Kabachkaya caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker

Caviar from zucchini - many people remember this taste from childhood. How I want to try that same zucchini caviar again! Are these just dreams or reality? Everything is possible when the house has a small assistant - a clever multicooker. And this time it will help to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker.

Kabachkaya caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker


It is interesting that the recipe for cooking is quite simple and you don’t need to worry that something can burn or not so prepared. This will not happen in the slow cooker, everything is checked. Therefore, we are happy to share this recipe with our readers.

Caviar products:

  • young zucchini - 3 kg;
  • large bulbs - 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Preparation of zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker:

  1. Zucchini must be washed, peeled. If the peel is very thin, and the vegetables are young, then this item can not be performed.
  2. Cut the vegetables with cubes to twist in a meat grinder. The same must be done with onions. By the way, the onion can be chopped in the bowl of the blender, so it will be faster.
  3. Raw mashed potatoes and onions must be put in a clean and dry bowl of the device. Add to the mass: salt (no more than 2 tablespoons), vegetable oil (preferably homemade, so that the caviar is aromatic). We don’t add anything else yet.
  4. On this cover the device must be lowered, select the optimal mode for cooking zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker.
  5. And this dish will be prepared in the “extinguishing” mode, slowly and slowly languish under a closed lid for 60 minutes (plus/minus 10 minutes), if you have a device with a range of pressure cooker. If the usual multicooker, then we recommend installing the timer for 2 hours.
  6. That's when this time ends, the most crucial moment comes - you need to throw off the lid to add mayonnaise (we take any fat content), as well as tomato paste and sugar. Naturally, all the components need to be mixed with a special spatula so as not to damage the coating of the bowl of the device.
  7. Now you can add your favorite spices, and then you need to continue the program for cooking zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker for another half an hour.
  8. What remains not used? That's right, garlic and vinegar. The long -awaited moment has come for these products. A couple of cloves of garlic and vinegar - you need to put in a slow cooker, mix. Everything, the device can be switched to “heating”, leave for 10 minutes.
  9. Fragrant and very delicate caviar is prepared. Now quickly think what you will do with so many zucchini caviar with mayonnaise prepared in a slow cooker? Of course, leave a little to eat immediately, and the rest can be rolled up in half a liter jars.
  10. If you thought about it in advance, then first you need to process jars by sterilization in a slow cooker. This is done like this: water is poured into the bowl, a pairing grill is placed on which clean jars should be put up up. Sterilization time is 5-7 minutes, the program “Warm-up”. While banks are sterilized, you can put covers for processing in water.

Enjoy your meal! Caviar turned out to be especially delicate and tasty, thanks to mayonnaise, aromatic-thanks to garlic and slightly piquant, thanks to vinegar paired with tomato paste. If you do not really like tomato paste, try cooking zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker without this ingredient.

Rqual caviar with mayonnaise in a multicooker with carrots and pepper


And this recipe for making caviar from zucchini is characterized in that in the finished form of caviar, a beautiful bright orange color is obtained. The consistency is tender, the caviar literally melts in the mouth. About taste - a separate conversation, it is very tender, special. If you at least once try to make a zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a multicooker according to this recipe, then fall in love with it and will cook this dish nothing else.

What products need to be prepared:

  • young, small zucchini - 2 kg;
  • large onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • bulgarian red or yellow pepper - 1 large;
  • fragrant vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • low -fat mayonnaise - 1 tube or 180 g;
  • fresh pepper black or a mixture of peppers, salt to taste.

We advise you to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker like this:

  1. To prepare delicious caviar from zucchini, you need to clean all the vegetables first (this applies to zucchini, if young, then you can not clean, as well as onions and carrots). Pepper needs to be washed, cut into 2 halves, remove the middle with the seeds.
  2. The easiest way is to grind all the vegetables in the kitchen combine. To do this, cut them in large pieces. Or this option: grind in a blender or use a meat grinder.
  3. To make the caviar really tasty, we recommend that you immediately put the vegetable raw puree in the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil, salt and black pepper. It is better to take pepper with peas, grind before adding.
  4. Next, the lid is lowered, the desired mode of preparing this dish is selected-in this case, this is the “Extinguishing” program, the time must be set for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the power of the device.
  5. When the slow cooker completes its work, you need to add the rest of the ingredients: this is tomato paste, mayonnaise. Mix the whole mass thoroughly, and now extend the program for half an hour.
  6. After the signal, we recommend opening the lid again to put the garlic. There is no need to grind the cloves, because we need garlic to give its aroma.
  7. If you want, add a bay leaf, 2-3 things, put the device in heating mode for 7-10 minutes.
  8. That's all, zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker has prepared! Pour several tablespoons into the bowl so that the caviar has cooled. Break literally 3 minutes to taste this simple and very tasty dish. The result will be pleasantly surprised, because the caviar will turn out to be a delicate consistency, a beautiful tender orange color and, of course, very tasty. But the whole secret is that mayonnaise joins vegetables. In order not to worry about the quality of this product, do mayonnaise yourself.

Relice caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker. Taste of childhood


And you are familiar with such a situation when you had to try to cook the dish again and again to cook the very one, real caviar from zucchini. Do you know what is the most important thing in this matter? The first is the consistency of the finished product, caviar should be not rare and not too thick. The second is the color of the squash caviar. Pale - unattractive and unappetizing, bright - causes doubts, what if there are food dyes? The correct color of caviar from zucchini is pale orange. And finally, taste - this can be talked about for a very long time. Because how many people, so many opinions. But it is, the very taste of real zucchini caviar prepared according to GOST. Just as the basis and taken this recipe. It is adapted to the slow cooker to quickly cope with the task and cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker.

The products will need the following:

  • rqual pulp from 3 zucchini;
  • carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • tomato sauce - 250 g;
  • onions - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise "dining room" high percentage of fat content - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1/4 cup;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.

How to cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker:

  1. To achieve a delicate, literally creamy taste, many housewives come to an excellent result through experiments. Some like carrots more, because it gives the dish a beautiful shade, some like a pronounced garlic taste. There are amateurs of a spicy one, they put bitter peppers to vegetables, but there are those who are not trying to experiment, but immediately prepare zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker according to this recipe.
  2. If we made caviar in the old fashioned way, then in order to achieve an excellent taste, we would have to look for suitable dishes with thick walls. In this case, nothing needs to be invented at all, because we have a slow cooker.
  3. It is necessary to clean the vegetables, cut into pieces arbitrarily to pass through a combine or meat grinder.
  4. Everything, the vegetable pulp needs to be transferred to the container of the device, add tomato paste, and best of all, Krasnodar sauce, salt and sugar.
  5. Naturally, the contents of the working bowl of the device must be mixed. Everything, you can lower the lid to immediately set the desired cooking mode. In this case, it will be a “extinguishing” program, and we recommend setting time for 2 or 2.5 hours.
  6. Why so much? It is necessary to ensure that the whole mass is boiled gradually to the required consistency. By the way, the duration of heat treatment also depends on the variety of the main ingredient. It can be like 1 hour, so 1.5 hours.
  7. In the meantime, the caviar is being prepared, you can not waste time prepare the container. Even if you are not going to make blanks for the winter, clean containers for storing the finished product will not hurt. Banks need to be washed, pour over with boiling water, you can first before start cooking zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker, sterilize the banks with the lids. On average, 3 jars will fit in a standard device with a volume of 0.5 liters.

Caviar will turn out to be an ideal consistency, beautiful color and excellent taste. If I do not believe it, you should try and you cook zucchini caviar with mayonnaise in a slow cooker. Good luck and pleasant appetite!
