
Zucchini with rice in a slow cooker

What could be easier than cooking vegetables in a slow cooker? And to make it tastier, healthier and more satisfying, it is worth adding for example, rice. Then it will be considered a full -fledged dish. Let's try to cook rice zucchini in a slow cooker according to these recipes.

Zucchini with rice in a slow cooker

Pilaf or not pilaf? Almost yes, only without meat. In this recipe, zucchini will be replaced. The dish will turn out to be light, hearty and of course, tasty, as well as healthy.

In order to get to work, you need to prepare such a list of products:

  • young zucchini - 1 medium or 2 small;
  • a medium -sized onion or 2 smaller onion;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • frying oil - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • garlic - several cloves;
  • butter - 1 tsp;
  • chopped greens - a pinch;
  • rice is round -grained - half a glass.

How to cook a dish. Sequencing:

  1. With a slow cooker, any vegetable dish is prepared for pleasure. Now our task is to prepare all the ingredients. Let's start with vegetables. It is necessary to clean the zucchini, onions, carrots.
  2. We cleaned the vegetables, select a moment of time to quickly rinse rice in several waters. Then pour a fresh portion of water, leave in a bowl on the table, let him stay in the water.
  3. You need to pour oil into the slow cooker, activate any program so that the oil heats up faster, then you can switch the device into the “frying” mode.
  4. Onions - chop, zucchini - cut into cubes of the same size. If the vegetables are small, on rings or half rings.
  5. The oil warmed up, lower the onion to fry for several minutes. As you hear the aroma, it's time to add spices. Just for them, the time is that they give the maximum of aromatic substances a finished dish. Put the garlic, it does not need to be cut, only free the cloves from the shell, and a little ground black pepper. If there is - a couple of peas fragrant and several black classic.
  6. Continue on the frying of onions by adding a grated carrot (use the side with medium notch).
  7. When mixing, continue the frying of vegetables, after 3 minutes, pour crushed zucchinas into the bowl. It is enough to pass all together for another 4 minutes, then you can stop if the slow cooker will not turn off by this time.
  8. Now you need to switch the device to another mode, activate the function “rice” or “rice porridge”. The timer does not need to be installed specially, in this program everything is installed automatically without our participation.
  9. Now rice - you need to drain the water, pour it to the vegetables, without stirring so far, put butter and salt, now you can carefully mix everything with a spatula and it is still necessary to pour only half a glass of boiled water.
  10. If the vegetables are not too juicy (this applies to more zucchini), then you will have to add a little more liquid. But, as a rule, if you cook the first crop from young vegetables, then such problems should not arise.
  11. So the preparatory process ended, it remains only to lower the lid, activate the program by clicking on the Start button and then just wait for the dish to prepare.
  12. In the meantime, there is time, it is necessary to slowly set the table, do not forget to grind fresh herbs, so as not to waste time in vain. Everything that you love is suitable from greenery: it can be a classic parsley with dill, a little purple basil and even arugula. Standed greens should be added to a finished dish and preferably - each in a plate.
  13. After the long -awaited signal, immediately expect that it is time to invite everyone to the table. In the meantime, your assistants cut bread, make a salad of fresh vegetables or a vegetable cut, you will just have time to pour the finished dish on plates, enrich with herbs. And that's it, it's time to tast, to share the secrets of cooking at the family table. Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini with rice and tomatoes in a slow cooker

Another straightforward recipe for making zucchini with rice. A minimum of effort is the most chic result, so you can briefly characterize this simple recipe.

Starting to cook, such products are needed:

  • young zucchini fresh or frozen - 2 pcs.;
  • red pepper sweet - 1 pc .;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • rice - incomplete glass;
  • from spices: mix of peppers, salt;
  • fresh greenery: dill and parsley;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 3 tbsp.;
  • cream butter to enrich taste (optional) - 1 tsp.

How to cook vegetables with rice:

  1. So, let's start with the fact that we will simply prepare all the vegetables: we clean the onions and carrots, we’ll just wash the tomatoes, we’ll chop the zucchini so that cubes of the same size (not too large), pepper - we will free from the stalk and seeds.
  2. Now you need to pour the oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “frying” while the oil is warming up, chop the onion, on the grater, on the grater, on the carrot (or quickly chop with a sharp knife to make neat beautiful strips or cubes).
  3. Pepper - also cut into cubes, tomatoes - similarly.
  4. Rice - rinse several times, pour cold water, leave in water.
  5. The sequence of vegetable laying: first onions, fry for 3 minutes, then carrots - all together for another 3 minutes, then pepper - prepare a minute, zucchini, another 3 minutes and at the end we attach tomatoes, mix.
  6. Put dry spices, if you want - a clove of garlic.
  7. Now rice - drain the water, pour into the vegetables, put a spoonful of butter soft oil, add hot water. Approximately 1 cup. There are many vegetables, they will produce enough liquids, so a lot of water is not required.
  8. We lower the lid, prepare rice and vegetables in the program “Rice” or “Extinguishing”. But the first option will be better. And yes, do not forget to salt everything, and then mix.
  9. As soon as you hear the signal, you can set the table. In the meantime, you are engaged in these matters, the rice will just have time to reach a closed lid. You can not completely turn off the slow cooker, for 5-7-10 minutes in the "heating" mode-just what you need.
  10. In each plate, do not forget to put a pinch of chopped fresh greenery and that's it, nothing else needs. The dish is considered independent, perfectly combines with fresh vegetables, stewed meat and even fish. Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini with rice and mushrooms in a slow cooker

It is known that rice goes well with any type of meat, as well as with mushrooms. Which, in fact, we will now cook. Add literally a handful of forest mushrooms to improve the taste of the finished dish. You will see how aromatic this version of the dish will turn out. And if there are no forest mushrooms, ordinary champignons will also be good, which at any time of the year can be bought in a store.

We cook from such a list of products:

  • rice is round -grained - a glass;
  • forest mushrooms - 300 g or champignons;
  • two onions;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, spices are dry;
  • greens - to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking sequence:

  1. First, the bow - cleaned, chopped.
  2. Mushrooms - if you need to soak, so that it is easier to clean, boil (if necessary) or simply cut into slices quickly.
  3. In butter, you need to fry the onion until transparent, add the carrot (three on a fine grater), then mushrooms. The mode is “frying”, the time for this process is allocated for about 15 minutes.
  4. There is no need to clean the zucchini, the process of preparation is the simplest - cut vegetables with cubes in size 1 by 1 cm.
  5. While the onion is fried, quickly wash the rice, soak in cold water.
  6. When the vegetables and mushrooms are ready, drain the water, put the zucchini, pour the rice into the multicooker bowl, salt, spices, garlic (cleaned and not chopped), mix.
  7. On this positive note we lower the lid, select a program for cooking this dish - “rice”, or “rice porridge”. Time is exposed automatically, so nothing needs to be done more (mix, monitor the process, etc.). The slow cooker alone will cope with everything.
  8. The task of the hostess is to grind the greens and cover on the table. That's all the preparations, the dish is ready, you need to lay it out on plates, enrich it with chopped herbs. You can serve with a spoonful of home sour cream. It will turn out even tastier. Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini with rice and chicken in a slow cooker

Rice is good, zucchini is also not bad, only a man will want something more evident. For example, meat. What we suggest cooking: rice, zucchini and chicken. This type of meat is cooked quickly, and even more so in a slow cooker - it will turn out even faster.

We start work by preparing:

  • young zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken - 200 g;
  • carrots - one small;
  • rice is round -grained - a glass without a slide;
  • hot water - 1.5 cups;
  • frying oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt, dried spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 1 clove.

We cook in the following sequence:

  1. The chicken needs to be prepared, cut into portioned pieces. Pour oil into the bowl, turn on the “Frying” program, fry 10 minutes on both sides to make a beautiful golden crust.
  2. Then the meat must be transferred to a plate and occupied with other products.
  3. Rice - rinse several times, pour cold water, leave in a bowl on the table.
  4. Wash vegetables: wash the zucchini, cut into half rings, if small, cubes - if the vegetables are large. And if the zucchini is mature, not young, then it is more advisable to clean the peel.
  5. Onions need to be cleaned, cut into cubes. Carrots - rings, but not too thick. The thickness is about 0.5 cm.
  6. A frying in oil oil in such a sequence: first we put the zucchini, stiring, fry for 5 minutes, then onions for another 3 minutes, carrots - all together for about 5 minutes.
  7. After that, you need to put the meat fried, pour out the rice (pre -draining water), report the garlic, add dried spices and salt. By the way, as for spices, a special mixture for pilaf or, for example, dried basil, black pepper, paprika, is suitable.
  8. Do not forget that you still need to pour 1.5 cups of hot water, then lower the lid and cook in the "pilaf" mode. The timer is configured automatically, so nothing else needs to be done.
  9. We are waiting for the signal, cover the table. If you prepare this dish for a feast, then it will be even better if after the signal it is infused under a closed lid. Before serving, you need to mix to harmoniously distribute meat and vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

Zucchini with rice and eggplant in a slow cooker

If you cook zucchini, you can try to put a small eggplant to improve the taste of the dish. By the way, many housewives argue that eggplant just give the same mushroom taste and they are suitable if you want to cook something special, but there are no mushrooms at hand.

Prepare a dish from such products:

  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • eggplant - 1 pc.;
  • onion - head;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • rice - 1 cup;
  • hot water - 400 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 4 tbsp.

How to cook vegetables with rice:

  1. Zucchini and eggplant - you need to rinse under the tap, cut into rings, and then cut each ring into 4 parts. It is not worth cleaning vegetables if they are young.
  2. If the zucchini is mature, then you will have to not only clean the skin, but also remove the seeds.
  3. Next - to clean and chop the bow, pepper, as usual, free from seeds, cut the same cubes in size as onions.
  4. Garlic - free from the shell, grind in any convenient way.
  5. Now rice - rinse well, leave in the water while the vegetables will be prepared. Rice is better to take a jasmine, it is more aromatic and it turns out delicate, quickly prepared, does not boil and turns out to be friable.
  6. The cooking sequence is no different from pilaf: first, pour the oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the "Frying" mode, wait a couple of minutes, put onions - the roasting until translucent.
  7. As soon as the bow began to share its aroma, add garlic, immediately pepper and other vegetables.
  8. Salt and spices - you can now or later, as the rice laying will be.
  9. Rice - drain water, add to vegetables. By the way, cook vegetables for about 10 minutes, stirring periodically.
  10. Now pour water directly into rice, only very carefully so that the vegetables remain under a rice pillow.
  11. Water must be supposed to salt before you pour it out.
  12. The lid was lowered, the "pilaf" mode, the "Start" button and long minutes of waiting.
  13. But the time is quick, so after a while, an amazing aroma will spread throughout the kitchen, remotely resembling a mushroom dish. All this is eggplant in combination with zucchini and garlic. The dish really deserves attention. Try and you cook vegetables listed in the recipe. Enjoy your meal!

Redeads with rice in a slow cooker. Video
