Kefir in a slow cooker

Now it’s hard to buy useful and high -quality dairy products in stores. Even if there is a wide range of kefir marked “bio” on the shelves, this does not mean that fermented milk products will be useful. When there is a multicooker in the house, you can refuse store milk products and cook homemade kefir in a slow cooker. In its benefits, you will be 100%sure.

Before preparing kefir in a multicooker, let's get acquainted with its composition, calorie content and medicinal properties. So, kefir has long been considered a healing sour -milk product for a healthy nutrition of children and adults. Not everyone knows how to use kefir to get benefits.

Kefir contains a large amount of calcium, B vitamins, vitamins N and A. Also in kefir there are trace elements such as chrome, copper, manganese and phosphorus. Since the fresh product is in small quantities of alcohol (about 0.2-0.6%) and lactic acid, this must be taken into account when kefir is included in various diets. If you prepare kefir according to all the rules, namely, make kefir in a slow cooker, then such a product will well quench thirst, tone the vessels and beneficially affect the work of the stomach and intestines. Even if you suffer from intolerance to milk, then kefir is not contraindicated to you - it will cope well with its task and replenish the body with vitamins and trace elements.

People suffering from obesity, heart diseases, chronic colitis and diabetes need to use kefir every day. According to immunologists, kefir prevents the development of cancer cells and increases immunity.

Which is better to drink kefir - fat or low -fat? This question is often asked by young parents, and it is definitely impossible to answer it. This will depend on the age of a person and his condition. A young, growing organism (schoolchildren, students) must use kefir with a normal percentage of fat content, since it contains more vitamins, in particular, vitamin A. The calorie content of fat kefir (3.2%) is 59 calories. There are fewer vitamins in low -fat kefir, but if a person has diseases of blood vessels and heart (atherosclerosis), then you need to use kefir with a low fat content. It is better for small children to make kefir from milk with a fat content of not higher than 2.5%.

Kefir in a slow cooker


Probably there is no more convenient device for making home kefir than a multicooker. Even electric yogurts are gradually fading into the background, since it becomes unprofitable to clutter up the kitchen by electrical appliances. The recipe for cooking kefir in a slow cooker is its simplicity. Such a light and tasty kefir will appeal to all family members.

What products will be needed:

  • pasteurized milk (with fat content of at least 2.5%) - 1 liter;
  • zhakwaska for kefir - 1 bag.

Buy only fresh milk, this will allow you to prepare a high -quality sour -milk product.

How to cook kefir in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour milk in a potted pot. Turn on the “extinguishing” mode for 20 minutes. Wait for the milk to boil, continue to boil it for another 5 minutes. If you purchase milk of ultrapastricization, then you do not need to boil it, it is enough to heat it to room temperature (not higher than 40 degrees).
  2. Hot milk can be poured into a cold pan and wait for it to cool.
  3. While the milk boils and cools, all this time the starter must be stored in a cool place, and 15 minutes before use, get out of the refrigerator and wait for it to at room temperature. You can find out the temperature of milk and sourdough using a thermometer. It is better to remove the film from milk.
  4. Now you can pour milk into a multicooker bowl, add leaven and mix well. At this stage in the preparation of kefir, it is advisable to use a plastic or wooden spoon.
  5. Some models of multicoars are sold with yogurt jars. If there are one, then pour the prepared milk into jars, tighten the lids tightly and install them in the multicooker bowl.
  6. Now you need to pour water into the bowl so that the banks are half in the water. Close the multicooker lid and turn on the yogurt mode. If your multicooker does not have such a function, then activate the Multiper or Heating mode. Cooking time is 50 minutes.
  7. Turn off the slow cooker, but do not get jars with kefir, they should stand in a slow cooker for at least 7 hours (it is better to leave overnight). Just in the morning, the whole family will have a great opportunity to have breakfast with fresh and useful kefir.

It is better to drink such kefir for 3 days and do not leave “in reserve”. Remember that the children's body can react to kefir in different ways, and if a rare chair may appear on the first and second day, then on the third day-on the contrary.

Kefir in a multicooker on kefir


You can cook kefir in a slow cooker not only using pharmacy leafing, but also ordinary fresh kefir. The option of using kefir prepared on the sourdough is not ruled out. Leave one jar of fresh "sourdough" for the preparation of home kefir. So you will save the family budget and get an equally valuable and useful product.

To prepare kefir in a slow cooker, prepare the following ingredients:

  • cow milk with fat content of 3.2% - 2 liters;
  • fresh kefir is a glass.

How to cook kefir in a slow cooker:

  1. Heat milk to 40 0S. You can determine the temperature with a little finger by lowering it into milk and feeling a small burning sensation. The heating process applies only to pasteurized milk. If you make home kefir in a multicooker made of whole cow's milk, then it must be pre -boiled, and then cool up to 40 degrees.
  2. When the milk is prepared, pour kefir (the same temperature) into the pan and mix both ingredients. Remember that the calorie content of your kefir will depend not only on milk, but also on the fat content of the sourdough. The higher it is, the denser and thicker the kefir in a slow cooker will turn out.
  3. Pour the fermented milk into the multicooker container and activate the multi -podsuer program. The cooking time in the multicooker is 6 hours. Set a temperature of 35 degrees and be sure to turn off the heating.
  4. When kefir is ready, it should be a bit cool. Pour the contents from the multicooker bowl into a free container (glass jar with a lid) and send to cool into the refrigerator.

Kefir in a slow cooker can be consumed immediately, just do not forget to leave a glass of sourdough (at least 200 gr.) To prepare a fresh portion of home kefir. Each time you can leave a fresh portion of kefir, but not more than 5-6 times, then the starter must be updated.

Children's kefir in a slow cooker


Children usually love sour -milk products very much and always use them with joy. So why spend money on store kefir, if you can cook it yourself. We offer a simple recipe for cooking kefir in a slow cooker.

Prepare the following products:

  • corny milk store or homemade - 2 liters;
  • "Bifilife" or children's kefir - 250 gr.

Preparation of kefir for children in a slow cooker:

  1. Bring homemade cow's milk to a boil, turn off the slow cooker and pour into a free container. It is necessary to wait for the milk to cooled to room temperature (about 38-40 degrees-not higher). It is better to dilute homemade milk for children's kefir with boiled water (1 part of the water is taken on 2 parts of milk) and after breeding the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. If kefir from store pasteurized milk is prepared, then it must be heated to the desired temperature.
  3. Add the starter to milk and mix well. Pour the mixture into the bowl and turn on the heating for 10 minutes. When the time is over, turn off the slow cooker and leave kefir under a closed lid for 1 hour. Then again we heat the kefir in the slow cooker again for 10 minutes. Leave to cool completely.
  4. After a few hours, kefir will cool and it can be poured into bottles. After that, in order for kefir to grab, it must be sent to a cool place (in the refrigerator) for another 5 hours.
  5. When kefir in a slow cooker is ready, it can be given to the child, but only in warm form. Children's kefir cannot be heated in a microwave oven, since all useful bacteria will be destroyed. It is better to put a bottle of kefir in a container with warm water.

To drink a children's kefir cooked in a slow cooker preferably for 3 days.

What else you need to know about kefir:

  1. Cool boiled milk not on the balcony (especially in severe frosts), but on the stove. Let you spend an extra hour, but the milk will not be cooled in a “shock” way. Such a method can affect taste and affect the processing process.
  2. To prepare kefir in a multicooker for babies, it is better to use children's kefir or special sourdoughs, they have more microorganisms, and therefore more benefits for the health of the crumbs.
  3. The “young” kefir will be killed, and “mature” will strengthen the chair.
  4. From kefir you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. In addition to baking and sour -milk cocktails, you can make a kefir mask for hair and face.

Kefir in a slow cooker. Video
