
Chicken roll in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can cook even a meat roll, because this dish is a great alternative to store sausages. It is impossible to find out from which rolls and sausages are added there, what storage periods and whether all the prescribed rules are respected. Another thing is to cook meat roll from trusted products yourself.

Chicken roll in a multicooker with gelatin

From chicken you can cook hundreds of various dishes, the meat of this poultry is soft and quickly cooked, neutral taste, goes well with other products. We will prepare a useful product on our own in a slow cooker.

We need such products:

  • chicken breast - 600 g;
  • thighs - 400 g (without peel and bones);
  • paprika in the powder sweet - 1.5 tsp.;
  • garlic 5-6 cloves;
  • black pepper and hop-sunels-to taste;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • gelatin in powder - 30 g or 2 bags.

How to cook a delicious meat dish:

  1. Immediately proceed to the preparation of the main product. All parts need to be folded in a bowl, rinse in water, tossed on a colander and leave to get rid of excess fluid. Then you need to slightly dry the meat with paper napkins and cut into pieces.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet is easy, but you also need to try to remove the meat from the bone and remove the skin. It can not be thrown away, but also chopped and put in a bowl to make a roll. With the skin and with fat it will turn out much tastier. If without these components, you will have a diet roll.
  3. What we do next: the meat was cut, put in a bowl. We put all the spices and salt there. Take two tablespoons with a small slide.
  4. Add gelatin from packs, mix everything.
  5. Garlic - peel, freeze from the shell and grind. It’s the same as: chop finely and soaked with a knife or pass through the press. Add the garlic immediately to the meat and mix everything. You need to interfere with a long time, preferably with your hands and about 5 minutes, so that the gelatin is distributed evenly.
  6. Now you need to cover the bowl with cling film, leave for half an hour in a cold place. If the street is not frosty, put it on the balcony, or put in the refrigerator/cellar.
  7. While the meat is cooling, we will prepare the workplace: we need a high -quality food film. It must be rewinded in several layers and distributed on the table to indicate the size of the future roll.
  8. Put the meat on the film, form a roll with your hands, go well around the edges so that the pieces of meat do not separate and then wrap the film so that several layers are obtained: along and across. Be sure to thoroughly seal the edges, thunder the film with your fingers so that when cooking, the liquid does not get inside. Instead of the film, take a special baking sleeve, then you do not need to worry that the seams will disperse.
  9. Put this bundle in a multicooker bowl, pour water so that it completely covers it. Water can be immediately poured warm.
  10. Install the “Extinguishing” option, set the time: an hour and a half. There is no need to salt water. Prepare the indicated time in this mode, and after you hear the signal, immediately transfer the roll in the film to the plate. Until open the packaging, leave the roll on the table to cool completely. About an hour and a half is allocated for this. And then you need to open the package, transfer the roll into the container and send it to the refrigerator for 4 hours. The minimum endurance in a cold place is 3 hours. Then the meat roll can be cut into portioned pieces and served to the table in cold form. This is the easiest way to make meat roll.

Chicken roll in a slow cooker

Chicken breast is a dietary product, and if you cook chicken breast according to all the rules, and even for a couple, it is doubled. There is just the opportunity to try this recipe and make steamed roulette roulette. The filling is the simplest: an egg and a little sweet pepper.

From such products we will prepare a healthy dish:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • sweet pepper - half;
  • black pepper, sweet paprika, garlic and salt - to taste.

Cooking meat dish:

  1. You need to pre -cook the egg to proceed to the formation of the roll. If you took one breast, then you need the same eggs if you cook for a large family and immediately make 2 breasts, the eggs also need the same amount. It is easier to cook eggs on the stove, but the slow cooker will be able to successfully cope with this task. Then you will need the "double boiler" mode, the time from the moment of boiling of water is 10 minutes. Before you send the egg to cook, wash it under the tap.
  2. Now the meat: wash the breast, dry, cut with plates, bypassing the bone. From it you can cook something else, for example, cook the broth for the preparation of the first dishes.
  3. Attention: how to properly prepare meat for a roll: from one chicken breast you should get 6 plates, 3 plates for each roll, cut carefully.
  4. Lay out the meat on the plank with a little entry on each other (3-5 cm), salt, enrich with spices. If you have time, try marining the meat for several hours. You just need to make a mix of your favorite spices, grate each piece and leave for 2-3 hours. But before you do this, you need to beat off the fillet (as for the chop, but not so intense).
  5. Pepper - clean, cut into small stripes to lay out in the middle of the roll.
  6. In the middle we lay out the egg, which must first be cut into equal parts. For piquancy and severity, add a little crushed garlic to the filling, only it needs to be passed through the press.
  7. Now gently holding the roll, you need to wrap it to take shape. Since we make a roll from the forms of fillet, it will have to be fixed so that when cooking it holds. We take the coil of any sewing threads, fasten the rolls.
  8. We put in a steamed cooking form, pour water into a slow cooker, install a container. On top, we will play rolls with a mixture of salt with pepper and spices.
  9. Now you can choose a program and set cooking time. This meat dish will be done in a pair mode, the timer must be set for 45 minutes.
  10. When the signal sounds: leave the rolls in the slow cooker to cool for 20 minutes, throw off the lid to carefully transfer the finished dish to the plate. When the chicken roll in a slow cooker cools down, you need to get rid of the threads.
  11. It is better to serve a roll in a chilled form, so a couple of hours spent in the refrigerator will not hurt. The supply is standard: slicing with slices and such a dish is served as a cold snack. To taste, you can take a mixture of salt with pepper.

Chicken roll in a multicooker with ham

Ideal for the festive table, as well as for breakfast. It turns out a roll in the context of attractive, it is not inferior to ready -made sausage stores, but even surpasses for nutritional value and benefits. Now there is no need to buy sausage in the store, since everything can be done independently.

List of everything necessary according to the list:

  • chicken fillet - 3 pcs.;
  • ham-2-3 slices;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • dried greens - also to taste.

Preparation of the dish step by step:

  1. First you need to cook eggs. You can do this in any way, cook on the stove in a saucepan, or in a slow cooker. Then cook in the "double boiler" mode, put the eggs not in the water, but on the bars-steamer. Time - 20 minutes.
  2. Now the meat: rinse the fillet under the tap, dry, wiping with a clean towel or napkins. The piece must be tried to cut into 4 slices identical in thickness. Approximately the way the preparation of meat for chips is performed.
  3. We will form a roll on the table or on the plank. It is necessary to lay out pieces of meat with entry on each other, with salt with the addition of spices and dried herbs.
  4. On top of the center, lay the slices of ham and quarters of the boiled egg.
  5. We try to gently wrap the meat to give the roll shape. If you see that gaps form, they need to be eliminated, roulette tightly or add pieces of meat. If everything was done correctly, then from the specified number of fillet you will get 2 rolls.
  6. For reliability, bandage each roll with threads, so that it is more convenient to immediately transfer to the preparation form and not to worry in the future that it will be opened.
  7. We will prepare in the “welding steam” program, so we pour water into the bowl, install a container with rolls on top.
  8. Be sure to salt and pepper rolls so that they look attractive from above and are not fresh to taste. After all, we salted meat only from the inside, and now it is still additionally and outside.
  9. We cook in the "double boiler" mode for 45 minutes. We leave after the signal for a while in a slow cooker, if you rush, then transfer to the dish so that the rolls cool.
  10. After cooling to room temperature, you need to place the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. And when the dish cools down, get rid of threads and cut into slices for serving.

Chicken roll in a slow cooker with forest mushrooms

A dish for the festive table and not only: beautiful, tasty, aromatic and nutritious. This is a brief characteristic of the recipe so that every housewife wakes up a desire to cook something special in a slow cooker. Forest mushrooms give this dish a special taste and aroma, but champignons purchased in the store are not inferior to forest. The dish will be just as tasty and nutritious.

The products from which we will cook:

  • forest fresh mushrooms or champignons - 250 g;
  • kurin fillet - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • black pepper and salt;
  • if desired - garlic pair of cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Let's start with the preparation of meat: we cut the fillet in the “book” method to get one thin layer. The meat must be beaten off with a hammer, but only slightly. To do everything according to the rules, put the food film in 2 layers on the plank, put chicken fillet, on top - 2 layers of the film. Beat the meat.
  2. Gently, in order not to damage the prepared product, salt and pepper the meat on both sides, enrich with chopped garlic. Then you need to wrap the meat in any way and put in the refrigerator to cool for 15-20 minutes.
  3. We make the filling: clean the mushrooms, cut, boil in slightly salted water. We throw mushrooms into a colander, cool. Mushrooms are easier to boil on a stove in a saucepan, and if in a slow cooker, then the “Soup” option, 30 minutes.
  4. Beat the egg lightly with a fork, add mushrooms, salt and spices to this mass. From these products we must make one cake. To do this, warm up the oil in a pan, pour the entire mass, fry first on one, then on the other side. When you turn it over, carefully, do not damage the filling.
  5. Now the formation of the roll: on the chicken meat you need to put the filling and roll up, wrap it in foil, tighten the edges so that the juice does not flow during cooking and put in a slow cooker.
  6. Such rolls need to be prepared in the "double boiler" mode, so it is necessary to pour water into the bowl of the device, and put a container with rolls on top. Cooking time - 45 minutes.
  7. After cooling and cooling in the refrigerator, the rolls can be cut portioned and served like a cold snack, to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken roll in the multicooker "Special"

An unexpected solution is to use the products unusual at first glance as a filling: a pear, dried apricots and prunes. But they perfectly harmonize with chicken fillets, bring their zest into this dish.

We will cook from this set of products:

  • kurin fillet - 250 g.;
  • dried apricots and prunes without a bone - 5 pcs.;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • salt and black pepper are ground to taste.


  1. Preparation of meat: rinse, dry, repulse between two layers of food film on a cutting tablet.
  2. After fighting off, take a salt with the addition of pepper on both sides.
  3. Preparation of the filling: dried fruits need to be washed in warm boiled water (according to the rules, you need to soak in boiling water for 5 minutes), and then cut into finely small.
  4. Similarly - a pear, clean and cut into small cubes.
  5. All components have been prepared, and now the process of assembly and the formation of the roll: on the edge of the meat, you need to put the prunes and wrap it with a layer, then lay out the dried apricots and the last round - the pear layer again. We give the steering down the final shape, tightly wrap it in foil.
  6. Now the minimum preparation of the bowl: grease the bottom with oil, put the roll. We will cook with a closed lid in the "baking" mode for half an hour. Then we leave the roll inside, infuse. It is good if the roll will reach this position all night, then the meat is focused on the aromas of pears and dried fruits. And in the morning it needs to be placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  7. Serve cold, cutting - standard, thin slices.

Chicken roll in a slow cooker. Video
