Cheese in multicooker Redmond

Many housewives, becoming the owners of the Redmond multicooker, adopted recipes for various types of cheese. And all because having this universal kitchen for cooking, cooking sour -milk products at home is not difficult. Moreover, the cheeses made using the reducmond multicooker are tender, refined to taste and, most importantly, natural and healthy. In this article, several simple recipes for making cheese in a slow cooker are selected.

It is impossible not to mention that the cheeses prepared in a slow cooker can be consumed not only as a separate product, but also to be used when cooking other dishes. For example, from the Brynza you will get magnificent pies, layers or rolls, Adyghe cheese goes well with fish, cream cheese is indispensable when preparing a cream-soup or as a filling for various baking.

Adyghe cheese in a multicooker Redmond

Adyghe cheese is not rarely equated to such famous varieties as Motzcearella, Akavi, Fet or Brynza. This product can pleasantly diversify any dish, especially its combination with various vegetable salads. With a multicooker Redmond, preparing Adyghe cheese is very simple, but it will not differ from a store analogue.

So, for the preparation of Adyghe cheese in the multicooker Redmond, you will need:

  • sour milk (not separated from serum) - 1 l;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 5 gr.

It is worth noting that it is better to choose sour milk with increased fat content, so the finished product will acquire a more rich taste.

Cooking Adyghe cheese in the reducmond multicooker.

  1. In a separate container, connect an egg with salt. Beat carefully until the foam is formed.
  2. Add sour milk to the contents. Mix.
  3. Pour the resulting egg-milk mass into a slow cooker.
  4. Close the device tightly with a lid, set the baking mode for 20 minutes. During this time, the serum separation from solid mass will occur.
  5. For subsequent processing of cheese, lay out a colander with gauze, leave a little hanging edges. Install a dive on an empty pan.
  6. Pour the contents of the multicooker into a colander, tightly wrap the edges of gauze.
  7. Place the future cheese under the press for several hours.

It is worth mentioning that the longer the cheese will be under the oppression, the dry it will turn out. Therefore, vary the time of pressing the cheese yourself, depending on the desired consistency at the output of the product.

Brynza in a multicooker Redmond

Preparing a feta cheese in a slow cooker is easier. It is interesting that for this type of cheese it is not necessary to wait until the milk flashes, the multicooker will perform this process in 10 minutes.

The ingredients necessary for the preparation of feta cheese in the redmond multicooker:

  • fresh milk - 2 l;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • salt - 3 tsp

Brynza recipe in a redmondic multicooker.

  1. Pour fresh milk into a multicooker container, set the “extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes. During this time, milk will turn into yogurt.
  2. Beat the eggs thoroughly with a corolla.
  3. Combine eggs and finished yogurt, add 1 tsp to them. Salt. Pour the liquid into the multicooker bowl.
  4. Close the unit cover, set the “baking” mode and prepare the product for 20 minutes.
  5. After 20 minutes, put the contents of the multicooker on gauze, tie it tightly.
  6. After the serum is draining, send the curd mass under the press.

After the cheese becomes a dense consistency, it is recommended to place it for several hours in salted serum. So it will absorb a brackish taste and will become softer and tender.

Cream cheese in a multicooker Redmond

Cream cheese, prepared in the multicooker Redmond, has a very delicate, delicate taste and literally “melts in your mouth”.

To prepare cream cheese in the redmond multicooker, take:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp

It is worth noting that the use of soda is not necessarily in this recipe. By adding this ingredient to the cheese, you will make the so -called eyes in it (that is, holes inside the product).

The method of preparing cream cheese in the multicooker Redmond.

  1. Pour milk into the multicooker capacity. Close the device with a lid and set the "Milk porridge" mode for 15 minutes.
  2. Separate egg whites from yolks.
  3. Grind soft butter with yolks until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Make salt and soda, stir thoroughly.
  4. Send cottage cheese to hot milk in a multicooker container. Close the cover of the device tightly and simmer the milk-rod mass for 10 minutes in heating mode.
  5. Land the colander with gauze. Pour the contents of the multicooker into it and let the cottage cheese drain well.
  6. After the liquid is draining, add an egg-oil composition to it. Beat the mass to a homogeneous consistency with a blender or mixer.
  7. Put the mass in a multicooker container, set a multipoire mode (temperature 80 C) for 10 minutes.
  8. In the process of cooking, the contents of the multicooker are constantly stirred.
  9. Lubricate a separate container with vegetable oil.
  10. By the incident, take out the cheese from the multicooker for 10 minutes, put it in a greased container, send it under the press.
  11. At the final stage of cooking cream cheese, put the product in the refrigerator for about 5 hours.

Homemade cheese in a multicooker Redmond

The cheese prepared according to this recipe is perfect for breakfast. The product contains maximum beneficial substances and contributes to the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

List of ingredients for making homemade cheese:

  • boiled cow's milk - 3 l;
  • leaven - 1 jar;
  • boiled warm water - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt - 2 tsp

Prepare a thermometer - it will be needed to measure the temperature of the liquids.

We cook homemade cheese in the redmond multicooker.

  1. Pour milk into a slow cooker and heated to a temperature of 40 C.
  2. Mix warm water with a sourdough.
  3. Pour the leaf in the water in the water. Stir the liquid well and leave for 1-1.5 hours until thickened.
  4. After this time, add salt to the frozen mass and loosen it with a spoon.
  5. Close the slow cooker, set the heating mode for 2.5 hours.
  6. By the incident of the time, transfer the contents of the multicooker into gauze, squeeze and leave for a few minutes to so that the glass serum.
  7. After the excess fluid is draining, put the cheese in a separate container and send it to the refrigerator - the product should settled for several hours.

Folded cheese in multicooker Redmond

The flooded cheese will be an excellent “prayer” for sandwiches. It is quite nutritious and at the same time has a rich taste and aroma. These qualities make homemade cheese especially attractive for the children's diet. And with a multicooker Redmond, this product will become even tastier and more useful.

Ingredients for the preparation of melted cheese in the multicooker Redmond:

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

Preparation of melted cheese in the multicooker Redmond.

  1. In a separate container, mix cottage cheese, egg, salt and soft butter. Beat the mass with a blender or mixer.
  2. Pour water into the multicooker container, set the grille for steaming, set the “steam cook” mode.
  3. Put a bowl with cottage cheese on the grate and simmer the ingredient in a water bath for 20 minutes periodically stirring. After time, you should get a homogeneous viscous mass.
  4. Cool the melted cheese for 1 hour.

It is worth noting that the finished product can be given every taste. To do this, it is enough to add pepper, greens or any other spice to it. It turns out very tasty cheese with mushrooms. So, just fry the crushed honey mushrooms in vegetable oil and add them to already cooled cheese.

Enjoy your meal!


  1. Anna says:

    I am a happy owner of the Redmond multicooker. Interested in the Brynza recipe. She doubted that the yogurt can be obtained by extinguishing fresh milk, but decided to check. I did everything according to the recipe. Doubts were not in vain. At the exit I had 2 liters of boiled milk :)
    To make a yogurt out of it, I cooled to a warm state, in a separate glass I added 4 tbsp to milk. Sour cream, mixed, added a and the rest of the milk, mixed, turned on the Yogurt program, cooked for about 3.5 hours. After that, it turns out yogurt)

    • Catherine says:

      I also did not succeed until I added half a teaspoon of citric acid.
