Potato in a multicooker Philips

Thousands of various dishes can be prepared from this vegetable. These are potatoes. It can be boiled, stew, fry and baked. And you can cook a variety of potatoes in a multicooker Philips.

Potato in a multicooker Philips


Since a multicooker is a universal device with which you can make delicious dishes and save precious time, we offer a simple recipe for fringed potatoes in a multicooker Philips. The potato will turn out very tasty, with a beautiful golden crust.


  • potatoes - 6 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper, spices "for potatoes" - to taste.

Recipe for making potatoes in a multicooker Philips:

  1. Since this recipe is considered basic, you do not need to add onions or fat. You can act in your own way and add the missing ingredients to your discretion. If you decide to add fat, then it is pre -fried, and then potatoes are fried on this fat. It is not necessary to use vegetable oil. In the case of adding onions - it must not be laid with potatoes, but after it is half ready or at the end of cooking. So the onion will give its aroma, and the potato will be very tasty.
  2. Wash the tubers of potatoes and free from the peel. Potatoes must be cut into cubes, cubes or circles - there is no fundamental difference. As you used to fry potatoes in a pan and cut for cooking potatoes in a multicooker Philips. It is important to observe one rule - the potato should be cut into the same pieces, the only way it will be prepared evenly.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker container, activate the "Frying" mode. If your multicooker does not have such a mode, you can cook potatoes in a multicooker Philips in Multipovar or Baking mode. The timer must be set for 25 minutes. This is not the final time of cooking, it can both decrease and increase and depend on the variety of potatoes and its quantity.
  4. Potato in a slow cooker Philips is preparing with an open lid.
  5. When the oil is inflated, lower the potatoes into the multicooker bowl. Every 5 minutes it is necessary to mix the contents, trying to “change” the layers in places - the potatoes that are at the bottom should move up. After mixing, add salt and spices. Now you can close the multicooker lid.
  6. After the signal about the completion of the program, open the lid and remove the potatoes. If you leave the potato in the multicooker Philips for at least 5 minutes, then the condensate formed on the lid can go down and the potatoes will not be crispy.

So that you get potatoes with a delicious crispy crust, after you cut the tubers, lower the potatoes for 2 minutes into cold water, and then rinse under running water. Before laying potatoes in a multicooker container, dry it on a towel.

Potato in a multicooker Philips in a runs


This dish is prepared very simply, because the potatoes can not even be cleaned and it does not need to be mixed. The highlight of cooking potatoes in a multicooker Philips is that the main ingredient can be added bacon, sausages, minced meat or lard.

Prepare the following products:

  • potatoes - 8 pcs;
  • lard (it is better to take the digested) - 100 g;
  • dill - 5 twigs;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.

Recipe for making potatoes in a multicooker Philips:

  1. If you plan to not clean the potatoes, then it first needs to be washed well. To do this, take a small brush or an old (clean!) Toothbrush and walk well over the entire surface so as not to miss the places of contamination. If there are eyes, dark spots and other damage, then it is advisable to cut them out. It is better to use small tubers (applies to “old” potatoes), young potatoes can be taken any size.
  2. Cut the prepared potatoes first into 2 parts, and then by 4. This will depend on the size of the tuber.
  3. The fat must be cut into small slices. You can use both slightly smoked lard and salty with a slot.
  4. Put pieces of fat in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “frying” or “baking” mode, set the timer for 7 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the fat to fry and allocate all the fat.
  5. Put the chopped potatoes in a multicooker bowl, continue to cook potatoes in a brutally in a multicooker Philips 40 minutes. The temperature is 120 degrees.
  6. After 20 minutes, open the lid and mix the contents. If you see that fat is not enough, you can add 2 tbsp. sunflower oil.
  7. While the potatoes are preparing - cut fresh dill.
  8. 5 minutes before the end of the program, open the multicooker lid, add chopped dill, salt and mix.

Serve potatoes in a multicooker Philips in a briefly hot. On top you can shit with grated cheese and add a little sour cream.

Potato in a multicooker Philips with sauce


Potato in sauce is the perfect combination of cheese sauce with potatoes and onions. Potato in the multicooker Philips according to this recipe is very tasty and tender, therefore, the main thing is to make a big portion at once so that there are enough family members.

Attention! Do not overdo it, since a large number of ingredients can negatively affect the work of the multicooker and even lead to its breakdown. You can put no more than 1.5 kg of potatoes in the bowl.

Prepare the following products:

  • potatoes - 1.5 kg (variety "gypsy");
  • hard cheese, with a fat content of at least 60% - 100 g;
  • home sour cream - 100 g;
  • purified water - 250 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • salt and spices are to taste.

How to cook potatoes in a multicooker Philips:

  1. To make delicious cheese sauce, it is better to use cheese with mold, but if this is not possible, it is better to buy good hard cheese so that it will definitely melt.
  2. Peel the potatoes and rinse under a stream of water. Cut into circles. This part of the work is best done with a long knife. The thickness of one mug should be 4 mm. We cut the potatoes and so far take a sauce. So that the potatoes do not darken, it needs to be covered with a towel or lid. Even if it slightly changes the color, there is nothing terrible about it.
  3. We clean and cut the onions. Separate each ring.
  4. Grind cheese and garlic on a fine grater. Garlic can be passed through the press.
  5. Put the sour cream in a separate container, add water, garlic and cheese. Mix all the ingredients. You should get a homogeneous thick sauce.
  6. In the multicooker bowl, lay out the potatoes in an even layer, with salt and pepper. We put half a portion of onions on top and add the third part of the sauce.
  7. Again, lay out a layer of potatoes, onions and pour the remaining sauce.
  8. We lay the last layer of potatoes, salt and trimmed with grated cheese.
  9. We activate the program "Soup" or "Extinguishing". The time of cooking potatoes in a multicooker Philips with sauce is 30 minutes. The casing of the multicooker must be closed.
  10. After half an hour, we switch the slow cooker to the “Baking” mode and continue to cook potatoes in the multicooker Philips for another 30 minutes. After the signal, we leave the potato so that the steam “flows” and the potato cooled a little.
  11. Transfer the dish in the free container and immediately serve to the table.

Since potatoes in sauce are a very nutritious dish in itself, the meat side can not be added. Enjoy your meal!

Potato puree in multicooker Philips


Try to prepare a universal dish in a slow cooker - potato mashed potatoes with the addition of cream. Thanks to this recipe, you will prepare the most delicious potatoes in the multicooker Philips.

Prepare the following products:

  • potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • cream - 100 g;
  • bay leaf, pepper and salt - to taste.

Step -by -step preparation of potatoes in a multicooker Philips:

  1. Potato mashed potatoes, despite the simplicity of the recipe, can be prepared differently. There are some secrets that allow you to make this dish even tastier and airy.
  2. Prepare potatoes: clean and cut into large cubes. You should not grind potatoes too much, since it will not be so tasty.
  3. Put the cubes of potatoes in a potato pan, pour cold water and activate the "Frying" mode. Potato cooking time 40 minutes.
  4. When the water starts to boil, open the multicooker lid and salt the potatoes.
  5. After the signal, the water must be drained to the last drop. And now the most important thing is that the potatoes are only necessary manually. If you are too lazy and use a mixer, then you can ruin the dish and it will not be airy.
  6. After the potatoes are crushed, add soft butter, and at the end of whipping - warm cream. Continue to whip the potatoes with a whisk until it becomes airy and homogeneous, without lumps.

They serve puree from potatoes in a multicooker Philips as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. Above puree can be decorated with a twig of greens or fresh vegetables.

Potato in a uniform in a multicooker Philips


Even a schoolboy can cook this simple dish, and if there is a multicooker at home, then cooking potatoes in a multicooker Philips will not be difficult.


  • potatoes - 8 pcs.

Preparation of potatoes in a uniform in a multicooker Philips:

  1. As you can see, there is only one ingredient for preparing this dish - these are potatoes. It must be washed well under a stream of water and put in a multicooker container.
  2. Potato is poured with water so that it completely covers the tubers, install the “Baking” or “Frying” program for 40 minutes.
  3. That's all. After the sound signal, the potato in the uniform in the multicooker Philips will be ready.

Small tricks: before pouring water into the multicooker bowl, sprinkle the potatoes with salt - this will easily remove the peel from the finished potatoes. You can cook this dish in another mode - “steam”, “stew” or “pilaf”.

Free potatoes in multicooker Philips


Take advantage of the economical and simple recipe for cooking potatoes. You will need only two main ingredients: potatoes and sunflower oil. Potatoes in a multicooker Philips is very simple to cook.


  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil (without smell) - 1 l;
  • spices and salt are to taste.

How to cook fries in a multicooker Philips:

  1. Since the potatoes will be cooked in boiling oil, so do not spare the oil. It should be fresh.
  2. We clean the potatoes from the peel and wash. We cut into strips so that each bar is the same size. Then Free potatoes will be prepared evenly. You can cut the potatoes with thin plates, then from the potatoes of free you get home chips - after cooking, put the potatoes in a bowl and add dry spices.
  3. Sprinkle the finished potatoes with salt, mix well. It is better to add spices directly to the oil, so the potatoes will be even more fragrant.
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, add spices, mix. We activate the program "Baking". The time of cooking french fries in the multicooker Philips is 30 minutes.
  5. When the oil is inflated, you can lower the potatoes.
  6. When the multicooker is made a signal about the end of cooking, open the multicooker lid and mix hot potatoes. Try how well he has prepared. If you think that the potato turned out to be not too fried, then you can extend the cooking time for another 10 minutes.

After preparing the potatoes, we immediately remove and move it to a colander to give the opportunity to drain. Serve fries prepared in a multicooker Philips you need hot with any sauce.

Potato in a multicooker Philips with meat


Probably, every family has its own recipe for cooking potatoes with meat. It can be prepared in the oven or on the stove. But if you need to cook simultaneously a hearty and tasty dish, it is better to do it in a slow cooker.

Products for the preparation of potatoes for 4 people:

  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • meat (chicken, pork) - 400 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • salt and spices are to taste.

Step -by -step actions of cooking potatoes in a multicooker Philips:

  1. We’ll do meat: it needs to be washed under a stream of cold water, remove excess liquid and cut into pieces.
  2. Turn on the slow cooker in the "Frying" mode for 15 minutes. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. When the oil heats up, lower the pieces of meat, add a little salt and pepper.
  3. While the meat is fried, clean the carrots and onions. Cut the onion finely, the carrots can be chopped on a coarse grater.
  4. Lower the vegetables into the multicooker bowl, mix. Switch the extinguishing program for 10 minutes.
  5. While the meat is stewing - it's time to do potatoes. It must be cleaned from the peel and cut into large pieces. Salt and add a little black pepper.
  6. After the signal, open the multicooker lid and put the potatoes to the meat. Mix. Install the timer for 40 minutes. Depending on the variety and the amount of potatoes, the cooking time can be increased. Also at the first stage - during cooking you can extend the time, depending on the selected meat. If you cook beef or rabbit, then the meat must be stewed for about 60 minutes.

When the potato in a multicooker Philips with meat is prepared, the dish can be laid on the table, with a crushed fresh herbs on top and add sour cream. Help yourself!

Potato in a multicooker Philips. Video


  1. Boris says:

    How to watch the video "Potato in a multicooker Philips."
