.5 l of jam and a little more for the sample is obtained.

Gooseberry jam in a multicooker fragrant


Do you know that gooseberries are the most delicious berry? And it is also very useful and in order to harvest a good harvest, it is not at all necessary to pay a lot of attention to gooseberry bushes, they are unpretentious and give a good harvest. From gooseberries, you can cook compote, delicious jelly, make wine, tincture, cook jam and tasty aromatic jam. We offer to get acquainted with this recipe and cook with us tasty gooseberry jam.

We will prepare the following:

  • gooseberry berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar-sand-1.2 kg.

How to cook gooseberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. There are a lot of useful substances in gooseberries, and vitamin C is almost as much as in red currant. And vitamins are preserved even during heat treatment, especially if you cook it in a slow cooker. You can cook jam in different ways, that is, the proportions of sugar and berries can be different. You can take 1 part of the berries 1.2 parts of sugar or equally: the same berries and sugar. For example, 0.5 kg of gooseberries and the same amount of sugar-sand. We do not add water, this is superfluous.
  2. Berries need to be sorted and washed, separated by tails. Place in a colander so that the glass is excess fluid.
  3. Pure berries need to be placed in a pot of multicooker and pour sugar on top of the berries. It is not necessary to crush gooseberries, but carefully mix with a spatula, this is permissible.
  4. We are waiting for 1 hour to let the berries let the juice and the sugar begin to slowly melt. It happens that there is not enough hours, it all depends on the variety of berries. If you do not have time, then we recommend that you do it: pour the berries with sugar and leave it overnight. And in the morning we will begin to prepare aromatic jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker.
  5. When the sugar dissolves, you just need to turn on the extinguishing program, but do not close the lid. We will set the time for 1.5 hours.
  6. The most important thing is not to miss the moment of boiling. Because it will rise on top of the foam, which must be assembled and transferred to a plate.
  7. If you suddenly be afraid that you miss the moment of boiling, then you need to install a pairing container on top, then the jam will not rise above this lattice. Naturally, it will not run away anywhere. Only the foam will not be able to collect and it will go to the mass. But this is not so scary, then it can be assembled at the edges of the multicooker bowl, but not completely, but what is left.
  8. As soon as the timer works, this means that the jam has been cooked. In the process of cooking, you can mix fragrant jam from gooseberries several times in a slow cooker.
  9. To pour hot jam into jars and immediately roll up, banks and lids need to be prepared in advance. But this is not difficult, you can just prepare the container in advance and in a slow cooker to sterilize the banks along with the lids. Put the lids in the water, and put the cans on the bond-boiler room. Steaming mode. Processing time of 2 jars with a volume of 0.5 l-10 minutes.
  10. The jam is ready, the banks are waiting. You can pour jam into jars, only very carefully, so as not to burn and roll it with lids.
  11. After cooling, the jug of gooseberries in the slow cooker should be put in a cool place, placed in the cellar, put on a shelf in the pantry or take it to the basement.

The jam is fragrant and very tasty, it can be served for tea, used as a filling for open pies, and also make delicious drinks. Correctly, do not eat up, a calorie jam! Enjoy your tea party!

Gooseberry jam in the multicooker "Tsarskoye"


And as soon as this jam is not called: tsarist, emerald, and even royal. And all because the berries remain intact and transparent. And here is the main secret: jam needs to be cooked from unripe berries, then they do not burst when cooking.

What products are needed:

  • unripe gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 2 glasses.

On the preparation of gooseberry jam in a slow cooker:

  • The most important thing is to properly prepare berries. Namely: each berry must be washed and freed from the stalk and tail. But they can not be torn off, but you need to carefully cut it off with scissors so as not to damage the berry.
  • And then no less interesting activity: it is necessary to pierce each berry with a needle, then they will not crack during cooking.
  • Wryngery must be put in a bowl and sprinkled with vodka, it will take approximately 50 ml.
  • Then a bowl of berries should be put in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the freezer of an ordinary refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • After the time has expired, the bowl must be put on the shelf in the refrigerator and leave the night.
  • Sugar and water will be needed to cook syrup. You can do this in a slow cooker, pour sugar, pour water, the lid can be closed and the “baking” program is turned on for 20 minutes. As soon as the mass begins to boil, the syrup needs to be stirred, open the lid and pour the gooseberry berries neatly into a boiling mass.
  • Then you need to wait until the whole mass boils, only shake, move or mix the berries strictly forbidden!
  • You need to get a container with a multicooker jam and cool. Leave the pan with jam on the table at night, only cover with a plate or lid.
  • The next day, when the jam is absolutely cold, strain the berries through a colander, the syrup is again pouring into the multicooker bowl and bring to a boil. Program "Baking", time 15 minutes. Perhaps less time will be needed, everything will depend on the power of your device.
  • As soon as the syrup boils, put the berries, wait for the jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker to boil and set aside again. And so from 2 to 4 times.
  • The last time you need to boil the jam for 20 minutes, but here the time can be different. Focus on the density of the syrup, the drop should hang and not spread along the spoon.
  • Then you can pour ready -made hot gooseberry jam, boiled in a slow cooker, jars (prepared in advance, sterilized) and roll up. If you want, you can put a little vanillin powder in each jar.

There is another recipe for the preparation of royal jam, cherry leaves (100 g) and 1 tsp are added to the above ingredients. citric acid. Cook in the same way, only first in water with the addition of citric acid you need to boil the leaves for 5 minutes from the date of boiling, then add sugar and cook the syrup. Well, then everything is exactly as described above.

Gooseberry jam in a multicooker dietary


For those who adhere to a diet or simply do not like a lot of sugar, there is a wonderful recipe for making gooseberries in a slow cooker. The amount of sugar is reduced, but the taste of the finished product does not change significantly.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar is an incomplete glass.

How to cook gooseberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. It is better to take ripe and soft berries, they need to be carefully rinsed, pour into a pan, add water and boil for 20 minutes. The mode of "extinguishing".
  2. Then the excess fluid must be drained into a separate container, and wipe the berries through a sieve.
  3. The resulting mashed potatoes must be mixed with sugar, place the mass in the multicooker bowl, turn on the “baking” mode to wait for the mass to boil. Do not close the cover of the device, and when boiling the mass, it is advisable to be nearby to stir.
  4. After boiling the mass, you need to switch the slow cooker to the “Extinguishing” mode, continue preparing the jam from gooseberries in a slow cooker for another 15 minutes, then lay out hot to pre -processed jars and roll up.

Gooseberry jam in a multicooker with oranges


If you add only one ingredient, you get a completely different taste - the jam will be fragrant and amber.

Prepare the following products:

  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 2 pcs.

About how to cook gooseberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. Clean oranges, remove the seeds.
  2. Prepare gooseberries (wash, remove twigs).
  3. Rong -bearer, along with oranges, must be chopped in a blender bowl or twisted in mashed potatoes.
  4. Raw wire puree must be mixed with sugar and left for several hours so that the sugar completely dissolves.
  5. You can cook jam in a multicooker bowl only 5 minutes from the moment of boiling in the "baking" mode. And you can do without heat treatment at all. Transfer the mass to processed jars and roll up. But then you need to add citric acid on top of each jar on the tip of the knife.
  6. You need to store such jam in a cold place: in the refrigerator or cellar, you can on the insulated loggia.
