Cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond

There are many recipes for cottage cheese dishes in the world, but all of them are united by delicate taste and benefit. Cottage cheese contains elements irreplaceable for health and growth, so if there are children in the house, you should certainly include it in the diet. In this article you will find several simple recipes for cottage cheese dishes for the redmond multicooker.

Airy casserole from cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond

A light and tasty casserole will become a favorite treat in your family. It is very simple to cook it, and the process will not take much time. A great option for a full healthy breakfast.

Sony DSC

The ingredients necessary for cooking:

  • homemade cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • kefir - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 0.5 cups;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • raisins - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dried apricots, prunes, nuts to taste;
  • vanilin - 1 bag;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

How to make a casserole of cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl and gradually insert semolina into it, stirring lightly. Leave the cereal swell for 20-30 minutes. This will allow the test to be as homogeneous and airy.
  2. Next, two clean deep plates will be needed. Bet proteins into one, in the other - yolks.
  3. Mix the yolks with cottage cheese, knead everything with a fork, add baking powder and knead until a homogeneous state.
  4. Beat the proteins with a mixer with a pinch of salt to a stable foam, gradually add sugar and vanillin, without stopping whipping.
  5. Mix the contents of the plates and gently mix with a spoon so that the mass does not lose airiness. Professional confectioners do this like this - spread proteins on the yolks, and then with overwhelming movements rake the yolks and put them in the center of the protein mass. Repeat until the composition is more homogeneous.
  6. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter.
  7. Put the dough in the bowl, sprinkle with raisins on top and slightly stir with a spatula.
  8. Lower the lid, install the Baking program for 40 minutes.
  9. After the sound signal, do not open the lid, but let the dish brew for 15 minutes.

The casserole with cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond will rise strongly and will become light and airy. Get it with a sampling grill for steam and put it on a flat dish.

Before serving, you can decorate the casserole with berries, fruits or jam.

Pudding from cottage cheese in multicooker Redmond

Pudding differs from the usual casserole in a more delicate consistency. It literally melts in the tongue and rather resembles a peculiar cheesecake. We suggest you cook delicious pudding with cottage cheese in the redmond multicooker according to our recipe and please your home with an original dessert.


What ingredients will be needed to make a delicate pudding with cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond:

  • home cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • potato starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilin - 1 tsp.

The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. For example, if you are going to serve pudding, decorating it with jam, it is better to add sugar a little less.

How to cook cottage cheese pudding in a redmond multicooker:

  1. Separate proteins from yolks and put for a short time in the refrigerator.
  2. At this time, mix the yolks with a sieve of cottage cheese, sour cream, starch and vanilla through a sieve.
  3. In order for the mass to become light and airy, it is necessary to carefully beat it with a blender for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Remove proteins from the refrigerator and beat in a separate bowl with a pinch of salt until a stable foam is formed. Then enter the sugar with a thin stream and beat until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Add a sweet protein mixture to the curd mass and mix carefully.
  6. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and pour the pudding dough into it.
  7. Preparing a pudding with cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond should be in the "Baking" mode.
  8. After the sound signal, do not open the lid, but let the dish cool slightly. Get out with a steamed grille.

You can decorate such curd pudding with jam, chocolate, almond slices, whipped cream or powdered sugar.

Fruit cake from cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond

Another recipe for delicious and healthy cottage cheese dessert. The pie is always very fragrant and picturesque. And the most remarkable thing is that even those who prefer homemade low -calorie baking with purchased confectionery products.


The composition of the cake with cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond includes the following ingredients:

  • homemade cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • stevioside - to taste;
  • natural yogurt (without additives) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • whole -grain flour - 75 g;
  • ground oat flakes - 55 g;
  • green apple - 1 pc;
  • pear - 2 pcs;
  • blue plum-3-4 pcs;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • food soda - 0.5 tsp.

Stevoside is a natural sugar -substitute that contains fewer calories and, unlike ordinary sugar, benefits the body. It is mined by processing Sweet grass of Stevia.

You can use low -fat cottage cheese to minimize calorie content.

How to cook a low -calorie fruit pie:

  1. Beat eggs and yogurt with a mixer until lush foam forms.
  2. Sift whole -grain flour, add stevioside, soda and cinnamon.
  3. Pull the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. If the dough is too tight, add a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or milk. The result should be a thick dough, as for cupcakes.
  5. Wash the apple and pears, remove the cores and cut with beautiful slices. Divide plums in half or also cut into slices.
  6. Lubricate the bowl with butter, put on the bottom of the slices of fruits with concentric circles. Pour the dough on top.
  7. Install the Baking program and prepare a fruit cake with cottage cheese in the reducmond multicooker 40 minutes.
  8. After the program is completed, let the cake cool a little under the lowered lid, and then remove it with a steam grate.

Casserole with tuna and cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond

A very unusual dish, which, nevertheless, had never remained unfounded! The original combination of ingredients gives rise to a unique delicate taste. Make sure of this yourself by preparing a casserole with tuna and cottage cheese in the redmonde casserole for dinner.


What products are needed to make a dish:

  • tuna canned in its own juice - 1 bank;
  • cottage cheese mass without additives (ugly) - 500 g;
  • cleaned cedar nuts - 50 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 50 g;
  • dried canned tomatoes - 60 g;
  • maslins without bones - 50 g;
  • mayran - 3 twigs;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

The composition is quite unusual, since the dish came from Europe, but it can easily be adapted for domestic cuisine. So, Mayran is perfectly replaced by dill, cottage cheese mass is easily prepared from a conventional cottage cheese with a sieve and a pair of spoons or cream spoons, and dried tomatoes can not be added at all.

How to cook a tunatic casserole with cottage cheese in a redmond multicooker according to an original recipe:

  1. Cook cedar nuts (half of all the mass) in a dry multicooker in the “frying” or “baking” mode.
  2. Open canned tuna, drain the oil, and knead the meat with a fork.
  3. Cut the olives with a small cube.
  4. Tomatoes are also finely crushed.
  5. Grind Mayran (dill).
  6. Grate parmesan on a fine grater and mix with breadcrumbs.
  7. Separate proteins from yolks, mix the latter with cottage cheese, add parmesan with crackers, salt and spices to taste.
  8. Stir the curd mass, add tuna, chopped olives, tomatoes, greens and pumped cedar nuts.
  9. Beat the proteins in a separate bowl with a pinch of salt until stable peak peaks are formed.
  10. Gently stir the protein foam in the bulk.
  11. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil and pinch with breadcrumbs.
  12. Pour the cottage cheese red dough into the shape, flatten with a spatula and sprinkle with the remaining raw cedar nuts.
  13. Install the Baking program and prepare a casserole with cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond 45 minutes.

Serve such a casserole with barely warm or completely cooled, decorating a sprig of mint.

Homemade cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond with your own hands

In the end, we will tell you how to cook delicious, healthy and real cottage cheese in the redmond multicooker. Having mastered this simple way, you can always be sure that your family eat healthy and natural food.

You can find out about all the details of the preparation, as well as the necessary ingredients by reading the video material below:
