Chiskey in a slow cooker

This popular cheese dessert conquered the hearts of the inhabitants of many countries. For the first time, cheesecake (previously the pie was called the “placenta”) appeared in Greece in the VIII century BC. Athletes after exhausting Olympic competitions were treated with a nutritious pie. A little later, when the cheesecake became popular in ancient Rome, Julius Caesar loved him so much that he ordered to always serve cheese pie at all tricks. Subsequently, the cheese dessert gradually migrated to England, where he received the so -called “residence permit”. In this country there were all the ingredients for making a delicious pie.

Chiskey in a slow cooker. Classic recipe


You can taste a real English cheesecake without leaving your home if you have a slow cooker. The classic recipe uses the soft fat cheese “Philadelphia” or “Mascarpone”, we can replace it with our popular and relatively inexpensive product - cottage cheese.

What do we need:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cookies (take sugar) - 300 g;
  • sugar or sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • zest of one orange or lemon;
  • vanilin - on the tip of a knife or 1 bag of vanilla sugar.

Preparation of cheesecake in a slow cooker:

  1. Prepare a “pillow” for an air cake. Take cookies and chop it. This can be done using a combine or a chopping hammer. To do this, put the cookies in a dense plastic bag, tie and tap the liver with a hammer.
  2. Turn on the slow cooker in the "Frying" mode for 5 minutes. Put the butter in the bowl and wait for it to melt.
  3. Connect the oil with the crumb and mix well.
  4. In a slow cooker, you can prepare a cheesecake without the use of parchment paper. If you are not sure that you will be able to successfully extract the pie, then cover the bottom and walls of the bowl with oiled baking paper. First, the bottom is lined - put a circle cut out of parchment paper, and then cover the walls.
  5. Put the cookies with a dense even layer and press well. Try to "compact" the baby as tight as you succeed. It is necessary to make a dense bottom from cookies so that cottage cheese does not “run away” anywhere during cooking.
  6. In a separate container, mix the cottage cheese with sugar, and then stick the eggs sequentially. Mix and add sour cream and vanillin again.
  7. The last ingredient that will go to the curd mixture is the zest of lemon or orange. To do this, wash the lemon or orange under a stream of cold water well, and then pour boiling water. Now you can "pick" maximum essential oils from the peel and give our cheese dessert the aroma. Grate the peel on a fine grater. Add the zest to the curd mixture and mix.
  8. And now attention: we reveal to you the secret of a beautiful cheesecake. So that when baking, our pie does not crack, knead the cottage cheese very carefully. If you make the “dough” on the kitchen combine, then turn on small turns. It is best to use a hand whisk.
  9. Pour the finished liquid cottage cheese mass on cookies.
  10. Activate the "pastries" mode. Cooking time is 50 minutes.
  11. After the slow cooker repels about the end of the preparation, do not rush to look inside the container. Leave the cheesecake in the slow cooker for another 1 hour, and then carefully remove the cottage cheese cake right in shape.
  12. The finished pie should be left on the table, previously covered with cling film. When the cheesecake has completely cooled, it is moved into the refrigerator and left overnight.
  13. How to get cottage cheese dessert from the shape: remove a pie from the refrigerator, a knife (or silicone spatula), draw a mold on the sides and carefully turn the cheesecake on a plate. You can turn the pie back with another plate.

Decorate the finished dish with chocolate, fresh fruits or cream and serve.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker with bananas


This dessert will have a thin aroma and an incredibly delicate, air structure. Even children will love such cottage cheese treats. We offer to prepare a banana cheesecake in a slow cooker.

We will prepare the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr;
  • oat cookies (you can take the "anniversary") - 1 pack or 200 grams;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • banana - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

How to cook a banana cheesecake in a slow cooker:

  1. Grind the cookies into the crumb.
  2. Melt the butter in the "Frying" mode.
  3. Mix chips from cookies with melted butter.
  4. Bull the cup of the multicooker around the parchment. You can simply grease the form with soft butter.
  5. Put the cookies to the bottom and compact it well. You can use a regular cup to properly compact cookies. Press the baby with the bottom of the cup.
  6. We prepare the filling: we clean the bananas from the peel and chop in a blender (can be kneaded with a fork). Add lemon juice to the bananas and mix again.
  7. In a separate container, mix cottage cheese with sour cream and eggs. Add sugar and knead well.
  8. We connect both mixtures and knead again so that the curd mixture becomes homogeneous.
  9. We pour our filling on the “carpet” of cookies. We close the multicooker lid and activate the "baking" mode for 1 hour. Cooking time in each slow cooker can be different. For the Polaris multicooker, the optimal cooking mode is 1 hour 10 minutes, and in the multicooker of Panasonic company-60-65 minutes.
  10. After cooking, do not take out the cottage cheese dessert from the bowl. Leave it for 60 minutes, after which the banana cheesecake in a slow cooker is allowed to be removed from the mold and served to the table.

The banana cheesecake will surprise your family and guests even more if you show a little imagination and decorate the dessert with melted chocolate, pieces of bananas, whipped cream and a mint leaves.

Cheesecake in the multicooker "New York"


Try to prepare a real cult cheesecake in a slow cooker. You will be pleasantly surprised by his delicate consistency and an unusual taste.

Ingredients for 10 servings:

  • cream cheese "Philadelphia" - 700 g;
  • cream - 100 g (fat content 33%);
  • sour cream of high fat content - 3 tsp.
  • sugar - 100g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.

For the basis:

  • cookies - 100 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • ground nutmeg - 1 tsp.

All products (except eggs) need to be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they lie at a room temperature of at least 2 hours.

How to cook a cheese in a slow cooker:

  1. Turn on the "baking" mode for 3 minutes and melt the butter.
  2. Crush cookies into the crumb and mix it with butter. Add cinnamon and nutmeg to the mixture.
  3. Lubricate the walls and bottom of the molding shape with butter. Lay a layer of cookies and press well that you get a dense base.
  4. Prepare the cheese mass. It is best to mix all the ingredients with a submersible mixer, turning on small revolutions. Thus, you can get the perfect consistency of the "cheese" part. All ingredients, except eggs, mix. Separately whipped with a whisk chilled proteins and yolks, which then need to be neatly introduced into the cheese mass.
  5. Put the finished filling on the base and turn on the “baking” mode for 1 hour.
  6. After cooking, cheesecake is left in a multicooker bowl for another 1 hour, and then sent to the cold.
  7. So that the cheesecake does not crack when extracting from the form, go along the sides of the shape of a narrow part of the knife.

Serve cheese dessert with berry syrups, chocolate and even alcohol. Often the upper part of the cheesecake is decorated with the aim of masking cracks. The highest “piloting” of the skill of making a dessert is to serve a cheesecake of ideal shape without cracks, slightly decorating the upper part with fresh fruits or melted chocolate.

Cheesecake in a multicooker dietary


Not everyone can use a high -calorie dessert. This applies not only to people who play sports and adhere to a diet. A fat, high -calorie dish can be contraindicated in sick people. Do not treat small children with a nutritious pie. We offer to use this recipe and prepare a dietary cheesecake in a slow cooker.

Prepare the following products:

  • cottage cheese - 400 gr. (fat content is not higher than 1.8%);
  • natural yogurt - 300 gr.;
  • egg - 1 or 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • starch - 1.5 tbsp;
  • the zest of lemon and the juice of half the lemon.

For the basis:

  • cookies - 150 g;
  • apple juice - 50 gr.

How to cook a cheese in a slow cooker:

  1. Grind the cookies in the crumb, add apple juice and mix well. You should get a lot similar to plasticine.
  2. Beat cottage cheese, sugar, yogurt and lemon juice. In a separate container, beat the yolk, protein and enter them into the bulk. Add starch and beat well with a whisk.
  3. Put the curd mass on cookies and set the “baking” mode. Cooking time is 1 hour.
  4. After the sound signal, do not rush to open the lid, let the cheesecake “reach” for another 60 minutes. Then send the curd dessert to the cold.

Serve a dietary dish with fresh or frozen fruits. Help yourself!

Chiskey in a slow cooker. Video


  1. Olga says:

    Preparing a banana "cheesecake." But this is not at all that taste !! This is a curd casserole, and not the best! In addition, cottage cheese retains its granularity! It is necessary to at least wipe it through a sieve ... I only read it on other sites ((((((the color of cottage cheese and a banana acquired a gray one is not a delicious color ((((and cracked from above! Horror! And without a cheese, Philadelphia, do not wait for the taste of the cheesecake !! I spoiled the products, my time and the expectation of a delicious dessert.

  2. Olga says:

    Made a banana. I didn't like it. cottage cheese casserole

  3. Julia says:

    I did the first recipe. Izkanka. Nick -nickek, not cheesk. Plip to the form tightly. I got a knife to cut in the form at least somehow extracted. And it was terrible. And the view ... all fell apart in the process of getting. And the cottage cheese porridge with cookies turned out.

  4. Nastya says:

    You just don't know how to cook, those who did not work out ...
    I prepared a banana cheesecake for the first time, but added another 100 g of flour and dragged it out for 80 minutes. It turned out very tasty, nothing fell apart, did not stick to the form. The view is normal, a little gray because of bananas, I think, if desired, you can add zuccats for beauty and decorate the top of the cake with bananas with chocolate. It was delicious. I cooked in a slow cooker for the first time.

  5. Sergey says:

    A terrible recipe! It turned out a casserole, moreover, liquid. Everything fell apart when getting, as it turned out to be too liquid on this recipe. Also does not stick to the cookie

  6. Vera says:

    Cooking on the first recipe turned out to be very tasty !! Because of the usual cottage cheese, the taste is certainly not a classic cheesecake, but still very tasty. I left for an hour in a slow cooker, and then shifted to a plate, everything went perfectly. Curd filling had a very delicate taste and a light note of orange due to zest. They tried the whole family, the children also burst for both cheeks. I used 15% sour cream in the recipe, I think the fat content of sour cream plays a role so that the curd filling is not liquid. The cottage cheese mixed well in a blender, therefore, the filling turned out without rugs (the top when baked did not crack due to the high speed of whipping cottage cheese 🙂)

  7. Ninel says:

    I cooked on the first recipe! I don’t know what and who fails, I got a cheesecake, and not a cottage cheese casserole. The cottage cheese took a liquid degree + cooled the cheesecake itself, as expected. None of the domestic ones even realized that instead of cheese used cottage cheese)) The recipe is very budget and tasty! So I recommend and advise!

  8. Galina says:

    I saw a classic cheesecake, well, sooooo delicious !!
    And it’s also a little secret when it is time to pull the cheesecake out of the mold dip the container itself into warm water and the cheesecake is easily extracted
