Pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic

Pilaf is a delicious dish of oriental cuisine, which is prepared in many countries of the world. Rice and meat are considered traditional ingredients for pilaf, but since cooking is creative, there are many ways to prepare this dish. Lenten, sweet, fish, vegetable, mushroom pilaf - this is far from a complete list of recipes. We would like to familiarize you with a variety of pilaf species and tell you how to cook them in a Panasonic multicooker.

Lenten pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic


In order to prepare a wonderful pilaf, it turns out that it is not at all necessary to make it based on meat. Brush rice with an abundance of spices, sweetish carrots and onions, as well as with fragrant quince, it turns out surprisingly tasty. Such a dish will become especially relevant for those who adhere to a lean diet or simply do not eat meat. Look carefully at the list of what you need to prepare lean pilaf in a Panasonic multicooker:

  • long -grain rice - 2 cups;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • chickpeas - 1 cup;
  • aiva - 3 fruits;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • dried barberry - 1 tbsp.;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • rosemary, black and red pepper - to taste;
  • salt.


A detailed description of the method of preparing lean pilaf in the multicooker Polaris is presented below:

  1. Pour the chickpe into a bowl and rinse. After that, pour the grains with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours. You can soak the product in cold water, but then it will have to stand at least 8 hours.
  2. Rinse rice grains in 6-7 waters, soak the cereal for 30 minutes.
  3. Chop the peeled carrots into strips. Free the head of the onion from the husk, and cut into half rings or cubes.
  4. Remove the peel from quince and remove the cores with seeds. Pull fruits with cubes in size about 1x1 cm.
  5. Install the Frying program on your multicooker panel and pour sunflower oil into the container. Pour the carrots with onions into the preheated oil and fry the vegetables to a soft state. At this time, boil water in the kettle.
  6. Lower the quince cubes into the bowl, as well as the prepared chickpeas. Add all the necessary spices and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Turn on the program "Rice" and simmer products for 30 minutes.
  7. Pour washed rice grains into the dish, salt the ingredients and share boiling water. The water in the container should cover the cereal of 2 cm.
  8. Activate the "pilaf" mode, lower the lid. Prepare pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic until the end of the program. In the "heating" mode, leave the dish for another 20-30 minutes.

Lenten pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic is ready, now it can be served to the table. Complete the dish with a salad of fresh vegetables and enjoy. Enjoy your meal.

Pilaf with pork in a multicooker Panasonic


Despite the fact that it is customary to use lamb in the preparation of pilaf, in our country, dishes from this variety of meat are not prepared so often. But the juicy and delicious pork is very popular on the tables of our fellow citizens. Pilaf with pork in a multicooker Panasonic is preparing from such ingredients:

  • pork - 1.5 kg;
  • pork lard - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • long -grain rice - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic-7-8 teeth;
  • water - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, seasonings.


Pilaf with pork in a multicooker Polaris is done as follows:

  1. Wash the rice cereal thoroughly and pour it with water for 1-2 hours.
  2. Wash the pork fat under the tap, get wet with paper wipes and cut into small pieces. Fold the product in a slow cooker, turn on the “Extinguishing” program, close the lid. Remove fat for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cleaned carrots chop into strips, onions - cubes.
  4. Wash the pork pulp and dry, then cut the meat with slices of medium size.
  5. From the stained fat, remove the lard. Put onions with carrots in a slow cooker and fry them, stirring, 10-15 minutes.
  6. Add pieces of meat to vegetables and cook the dish for another 15 minutes. After that, put the bay leaf, peeled cloves of garlic in the meat, add salt and spices. Put the rice groats, smooth it and pour boiling water.
  7. Turn on the pilaf program and prepare pilaf in the multicooker Panasonic to the sound signal.

A hearty lunch for the family is ready. Treat your relatives with this wonderful dish, pleasant to you, appetite.

Fish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic


Lovers of seafood can prepare an unusual pilaf made of red fish. Of course, it will differ from the meat analogue, but believe me, such pilaf will be no less tasty than the traditional option. Let's look at what products are needed for the preparation of fish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic:

  • long -grain rice - 400 g;
  • salmon or salmon - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, white pepper.


We make fish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic in stages:

  1. Wash the fish in cold water, remove the skin, spine and all bones. Cut the fillet with cubes in size about 3x3 cm.
  2. Clean the heads of the onion and crush into small pieces. Wash the rice several times and soak for 30 minutes.
  3. Put a piece of butter in the multicier shape, pour 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Select the "Frying" program, pour on the onion and pass it for 10 minutes.
  4. In the teapot, boil water in advance. When the onion acquires a golden hue, add fish to the container, mix with onions, and lay out the rice on top.
  5. Sprinkle the cereal with pepper and salt, then pour boiling water and lower the lid.
  6. Run the pilaf mode and prepare pilaf in the multicooker Panasonic until the end of the program.

As you can see, the fish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic is very simple. You can sprinkle the finished dish if desired. Enjoy your meal.

Chicken pilaf with vegetables in a multicooker Panasonic


Pilaf cannot be called a dietary dish, but if you cook it from chicken, then significantly reduce the calorie content of such food. At the same time, pilaf will not lose its wonderful taste. In addition, in this recipe we will use not only traditional ingredients, but also products such as green peas and sweet corn. The list of products for chicken pilaf in the multicooker Panasonic includes the following:

  • chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • rice - 2 cup;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • frozen green peas - 100 g;
  • canned corn - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, paprika, cumin to taste.


The phased preparation of chicken pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic looks like this:

  1. Cut the peeled onions with small cubes, and chop the carrot with thin strips. Pour cereal washed in several waters with cold water for 30-40 minutes. Wash the chicken fillet and chop into cubes.
  2. Turn on the slow cooker and select the "Frying" program. Heat vegetable oil and immerse vegetables in it. Fry them to a soft state for 10 minutes.
  3. Put the fillet cubes into the bowl, cook them in the same mode for another 15 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
  4. Pour green peas and corn into the container, as well as salt and necessary seasonings. Mix the products, put on top of the bowl. Pour it with boiling water so that the water covers the croup 2 cm.
  5. Turn on the pilaf program and prepare pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic 50 minutes.

Chicken pilaf with vegetables, prepared in a multicooker Panasonic, can be served to the table.

Goose pilaf with prunes in a multicooker Panasonic


Gusyatina is a rather fatty meat, but it is in the pilaf that this bird is unusually tasty. Thanks to the fat that stands out of goose skin, pilaf becomes not crumbly, but, on the contrary, adhesive. The prunes gives this dish its unique shade, and raisins gives a piquant sweet. Prepare a goose pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic, using this wonderful recipe. We described the list of ingredients below:

  • gusyatina - 1.5 kg;
  • rice - 3 cups;
  • prunes - 200 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • garlic - 8 teeth;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.;
  • salt, black pepper, ground coriander - to taste.


The process of preparing goose pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic is as follows:

  1. Rinse the cereal at least 7 times, pour water and set aside for a while.
  2. Wash the goose and cut into pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the shape of the device, put the goose in it, activate the “Frying” option. Fry the meat for 15 minutes, sometimes turning pieces from side to side. Then share 300 ml of water into the bowl, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and cook the goose for another 40 minutes.
  3. Clean the carrots and onions, chop them and fry them in a separate pan until golden.
  4. Rinse the prunes and raisins with warm water, soak for 2 minutes. Then drain the water and cut the prunes into halves.
  5. When the goose in the slow cooker becomes soft enough, salt it and add spices. Put the fried vegetables, peeled garlic cloves in the tank of the device, mix the products well. Then pour into the bowl an uniform layer of raisins and prunes. Dear the rice from above and pour it with boiling water. Water should be higher than rice by 2 cm.
  6. Turn on the “pilaf” mode and prepare goose pilaf in the multicooker Panasonic for the time set by the program.
  7. After the sound signal, leave the dish in the "heating" mode for another 20-30 minutes.

Uzbek pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic


This recipe is quite unusual and interesting, because instead of water in the preparation of such pilaf, freshly squeezed carrot juice is used. The result is a dish that has excellent taste and wonderful color. Uzbek pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic is preparing from the following products:

  • chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • rice - 700 g;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • carrot for frying - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots for juice - 2 kg;
  • salt;
  • seasonings: cumin, black pepper;
  • parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • celery root - 1 pc.;
  • grated ginger - 1 tbsp.


We describe the sequence of actions for the preparation of pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic:

  1. Pour the rice into a deep bowl and rinse with cool water until the drained liquid becomes transparent. After that, pour the cereal with water and leave for an hour.
  2. From 2 kg of carrots, squeeze the juice. The rest of the carrots, as well as the onion, clean and chop.
  3. In the bowl of the multicooker, heat the vegetable oil, choosing a “frying” item among the programs. Put onions and carrots in oil, fry them until soft.
  4. Wash the meat and divide into small pieces. Dear them in a container with fried vegetables, add grated ginger, as well as grated parsley and celery roots. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and seasonings, mix thoroughly and fry in the same mode for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour the meat with rice cereals, pour in carrot juice. If the juice is not enough, add a little boiled water, so that the liquid is 2 cm above the rice level.
  6. Turn on the “pilaf” option, lower the lid. Prepare pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic until the end of the program.

Turkish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic


An unusually delicious Turkish pilaf is prepared not from meat, but from bird giblets. Cedar nuts with a tomato bring their touch, making the dish even more interesting and original. List of ingredients for Turkish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic:

  • long -grain rice - 300 g;
  • chicken giblets: hearts, liver, stomachs - 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • fresh parsley and basil-4-5 branches;
  • cedar nuts - 50 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • salt pepper.


Recipe for making Turkish pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic:

  1. Pour the rice with liquid for 1-2 hours washed in 6-7 waters. Fry cedar nuts in a frying pan without oil. Cut washed greens, chop the peeled onion.
  2. Pour raisins with boiling water. Cut the tomatoes and dip in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. Remove the skin from vegetables and scroll them in a meat grinder. Wash and cut into pieces.
  3. In a multicier form, melt the butter, this is done in "Frying" mode.
  4. Put the chicken guts in the oil and fry them for about 15 minutes. Then add the onion to them and continue to cook products for another 10 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
  5. Pour cedar nuts into the bowl, put the greens, raisins, salt and spices, pour the tomato and mix everything.
  6. Pour the rice with an even layer and pour the container with boiling water so that the water is 2 cm above the level of the cereal.
  7. In the "pilaf" mode, prepare the Turkish pilaf in the multicooker Panasonic for about 1 hour.

Pilaf in a multicooker Panasonic. Video
