
Baked meat in a slow cooker

Many people have one of the most popular and popular dishes - this is baked meat. It is cooked quickly, it turns out much tastier and juicier than for example, chop, plus can be served as a cold snack to any side dish. It so happened that the housewives are used to baking in the oven, but in a slow cooker no worse, but even vice versa - better. The meat will turn out more juicy and fragrant.

The meat baked in a slow cooker. How to cook

Before starting to study recipes, a list of ingredients and cooking method, let's learn the basic rules.

How to cook delicious meat:

  1. The meat can be baked in a slow cooker, it will turn out to be just as ruddy, only more juicy and delicate. To achieve the perfect taste, before putting a piece of meat in a slow cooker, it needs to be rubbed with salt and spices, and you can also be marked.
  2. How to prepare the product correctly: a piece of meat needs to be washed, removed, cut off excess fat, film and well soak with paper towels. Then it is necessary to prepare a mixture of spices or marinade - grate well with dry spices or immerse a piece of meat in the marinade, leave minimally for 1 hour. But here you need to look at how large a piece of meat is. Perhaps the time will have to be increased.
  3. A quick option - a mixture of salt with pepper plus slices of garlic. In order for the garlic shares its aroma, you need to make a sharp knife in the meat and put the slices of garlic.
  4. If you want a beautiful ruddy crust to get, you need to cook the meat in the "baking" mode. The cooking time will depend on the size of the piece, on average from half an hour to two hours. But, you need to periodically turn the meat so that it is evenly prepared.
  5. You can also bake the meat in the sleeve or wrap it in foil so that the juice does not flow and it turned out to be more juicy and delicate.

Pork meat baked in a slow cooker

Pork is best suited for baking, you just need to choose a good piece and do everything right. The process is not long, the preparation takes several minutes, then the time for pickling and cooking.

Now let's find out in more detail what products are needed:

  • pork - a piece of 1 kg or a little more;
  • any spices: a mixture of spices for barbecue, black pepper, fragrant, salt.

Cooking step by step:

  1. As you can see, a minimum set of products. As for the type of meat, the pork neck is suitable, because it is enough fat and as a result of the pork it will turn out to be moderately juicy and quite soft. Calculate 1 kg or a little more by weight, but no more than one and a half kilograms, because too large a piece in a slow cooker will not fit.
  2. Now take a small bowl to mix spices in it: put a pinch of salt, add black, ground, fragrant and slightly red acute pepper. You can still put paprika, turmeric, coriander and dried garlic.
  3. Mix spices in the PIAL, then grate a piece of pork on all sides so that it is completely in spices.
  4. Put the meat in a slow cooker, leave at least half an hour. You can immediately start cooking, but still it will be better if the pork stands a bit, is fed with spices, absorbs salt. Then it will be more juicy and will turn out tasty.
  5. Preparation mode - first the “Extinguishing” program, calculate for 20 minutes, then you can switch the device to the “Baking” mode, for 40 minutes. But, after switching to the baking, after 20 minutes it is necessary to open the lid to carefully turn the meat to the other side. On the one hand, it will be browned, and when you turn it over, it will be browned on the other side. If it is possible to adjust the temperature, set 130 degrees.
  6. On average, calculate for an hour and a half, during this time the pork will be covered with a beautiful golden crust. The meat will be juicy and soft inside, as well as fragrant.

After you hear a notifying signal, leave the meat in a slow cooker under a closed lid for half an hour or an hour. You can generally turn off the device and leave the meat in the slow cooker until completely cooled. Then - wrap in a food film or foil, send it to the refrigerator. Serve on the table in a chilled form, cutting into thin slices.

The meat baked in a slow cooker. Pork is in a special way

When you want to cook something unusual, diversify the basic recipe and surprise guests, this recipe is just perfect. Despite the list of ingredients (and there are a lot of them), this dish is prepared literally in one breath.

The main thing is that you have everything you need at hand, namely:

  • pork (pulp)-700-1000 g;
  • fresh cranberries - 150 g;
  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - a teaspoon or slightly larger;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • red wine - 100 ml;
  • balsamik sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • timyan, rosemary, black pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the bowl for mixing the components: pour the sauce, add liquid honey (if you suchate, melt in a water bath). Spices and olive oil need to be attached to this mixture. Mix everything, taste and add a little salt.
  2. Now the meat - a piece must be washed under the tap, dry and cut into 4 equal parts (this can not be done, but this will turn out tastier and the meat will be juicier). When you cut a piece of pork, focus on the fact that after cooking the pieces will decrease slightly in size.
  3. Each piece must be well soaked in the marinade, fold all the pieces in a bowl, pour the marinade (if you stayed) and put in a cold place for 2-3 hours. Be sure to cover the dishes with cling film or lid.
  4. Then, when the meat is marched, you need to prepare the foil, lay it out on the table and lay pieces of meat. Wrap everything, check the edges so that they are tightly wrapped.
  5. This bundle must be put in a slow cooker, pour quite a bit of water and turn on the “baking” program. Set the timer for 1 hour.
  6. While the multicooker is busy with the cooking process, our task is to prepare cranberries. You will need a blender to grind the berries, turning them into a puree mass.
  7. In cranberry puree add red wine and put a bowl on the stove on a slow fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the fire and cook on very low heat cranberries for only 2 minutes. After-add the cinnamon mixed with sugar, mix everything and continue to cook the cranberry sauce for 2 minutes.
  8. When the meat is ready, it will lay down a little in a slow cooker (after a signal - 20 minutes), you need to move the meat onto a plate, remove the foil, and then pour the finished dish with cranberry sauce. And in this form you can safely serve the meat to the table. It will be delicious in any form, both hot and in cold.

Beef meat baked in a slow cooker

That type of meat has its own characteristics, firstly, you need to choose a worthy piece of beef so that there is a minimum of connective tissue. Therefore, in order to bake the beef, choose the inner or upper part of the posterior leg, clipping, thick and thin edges. This type of meat is prepared in different ways: stewed, then slightly browned or first fried over high heat, and then extinguished.

We offer a simplified recipe for which such products will be needed:

  • beef - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf, peas, ground pepper and other spices plus salt - to taste.

Cooking meat:

  1. The meat must be washed and excess fluid is removed so that water does not drip from the piece.
  2. Then combine all spices with salt in the plate, chop the bay leaf.
  3. Take a sharp knife to make cuts for nourishing beef garlic. But first you need to clean the garlic (4 cloves) and cut into 4 parts to make long petals.
  4. You will also need a food film: you need to put beef on it, grate well with spices. Wrap the meat, put in the refrigerator. Ideally, you need to leave the beef in the cold at night, but if there is no time, then at least 2-3 hours.
  5. In the morning, prepare the carrots: clean and cut in circles.
  6. Now turn on the slow cooker, activate the “frying” mode, pour oil, let it warm up.
  7. Fry in hot oil from all sides marinated meat so that it manages to grab a crust (only slightly, and not until the darkening of the color).
  8. When the meat is fried, add the carrot and grind the clove of garlic, fry in oil so that these products shares their aroma.
  9. You can leave carrots with garlic in a slow cooker, put the beef back, turn on the “baking” mode, cooking time of at least 1.5 hours. But, after 45 minutes, you need to turn the meat on the other side, and then continue cooking. And look again, if you see that the beef is not juicy, you can pour a little water into the slow cooker.
  10. After cooling, the beef must be wrapped in a food film and put in the refrigerator.

Beef meat baked in a slow cooker. The second method

Another way to cook beef in a slow cooker, this time with Italian herbs and olive oil. The aroma is not to convey in words, the meat literally melts in the mouth!


  • beef - a piece of 1.5 kg;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, spices and Italian dried herbs are to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The meat needs to be cooled in the refrigerator, but if you get ready to cook, it must be obtained 2 hours before cooking. Be sure to rinse under the tap and dry in a convenient way.
  2. In the bowl, you need to pour salt, spices and ground dried herbs, mix everything, pour oil and mix again.
  3. This fragrant dressing needs to grate a piece of meat well, leave for a quarter of an hour so that it manages to absorb all the aromas.
  4. After that, you also need to lubricate the bowl of the device with any oil (but without smell), and then put beef in the bowl.
  5. We prepare in the “baking” mode for 45 minutes, then open the lid, turn the piece on the pale side, activate the program again and set the cooking time for 45 minutes again.
  6. After the signal, open the lid, check the readiness with a wooden stick or a sharp knife. If the knife enters easily, the meat is soft and supple, you can stop. But as experience shows, beef needs more time (if this is not a delicate veal). Therefore, another 40 minutes in the mode of extinguishing will not hurt. The result will be satisfied and you will tell this recipe to all colleagues and acquaintances.
  7. After cooling, the beef must be put in a container and stored in the refrigerator, or wrapped in a food film/foil. Such a beef is great for the preparation of sandwiches, as a cold snack. Enjoy your meal!

The meat baked in a slow cooker. How to cook duck breast

Duck meat is tasty and fragrant, if you cook it correctly. In the slow cooker, it is just very tender meat. Let's try and we together with you prepare a baked duck in a slow cooker.

And for work we need:

  • duck breast - 1 pc.;
  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • salt - at will;
  • mustard is a tablespoon.

The process of making delicious snacks:

  1. In a bowl, you need to mix liquid honey with ordinary mustard, mix so that all components are connected.
  2. Prepare the breast: wash and dry, and then grate with a mustard-honey sauce, only well.
  3. Put a piece of meat in a bowl, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.
  4. After the meat is marked, it needs to be transferred into a slow cooker, prepared in the “baking” mode for about 45 minutes, then turn over on the other side, slightly attach with fine salt and extend the program for another 45 minutes.
  5. What to expect: mustard softens hard fibers and make the breast softer, and honey - a beautiful brown crust, plus aroma and a slightly sweet taste.

Similarly, you can prepare chicken breast and turkey according to the same recipe. Add garlic and spices if desired.

The meat baked in a slow cooker. How to cook lamb

And this type of meat can also be prepared in a slow cooker. Only in order for the meat to be soft, you need to allocate a little more time.

Prepare the following:

  • lamb - 700 g;
  • olive fruits - 80 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a set of such spices: Mayran, thyme, black pepper and slightly red ground. All spices in a small pinch;
  • fresh cilantro - a bunch;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Cooking process:

  1. Choose a piece of lamb of such sizes that it fits in a slow cooker. Ideal - to choose a fresh Korea. The preparation of lamb is classic, like any other type of meat. It is necessary to wash a piece under a stream of running water, then dry.
  2. Wash the cilantro under the tap, shake off to get rid of excess water and cut it finely.
  3. In a small bowl, mix all the spices (plus cilantro) and add the garlic (pass through the press), and then the oil. Mix everything and grate a piece of lamb well with this mixture. You can make several incisions with a sharp knife. Leave the meat to pickle for 3 hours.
  4. Then you need to wrap a piece of lamb into the foil so that there is no air access and all the juice remains inside. Activate the extinguishing program, prepare for 2 hours. If there is a multi -car program, then set a temperature of 150 degrees.
  5. After the signal, you can leave the meat in the slow cooker until completely cooled, and then pour it with the released juice and serve, decorated with branches of fresh cilantro.

You can get rid of the specific lamb aroma as follows: a piece of meat must be soaked in fresh milk for 1-1.5 hours, then grate with a mixture of salt with spices and chopped garlic. Enjoy your meal!

Meat baked in a slow cooker in the sleeve

To cook meat in this way, any type of meat is suitable: turkey, chicken, beef and pork. You need to follow the recommendations and then everything will turn out as you expect. The meat will be tasty, fragrant, soft and juicy.

Everything you need on the list:

  • any meat - 1 kg or slightly larger;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • fragrant pepper - 8 peas;
  • black pepper with peas - 8 pcs.;
  • bay leaf-2-3 pcs.;
  • salt is to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. A piece of meat needs to be washed and dry, grated with a mixture of salt with spices (chopped part of the spices or take ground black pepper). In order for spices and salt to penetrate deeper, you need to make a few incisions with a sharp thin knife.
  2. In these incisions, you need to put garlic slices, bay leaf (broken with your hands) and cloves (can also be broken into several parts) and pepper with peas.
  3. A piece of meat must be wrapped with a nylon thread, placed in a special sleeve for baking and put in a slow cooker.
  4. Pour quite a bit of water into the bowl, and in the sleeve you need to make 1-2 punctures with a needle so that steam comes out.
  5. You need to cook the meat with a closed lid in the “baking” mode for about an hour, after 20-30 minutes after the start you need to open the lid to turn the meat to the other side. Then it will be evenly cooked, with a beautiful ruddy crust.
  6. After cooling, the meat must be removed from the sleeve, remove the threads and wrap it in foil. Keep refrigerated. Cut it thinly, serve as a cold appetizer.

Baked meat in a slow cooker. Video
