Barley porridge in a slow cooker

2 types of cereals are produced from barley grains: pearl barley and barley. Unlike pearl barley, barley cereals are small and unnecessary, which makes it more useful and fast in preparation. From our article you will learn how to cook barley porridge in a slow cooker.

On the benefits and intricacies of cooking barley cereals


Barley grains, like many cereal crops, contain a lot of nutritious and useful components, among which vitamins A, B, PP, D and E can be distinguished, as well as fiber, proteins and slow carbohydrates. They cultivated barley for a very long time, back in the era of the late Neolithic. Dishes from this cereal were cooked in ancient Egypt and Syria and, as you can see, barley is popular in cooking to this day. It is added to different dishes, but most often used for cooking cereals.

To cook barley porridge, you do not need to spend as much time as, for example, on the preparation of barley. The crushed grains are boiled quickly enough, but so that they do not stick together in a single lump, before thermal processing, the cereal should be washed several times with water.

Porridge is boiled on water, broth or milk, adding oil, sugar, fruits or vegetables, nuts and honey, dried fruits or berries, in general, everything that can make the taste of the dish more interesting and better. A dry product is poured with liquid in a ratio of 1: 2, then cooked until completely swelling, after which it is insisted for another 10-15 minutes under the lid.

The calorie content of barley porridge is low, 100 g of the finished product contains about 315 kcal. This energy is useful for the body, because the main components of cereals are complex carbohydrates that are very slowly split in the body and saturate you for a long time. Barley porridge is useful in the fact that it normalizes blood sugar, removes cholesterol, positively affects the functioning of the brain and the gastrointestinal tract, the visual system and immunity.

Baked barley porridge in a slow cooker


Porridge can be made scattered, or you can cook something more interesting, for example, bake boiled cereal under a sweet egg-cereal fill. Add a little almond and walnuts to the dish, and now a boring breakfast turned into an original dessert. We will prepare barley porridge baked in a slow cooker from these components:

  • barley cereal - 6 tbsp.;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • almond and walnuts - 150 g.


But the stages of preparing such barley porridge in a slow cooker:

  1. First, boil the milk in which we will cook cereal. Pour it into a slow cooker and on the panel turn on the “cook” or “milk porridge” mode if the device has such an option. When the milk warms up, pour the cereal and cook until the porridge thickens and the grains are being fried.
  2. We throw butter into hot porridge and mix with a wooden or plastic spatula until it melts there. Then Sakhamari dish.
  3. Beat the eggs first with a whisk, and the nuts, having dried a little in a pan, chop a rolling pin in the baby. Pour them into barley porridge in a slow cooker and pour everything into eggs. Sprinkle with a spoon of sugar on top.
  4. Now we turn on another mode - “Baking”. We prepare a casserole of barley porridge in a slow cooker until the egg mixture grabs.

Barley porridge with meat and vegetables in a slow cooker


The porridge can be made not only sweet, but to prepare a completely hearty and healthy lunch. We added meat to this recipe, a little vegetables, a little tomato paste. And from such a set of simple products, a tasty and nutritious dish turned out. For such barley porridge in a slow cooker, we used:

  • barley cereal - 12 tbsp.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • average carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp.;
  • meat - 0.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil-3-4 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper.

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Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker in this way:

  1. The cereal was poured into a bowl and washed in several waters. Then they soaked it for a while, but for now they swelled, began to prepare the rest of the components.
  2. They cleaned all the vegetables and rubbed carrots. Onions were cut into cubes in the same way as tomatoes. The meat was chopped in small pieces. Tomato paste was divorced in several tablespoons of hot water, immediately salt to taste, added black pepper.
  3. Oil was poured into the bowl and heated it in the "frying" mode. First poured onions with carrots, fried until golden color. Then they laid out the meat, salted and fried with vegetables for 10 minutes. While all this languished in the bowl, boiled a kettle.
  4. Then they added tomatoes to the slow cooker, waited for them to give juice, after which they poured tomato sauce.
  5. From the barley cereal, water was leaned, and the porridge itself was transferred into a slow cooker to vegetables.
  6. They poured a dish with boiling water so that it completely covered the products, and put the device into the “Extinguishing” mode.
  7. At a temperature of 180 ° C, barley porridge in a slow cooker should be prepared for 45-50 minutes.

Barley porridge with mushrooms and celery in a slow cooker


Many people like to eat barley porridge precisely in salty, so there are so many recipes for this cereal with all kinds of vegetables, meat ingredients, spices, etc. An example of such a recipe is barley porridge with mushrooms and celery. We will prepare it in a slow cooker using such products:

  • barley cereal - 1 cup;
  • celery - 1 stem;
  • champignons - 100 g;
  • bulbs - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt and spices to taste.


We will analyze the cooking process by stages:

  1. To make the porridge crumbly and cook it faster, pre -soak the cereal in the water, but first we wash it well. We set to boil the kettle, because we will fill the grains with cold water, but boiling water.
  2. We wash the mushrooms and cover with plates, and cut the onion with cubes or thin half rings. Small the stalk of celery.
  3. Salt the liquid from cereals, put the grains in the bowl. On top of them we put onions, grated carrots, celery and mushroom records.
  4. Salt the dish, water with vegetable oil, pour cooled boiling water. Add favorite spices to taste.
  5. Install the option "Cooking". Now we cook barley porridge in a slow cooker for 30-40 minutes.

Barley porridge with carrots and prunes in a slow cooker


And now we will cook sweet barley porridge in a slow cooker not just in milk, but with the addition of ingredients such as carrots and prunes. By the way, carrots must be taken juicy, sweet variety, for example, Karotel. Consider a list of products for this dish:

  • barley cereals - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 2 cups;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • butter - 1 tbsp.

Breakfast Series - Oatmeal with Raisins

Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker in this way:

  1. We pour water into a multicier dish and boil it in the Cooking program.
  2. Add barley cereal, be sure to wash it several times before.
  3. After 5 minutes, when the grains are a little boiled, pour milk into the bowl. Before that, it is better to separately warm or boil.
  4. In the same program, we cook barley porridge in a slow cooker until it is completely prepared.
  5. Bunny, if he is with bones, clean. If not, then just cut into pieces.
  6. We clean the carrots and three on the smallest grater or grind with a blender or kitchen combine.
  7. In the pan, we drown butter. Stew carrots in it. When it becomes soft, sugar and shift to porridge.
  8. Add prunes to the dish. Mix the ingredients, and now our barley porridge in a slow cooker is ready.

Lenten barley porridge with carry, honey, nuts and celery in a slow cooker


Barley porridge can be prepared in a slow cooker somehow original, and for this you only need to choose the appropriate additives. In this recipe, for example, there are vegetables: celery and carrots. Here you will also find honey and walnuts, and the main fragrant note will set Carry. That's what we will prepare such a dish:

  • barley cereals - 250 g;
  • crushed walnuts - ½ cup;
  • cherry celery - ¼ pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • curry - 1 pinch;
  • lenten oil - 50 ml.


This recipe consists of such actions:

  1. The barley cereal so that it is better to boil and not stick together, first we wash well, and then soak in cool water. After about 30 minutes, wash again and pour clean water in a multicier bowl in a 1: 2 proportion.
  2. In the program "Varka" we bring to a boil and salt.
  3. Grate the washed carrots with celery and add to the porridge. Cook all together until cooked.
  4. Add carry to the dish, mix and leave the barley porridge with a closed multicooker lid.
  5. The nuts are jerked or chopped with a rolling pin. In the bowl, mix them with lean oil and liquid honey. If necessary, honey can be melted in a steam bath.
  6. Add a sweet mixture to the finished porridge. You can stain it immediately to the full volume of porridge, or can be laid out on plates portions.

Barley porridge with beans and goose in a slow cooker


In contrast to lean recipes, we want to give an example of a very hearty, high -calorie, but incredibly tasty dish - barley porridge with meat and beans in a slow cooker. In addition to goose meat, we will also add a little smoked beef, spices and sharp pepper. And here is a complete list of the right products:

  • barley cereals - 250 g;
  • beans - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • grown Goose fat - 3 tbsp;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • goose meat - 0.5 kg;
  • smoked beef - 150 g;
  • salt, water.


Now let's analyze a detailed description of the cooking process:

  1. Beans, like barley cereals, will not hurt to soak before cooking. Moreover, the beans must be soaked a few hours before the start of the process. So, when the ingredients are sufficiently nourished with liquid, we turn on the slow cooker in the “frying” mode and drown goose fat in it.
  2. We crumble onion and garlic, fry them in goose fat, add red pepper and salt. We cut the goose and beef meat and beef and put in the bowl to the vegetables. Fry about 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the beans with barley cereals and put it in a slow cooker. Pour the dish with water so that all the ingredients are covered with liquid.
  4. In the “Extinguishing” mode, we cook barley porridge in a slow cooker for 50-60 minutes. In the process, you can add water, and readiness must be checked according to the degree of softness of beans.

Barley porridge with cottage cheese in a slow cooker


This porridge is also prepared as a casserole, that is, at first the croup is boiled, then mixed with filling and brought to readiness in the Baking program. We will cook filling in this recipe from eggs, oils and sour cream, and add cottage cheese to the porridge. Here is a list of the necessary components for the dish:

  • barley cereals - 0.5 cups;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cottage cheese - 2 glasses;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.


Cooking barley porridge with cottage cheese in a slow cooker in this way:

  1. After soaking, we boil the barley cereal after soaking until cooked in the slow cooker, activating the “cook” mode for this. We use water about 1.5 cups, and do not forget to salt the porridge itself.
  2. Add cottage and sugar to the finished porridge, mix.
  3. Beat the eggs with a mixer with sour cream and stem butter.
  4. We level the barley porridge in the slow cooker with a spatula and fill in the egg mass.
  5. In the "Baking" mode, we cook the dish for another 30-40 minutes so that the fill is thickened and baked.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker. Video
