
Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker

Baking sleeve is a universal thing that allows you to realize the most diverse recipes from the category of proper nutrition, while maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen. Today we will conjure over the chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker. People who closely monitor their weight adore chicken - a dietary product is very tasty and satisfying. And poultry baked in a sleeve doubles its benefit, because it can be prepared with a minimum amount of salt, seasonings and fat.

Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker: how to use a baking bag

A package for making healthy foods is completely easy to use, but those who are not familiar with this culinary device should know several important rules:

  1. It is better not to report salt in the sleeve than to put too much. The baking in the sleeve usually enhances the taste of spices and seasonings.
  2. The chicken in the sleeve in the slow cooker is incredibly tasty if you stuff it with straws of garlic and carrots.
  3. A glass of broth or water, which needs to be poured into the sleeve to the meat cut into pieces, will help to achieve the effect of a dish.
  4. After the sleeve with the ingredients of the dish is in the bowl of the multicooker, pierce it in several places with a sharp knife or toothpick, otherwise it will burst under the pressure of hot air.
  5. In order for a crispy crust to appear on the meat, cut the package and dilute the edges to the sides when 20 minutes remain until the work program. Cutting the sleeve, be very careful - steam comes out of it, which you can burn hard.

A whole chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker

This is a budget version of a baked chicken - a find for adherents of protein nutrition. Juicy and very satisfying!

Prepare the following products:

  • chicken carcass - 1.2 - 1.3 kg;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • ready -made seasoning for chicken - to taste;
  • salt is a small pinch.

Such a time is being prepared in two accounts:

  1. Run the chicken in running water and blot it with paper towels.
  2. Grate the carcass with the necessary amount of salt and seasonings.
  3. Chop the slice of garlic with small cubes. Having done the cuts in the skin with a sharp knife, stuff the carcass with garlic.
  4. Put the chicken in the sleeve and fix the edges of the package with a special clip. Please note that you do not need to fill the oil in the sleeve!
  5. Put the chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker and pierce the bag in several places.
  6. Run the "baking" for 60 - 80 minutes. The meat will be baked in your own juice, and very soon you will appreciate this wonderful dish. Enjoy your meal!

Stuffed chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker

We will cook from these products:

  • the carcass of the young broiler - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 8 tubers;
  • any mushrooms - 8 pcs.;
  • onion head - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • several twigs of dill;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • purchased seasoning for chicken - to taste;
  • mayonnaise.

To cook stuffed chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker, follow the instructions:

  1. Peel the slices of garlic and chop finely or pass through the press.
  2. Run the chicken in water and wipe it with a clean towel. Grate the carcass with salt and seasoning, and then make punctures with a sharp knife in the chest, legs and back. Put chopped garlic into these “pockets”.
  3. Cut the peeled onion with a small cube.
  4. Clean the potatoes and cut it into thin slices, also chop the mushrooms.
  5. Combine and mix onion, potato and mushroom slices in one bowl. Add finely chopped dill, a little mayonnaise and a little salt to these products.
  6. The finished filling tightly light the carcass of the chicken.
  7. Place the chicken in the sleeve. If there is a little filling that did not fit into the carcass, put it on the sides of the carcass. Rightly fix the edges of the package and do not forget to pierce it in several places.
  8. Bake the chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker in the corresponding mode for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker: chicken legs with aiva

Even if you eat chicken very often and do not see anything special in this product, we still recommend cooking chicken legs according to this recipe. You will be pleasantly surprised by the delicate sweet taste of fragrant meat.


  • chicken legs - 2 pcs.;
  • the stalk of celery - 1/2;
  • ripe Aiva - 0.5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 lobules;
  • small carrots - 1 pc .;
  • salt and seasonings are to taste.

Step -by -step instructions for cooking chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker:

  1. First of all, grate clean, slightly wet lowering with salt and seasoning. Set aside for the meat to pickle.
  2. Clean the carrots and cut it with a long strips of medium thickness. Grind half the celery stem in the same way.
  3. Cut the quince into thin slices.
  4. Pass the peeled garlic slices through the press. Lay one part under the skin of chicken legs, mix the other with vegetables for the side dish. There is no need to salt vegetables!
  5. Put the legs in the sleeve, and spread carrots, celery and quince, seasoned with garlic on top. Tie the bag tightly and place it in the multichan.
  6. Turn on the Baking program for 60 minutes. After half an hour, open the lid and turn the bag with food to the other side. Exactly an hour later, a delicate and incredibly fragrant chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker will be ready. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker: juicy chicken breast

The breast is the most delicate and delicate part of the chicken, which in the process of heat treatment is very easy to dry. Preparation in the sleeve makes the brisket very juicy and soft, it is simply impossible to spoil it.

Grocery list:

  • chicken breast - 300 g;
  • carrots - 1/2;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • lemon - 2 slices;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground black pepper, rosemary, paprika.

Record the recipe:

  1. Run the meat in water and slightly get it with a paper towel.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut the rings, garlic - thin slices.
  3. Rub the breast with salt and seasonings (they can be selected and arranged at your discretion). If you prefer not too salty dishes, give up salt altogether, since soy sauce with which we will season meat, already salty.
  4. Put the breast in a baking bag. Next add garlic, carrots and soy sauce. Finally, season the meat with lemon juice, put the remaining zest in the bag. Tie the edges of the sleeve.
  5. Fill the multicash 1 liter of water.
  6. Put the sleeve with food in the basket for cooking. Activate the program “Warm -up” and set the timer for 40 minutes.

The finished chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker is good in hot and cold. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker: chicken fillet with colored cabbage

This dish is an excellent addition to a side dish of buckwheat porridge or rice.

We will need such products:

  • chicken fillet - 300 - 400 g;
  • color cabbage - 1 large forks;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • curry seasoning - 0.5 tsp;
  • low -fat mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l with a hill;
  • greens of parsley and dill - 1 bundle.

Preparation of delicious chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker will break into several consecutive actions:

  1. Cut the washed fillet into small parts and put in a deep bowl.
  2. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, mix the vegetables with a seasoning curry.
  3. Pass the garlic teeth through the press and add to the vegetable cut.
  4. Put the vegetable mass in a bowl to the fillet, salt the products, mix everything with mayonnaise and leave the meat in the marinade for 20 - 30 minutes.
  5. Wash the cauliflower, wipe the forks with a napkin and disassemble it on medium -sized inflorescences.
  6. Distribute the inflorescences evenly on the sleeve for baking. Turn the fillet with vegetables to the cabbage pillow and tie the bag.
  7. Gently shift the sleeve with products into a multicooker bowl.
  8. Turn on the "baking" for 1 hour.

The finished dish will be moderately juicy and light.

Chicken in a sleeve in a slow cooker: delicious chicken wings

This wonderful dish will be appreciated by both beginners and skillful hostesses.

A set of necessary ingredients is this:

  • chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • freshly squeezed juice 1 lemon;
  • salt, ground black pepper, Provencal herbs;
  • a little olive oil.


  1. Run the chicken wings and dry them.
  2. Fold the wings in a deep bowl, add lemon juice and olive oil by eye, salt and mix with Provencal herbs. Put a bowl in a cool place so that the meat is marinated (ideally it takes the whole night).
  3. Fold the linked wings in a baking sleeve.
  4. Put the sleeve into the multicooker bowl, make several punctures in the bag.
  5. Put the device in the "pastries" mode for half an hour.
  6. When they expire for 30 minutes, open the slow cooker and, observing safety measures, carefully cut the sleeve and spread the edges of the package.
  7. Without changing the mode, cook the wings for about 10 minutes. During this time, a delicious crisp will appear on them. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken in the sleeve in a slow cooker: hearty chicken legs with potatoes. Video
