Apple compote in a slow cooker

Shelves of food supermarkets are filled with various drinks. Compots, fruit drinks and juices - all this can be purchased to immediately satisfy their thirst. Will there be any benefit from such a drink? Dyes, taste amplifiers, flavors and preservatives - a list of additives harmful to human health in such a drink makes you think. Why poison yourself if you can cook a useful product yourself? A minimum of money and time, and the result will be excellent. We offer to cook compote from apples in a slow cooker.

In the fall, in the season of collecting apples, you can prepare a lot of useful blanks for the winter. It’s just time to cook compote from apples in a slow cooker. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with the necessary nutrients.

Apple compote in a slow cooker


We offer a classic recipe for making compote in a slow cooker. The usual compote, welded from fresh apples, will help the body quickly cope with many ailments: to normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and improve the general condition of the body. Apples contain many useful vitamins and trace elements, among which potassium occupies a worthy place. This substance helps in the work of the heart, because a lack of potassium can lead to sad consequences. If you prepare the usual compote from apples in a slow cooker, you can feel a surge of strength and get rid of many ailments. Boil a compote from apples in a slow cooker is quite simple.


  • fresh apples - 7 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. There are no difficulties - we choose ripe, intact fruits. Apples need to be washed and wiped dry dry.
  2. Peel the apples from the peel. If you want, you can cook compote from apples with a peel, from this it will not get worse.
  3. Remove the middle with the seeds. It is necessary to cut apples into small pieces, you can slices.
  4. Now we put chopped apples in the multicooker bowl, pour water. If possible, you can boil.
  5. You can immediately put sugar. It is optional to mix.
  6. We close the multicooker lid. Choose the preparation mode of "extinguishing". Preparing a compote from apples in a slow cooker will be 30 minutes.
  7. From the moment of boiling the compote from apples in a slow cooker, no more than 10 minutes should pass.
  8. In order for the compote to infuse, it is necessary to switch the device to the "heating" mode and leave for 30 minutes. This will be quite enough.

The compote from apples prepared in a slow cooker must be cooled and you can drink.

Flot compote in the multicooker "Fragrant"


You can cook apple compote in a slow cooker in just half an hour. To do this, you must pre -collect ripe fruits from the apple tree or buy apples in the store.

Preparation products:

  • medium -sized apples - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Apples need to be washed and remove the skin with a sharp knife. We do not throw it away, it will come in handy to us.
  2. We cut fruits into 4 parts, not forgetting to remove the middle along with the grains.
  3. We fold the cut apples in a spacious bowl and squeeze out the entire juice from one lemon. Mix. So you can avoid darkening of apples.
  4. We cover the bowl with a towel and while settled aside.
  5. Prepare the device, you need to thoroughly wash the bowl and wipe it dry. We turn on the program "Multipovar" (if any), the temperature must be set by 160 aboutC. If there is no such mode in your slow cooker, then we select the “Extinguishing” program. We will set the time for 15 minutes.
  6. We put a clean apple peel in a multicooker bowl, pour hot water (1.5 l). If the water is not hot, then the cooking time needs to be set for at least 30 minutes.
  7. We wait for water to boil, add sugar, mix the contents and continue to cook for another 5 minutes.
  8. Turn off the device, since we need to strain the finished syrup. This is best done using a sieve or gauze folded in several layers.
  9. If you do not plan to store compote for a long time, then you can not bring the drink to a boil, it is best to turn off the device after the water boils and turn on the “heating” mode.
  10. We put apples in banks (you can use any clean and dry container).
  11. Pour our fruits with syrup, cover, leave it until completely cooled.
  12. After the compote is infused, you need to very carefully try to drain the syrup back into the multicooker container, put the cloves and turn on the “Extinguishing” or “Multipovar” program again. You need to wait for the syrup to boil.
  13. We drain the hot syrup, filter (if necessary) and fill it with hot banks again. It is important that the syrup is flooded not to the top, but between the lid and the syrup remained free space - no more than 2 cm.
  14. If you plan to close the apple compote prepared in a slow cooker for the winter, you need to close the jar with a lid and put the jar sterilized for 20 minutes.
  15. How to sterilize the compote from apples in a slow cooker: pour warm water into the bowl, put a gauze folded in several layers and put a jar of hot compote. Now turn on the program “Frying” or “Baking”, wait for the water to boil. Switch the device to the “Extinguishing” mode, the time must be set for 20 minutes.
  16. A hot, sterilized jar needs to be rolled up and left until completely cooled in the room. Then cans with apple compote prepared in a slow cooker can be put in a cool place (cellar, basement, pantry).

Whole apple compote in a slow cooker


To prepare the compote according to this recipe, you will need very little time. You do not need to cut the peel and cut the fruits into slices. Everything is much simpler, we offer to cook a compote of entire apples in a slow cooker.

We will prepare the following ingredients:

  • small apples - 1 kg;
  • white sugar - 1 cup;
  • hot water - 2 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. We need to wash the apples and cut the middle. To do this, we will use a special device. We try to cope with the task faster, since due to the high content of iron in apples, they quickly darken in the air.
  2. To save time while we are doing apples, put the kettle - water will boil faster and you can immediately start preparing compote from apples in a slow cooker.
  3. Fruits need to be folded in a pot of multicooker, pour sugar and pour boiling water.
  4. Sugar can be put less or more, as you like big. Someone does not like sweet compote at all, and some put a double norm. If everyone has different tastes in your family, then you can put a minimum of sugar and then add to each a cup, adjusting the sweetness of the drink.
  5. It is necessary to enable the “welding steam” mode, set the time - 3 minutes. As soon as the program completes the cooking process, we switch the multicooker to the “heating” mode and leave it for 30 minutes.

The compote of apples made in a slow cooker can be drunk hot or wait for a fragrant drink to cool. Help yourself and be healthy!

Dried apples in a slow cooker


When there is no way to cook fresh fruit drink, we offer an alternative - prepare a compote of dried apples in a slow cooker. Such a drink is very useful for the body, since apples and after drying retain many beneficial substances and vitamins. Try to cook aromatic compote from apples in a slow cooker, enriching the taste of the drink with cherry leaves. By the way, there are also many useful substances in them.


  • dried apples - 300 g;
  • sugar-sand-150 g;
  • dry cherry leaves - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 2.5 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Apples need to be washed and put in the tank of the device.
  2. Pour water, put sugar, dry cherry leaves. Mix all components.
  3. Next, the slut cover must be closed, selected the “Extinguishing” program and wait 3 minutes from the moment of boiling. That's it, you can turn off the slow cooker.
  4. Do not rush to immediately pour the compote, even if it cools down a bit, and at the same time inflicts.


We offer another interesting recipe for making compote from apples in a slow cooker with the addition of citric acid or lemon juice. The apples are very tender, and the drink itself is fragrant, even better than the welded compote from fresh apples in a slow cooker. Just do not get carried away, since such a drink can not be drunk in abundance in diabetes and people suffering from obesity due to the high sugar content and high calorie content.


  • dried apples - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • raisin;
  • water - 2 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Apples and raisins must first be washed and poured with water for 5 minutes.
  2. We drain the water, shift the raisins with apples into the multicooker bowl, pour water (cold or boiling water), turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 30 minutes.
  3. As soon as the compote from apples in the slow cooker begins to boil, you need to put sugar.
  4. From the moment of boiling, we count for 15 minutes and turn off the device. You can switch the slow cooker to the heating mode and leave the compote from apples in the slow cooker to infuse.

All, after half an hour, pour the compote into the decanter. If you want, you can strain the drink and immediately pour into cups.

Flood compote and rhubarb in a slow cooker


You can argue that you definitely have not tried delicious, rich compote from apples, welded with the addition of cinnamon and rhubarb. We offer to cook a delicious drink on your own.


  • rhubarb - 500 g;
  • fresh apples - 500 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 l.

How to make compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Rhubates must be washed and cleaned, and then cut into small pieces.
  2. The apples must also be washed, wiped dry and cut into slices, after cutting out the core.
  3. Pour water into the slow cooker, add a cinnamon stick. We turn on the device in the "Frying" mode, we wait for the water to boil.
  4. So that the apples do not darken, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice and cover them with a lid.
  5. As soon as the water boils, we put rhubarb, apples, sugar in the multicooker bowl, mix all the components and wait for a second boiling. From this moment, we switch the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” mode for 10 minutes.
  6. Just during this time, apples and rhubarb will be cooked.
  7. The compote of apples, welded in a slow cooker, can be drunk with barely warm and even hot. This is a great vitamin drink, moreover, still very tasty and fragrant. If you want, you can strain the compote from apples in a slow cooker before serving, but only after it will infuse a little, at least 15 minutes.

Flood compote and plum in a slow cooker


And this drink can be prepared for every day or rolling several jars for the future, in winter, enjoy the aroma of delicious apples and drain.

Products for making compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • plums - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 2 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour sugar into a potted pot, pour hot water (2 cups), mix.
  2. We clean the apples from the skin, cut into slices and immediately lower it into hot sugar syrup. We turn on the device in the "Frying" mode for 5 minutes and wait for the mixture to boil.
  3. The field of this must be switched by the device to the "extinguishing" mode, set the time for 10 minutes. Just during this period, apples will be cooked and become soft.
  4. Now it has come the turn of the drain - they need to be washed, released from the seeds and put in boiling compote. We boil the plums with apples for another 5 minutes and turn off the device.

We leave the compote from apples in a slow cooker so that the drink is infused, and at the same time cools. Now a fragrant and delicious drink can be filtered and poured into a decanter.

There is another way to make compote with apples and plums in a slow cooker - for long -term storage. In order to make reserves for the winter, it is necessary to cook sugar syrup in the slow cooker ("Frying" mode, time for 20 minutes). It is advisable to strain the syrup and pour hot into pre -prepared banks with apples and drains. Next, you need to put the jar in the multicooker bowl, pour water and sterilize the compote from apples and drain in the slow cooker for at least 15 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode. We immediately roll the finished drink with lids, wrap it with a warm blanket. After the complete cooling of the jar with a compote of apples prepared in a slow cooker, you can put in a cool place for storage.

Compote from apples and oranges in a slow cooker


When you want something special, you can experiment and cook compote from apples in a slow cooker with an orange. The taste of such a drink will turn out to be very interesting.


  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • water - 2 l.

Preparation of compote from apples in a slow cooker:

  1. Fruits need to be washed. Cut the oranges with slices, the thickness of each lobe is not more than 1 cm.
  2. We remove the core from apples, cut into cubes, without cleansing the peel.
  3. Pour water into the multicooker tank, pour sugar. Turn on the program "Frying" and wait for the water to begin to boil.
  4. In sugar syrup add apples and oranges, we wait for the compote to boil again. From the moment of boiling, the compote from apples in the slow cooker needs to be boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. We filter the finished compote and immediately tast the drink.

If desired, along with fruits, you can put ginger root (peeled and chopped into pieces). Only 1.5 cm of the spine is enough to give compote a special piquant taste and enrich the drink with useful substances.

The skin from oranges and apples does not need to be removed to make the drink even more fragrant, with a characteristic citrus smell. If there is a little time, you can do this: you need to squeeze the juice from the orange and pour into the already finished compote from apples, welded in a slow cooker.

If you want to cook compote for the future, then the oranges need to be cleaned of the skin, since it contains bitterness. If you store the drink for a long time, then it will become bitter. You can not deprive the aroma compote if you put a handful of fresh orange crusts along with apples, and after boiling, they need to be caught and thrown away.

Useful recommendations

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If you need to cook the compote from apples in a slow cooker for daily use, then it is advisable not to boil the drink, but from the moment of boiling immediately turn off and leave in the slow cooker so that it is infused until completely cooled. More vitamins will remain in such a drink.

Apples are perfectly combined with berries and fruits. Therefore, you can cook compote from apples in a slow cooker and add a little strawberries, drain, currants or raspberries. Do not be afraid that berries and other fruits will spoil the taste of the drink, on the contrary, additional ingredients will only enhance the taste of compote.

In a properly prepared drink, the maximum of vitamins and microelements is preserved. The calorie content of the compote from apples prepared in a slow cooker is only 180 kcal in one glass. Remember that this drink has contraindications: it is undesirable to drink compote from apples from people suffering from pancreatitis, ulcer of the stomach and with exacerbation of gastritis. Be healthy!

Fill from apples in a slow cooker. Video
