

Many people remember the semolina since childhood. For breakfast at home or in kindergarten, a casserole was often served. It was airy, sweet and very tasty. This taste was remembered for life and now many would love to return to childhood to enjoy a piece of casserole again.


To prepare a casserole, such as in childhood, you will need a slow cooker. This device perfectly copes with the tasks. In order to bake delicious semolina in a slow cooker, you need to prepare everything according to the list:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • small salt - a pinch;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag.

The process of cooking casserole:

  1. Cook semolina in milk. Milk needs to be poured into the bowl of the device, pour cereal, add salt and sugar (enough tablespoon) to taste.
  2. Activate the program “Porridge in milk” or “Porridge” option, set the timer for 10 minutes.
  3. As soon as the signal sounds, you need to add a piece of butter to the semolina porridge.
  4. In a separate container, beat sugar with eggs and insert into a cooled porridge with a thin stream, stirring continuously. It is advisable to do this not in the cup of multicooker, but in a spacious container.
  5. Rinse the bowl of the device, wipe dry, grease the bottom and walls with a piece of butter.
  6. Put the mass in the multicooker bowl.
  7. Prepare Mannik with a closed lid in the "baking" mode for 50 minutes, plus more than 5 minutes in "heating" mode.
  8. When the semolina casserole cooled a little, it must be carefully shifted to a flat plate, decorated with pieces of fresh berries and fruits, dried fruits, poured with melted honey or any syrup, and take a sugar powder.
  9. You can serve the finished dish in warm form or in cold.

Sanny casserole with apples in a slow cooker

To prepare a delicious dish for breakfast, you do not need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. This recipe is precisely the proof that you can cook delicious dishes quickly and relatively not long.

What is needed for work:

  • semolina - 180 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.;
  • vanilin and Cardamon - by a pinch;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Preparation process step by step:

  1. Dry the semolina in a dry cup of multicooker using the "heating" mode.
  2. Now you need to cook semolina in a slow cooker. To do this, you need to gradually pour milk into the dried semolina, constantly stirring the mass.
  3. Install the program “Warm -up”, wait for boiling milk.
  4. Stiring semolina periodically so that it does not take up lumps.
  5. After boiling, pour vanilla or vanilla sugar (tablespoon), sugar to taste (the norm can be reduced or increased), as well as chopped cardamom. Instead of that spice, you can take 1/3 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  6. Prepare porridge for 10 minutes using the Milk Porridge program.
  7. After preparing, the mass must be transferred into a separate plate, washed and wiped the working bowl.
  8. Preparation of apples: wash and, without cleaning the peel, cut into pieces.
  9. Lubricate a piece of butter of the wall and the bottom of the multicooker bowl, lay out a warm semolina.
  10. Put pieces of apples on top, add sour cream, smooth it with a spatula so that a thin layer of sour cream turns out on top.
  11. Bake for 20 minutes using the “baking” mode, then hold on heating for half an hour.
  12. Open the lid, leave the semolina in a slow cooker for another 20-30 minutes, then transfer to a dish using a sampling grill.
  13. Cut semolina into portions, serve with sour cream, jam or any jam.

Sanny casserole with berries in a slow cooker

To diversify the basic recipe for cooking semolina in a slow cooker, you will not have to spend a lot of products. It is enough to insert raisins, pieces of dried fruits or fresh berries into the finished mass - and the dish will be transformed. Such a casserole is well eaten by children for breakfast, drinking warm milk or cocoa.

The following products will be needed:

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp.;
  • raspberry berries, frozen currants or fresh - 100 g;
  • for decoration - walnut nuclei or almond petals.

How to cook semolina:

  1. Boil milk, you can on the stove, you can in a slow cooker. The Option "War -steam."
  2. Pour the semolina in a only boiling milk with a thin stream, constantly stirring milk with a spatula.
  3. Add salt and tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Cook semolina for 10 minutes in “porridge” or “porridge in milk”.
  5. Put the hot semolina to the plate, wash and wipe the drying bow of the multicooker dry.
  6. Separately, beat the eggs with sugar in a bowl, enter an egg-sajar mixture into a warm semolina.
  7. Prepare the berries: wash, throw it off in a colander so that the glass is excess water. Frozen berries do not need to be thawed.
  8. Berries need to be inserted into the mass, mix.
  9. Transfer the mass into a multicooker bowl pre -greased with a piece of butter.
  10. Prepare a semolina with a closed lid in the "baking" mode for 45-50 minutes.
  11. After turning off the program, open the lid, turn off the device from the power source. Leave the finished dish to cool in a slow cooker for 15-20 minutes.
  12. Using a basket for cooking dishes, transfer a warm mannik to a dish, cut into portioned pieces.
  13. Submissive: Take a mannik with sugar, decorate with berries, walnut nuclei or almonds.

Sanny casserole with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

If your children are reluctant to eat semolina for breakfast, consider this dish tasteless, try to serve it differently. For example, prepare a delicious semolina in a slow cooker. This time we offer to try to bake the casserole with the addition of cottage cheese.

What products are needed:

  • low -fat cottage cheese - 500 g.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • kefir or yogurt home - 1 cup;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 pack;
  • a piece of butter for lubricating the shape;
  • sugar-sand-a glass (you can less);
  • pekarsky powder - 1.5 tsp.

Dessert preparation:

  1. It is necessary that semolina swells in the liquid, so pour a glass of kefir into a bowl, pour the cereal, mix. Leave for half an hour.
  2. To prepare the casserole of cottage cheese, choose fresh so that it is not dry and no sourness.
  3. In a separate bowl, mash the cottage cheese with a fork or whisk with a bender. You can grind cottage cheese through a sieve.
  4. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl to get a homogeneous magnificent mass.
  5. After half an hour, pour cottage cheese into semolina, mix.
  6. Adding a little, enter whipped eggs, mix. It is forbidden to use a mixer.
  7. In the end, when the mass is homogeneous, enter the baking powder and mix again with a spoon.
  8. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the baking bowl with butter, pour the mixture.
  9. On the instrument panel, select the Baking program, set the time for cooking semolina in a slow cooker for 20 minutes.
  10. After the signal, switch the device to the "heating" mode, leave for 20 minutes. Check the readiness of semolina, if necessary, the program can be extended.
  11. Leave the casserole to cool with an open lid, after - transfer to a plate, cut into portioned pieces.
  12. The finished casserole can be watered with melted honey, any syrup, decorated with berries or nuts.

Sanny casserole with a banana in a slow cooker

And this option for cooking semolina will be very pleased with little children, because the casserole will turn out to be delicate and sweet.

List of products:

  • children's cottage cheese - 2 packs or 200 g;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp.;
  • butter - for lubricating the bowl;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.

How to bake a semolina in a slow cooker:

  1. Cottage cheese must be shifted into a bowl, knead with a fork.
  2. Pour semolina, mix with cottage cheese. Leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove ripe bananas with a fork, enter into a curd-male mixture, mix.
  4. Lubricate the baking dish with soft butter.
  5. Put the mass in shape.
  6. Bake in the "baking" mode for 20 minutes.
  7. After cooling, extract a steamed basket with a basket for cooking.
  8. You can do otherwise: put the mass into silicone molds, pour warm water into the multicooker bowl. Put a pairing basket, fold the forms with mass in it, prepare for a couple in the “cook” for 20 minutes.
  9. Serve a shiny casserole warm.

Sanny casserole with strawberries in a slow cooker

Sanny porridge, which remained with breakfast and a handful of fresh strawberries is a great opportunity to prepare a delicate and nutritious dessert in a slow cooker.

List products:

  • semolina - half a glass;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 25 g;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • strawberries - 10 berries.

Preparation of semolina casserole in a slow cooker:

  1. Boil semolina in a slow cooker. The "Porridge in milk" mode, time - 10 minutes. Cool.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar and soda in a bowl.
  3. Enter eggs in a cooled semolina, mix. You can use the mixer so that the mixture turns out to be homogeneous.
  4. Add flour, mix.
  5. Lubricate the form with butter.
  6. Pour the mass into the shape of the multicooker.
  7. Rinse the strawberries under a stream of water, dry, cut into slices.
  8. Put the strawberries on the dough, close the lid.
  9. Prepare a semolina in a slow cooker in "Baking" mode for 40 minutes.
  10. After the signal, throw off the lid, set aside the dessert cool down for half an hour. You can take out the shape with the casserole from the slow cooker, leave to cool on the table.
  11. Cut the cooled semolina casserole into portioned pieces, trim the top with powdered sugar, decorate with fresh strawberries.

Sanny casserole with pumpkin in a slow cooker

Not every family is semolina - a frequent guest on the table. And in vain, because this cereal is useful, it has a lot of carbohydrates and protein, it is very nutritious and there is no cholesterol in it. Such porridge can be prepared for breakfast for all family members. An alternative - instead of ordinary semolina, prepare a semolina.

What products are needed:

  • semolina - half a glass;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • pumpkin - 150 g;
  • kuraga - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • liquid sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • small salt is a pinch.

Dessert preparation process:

  1. Pour the dried apricots with hot water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Boil the pumpkin in water, the “steam boiling” mode, cooking time for 15 minutes. Transfer pieces of pumpkin to a plate to cool.
  3. Pour the semolina with cold water for 5 minutes, drain water.
  4. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl, add semolina milk (before boiling). Stiring, cook until cooked for 10 minutes in “steaming” mode.
  5. Put a piece of butter in porridge, mix.
  6. Put the semolina in a plate, leave on the table to cool faster.
  7. Rinse the multicooker bowl, wipe it dry.
  8. The cooled pumpkin must be pureed with a blender, inserted into a warm semolina porridge.
  9. Dry the dried apricots, cut into pieces, add to the mixture for baking.
  10. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt, add sugar, beat with a mixer until the mass becomes lush and homogeneous.
  11. Enter whipped eggs into the bulk, mix.
  12. Lubricate the cup for baking with a piece of butter, pour the dough.
  13. Cook in “Baking” mode for 40 minutes, leave 10 minutes on heating, open the lid or remove the bowl with a semolina, cool.
  14. A warm semolina can be removed from the mold, cut into portioned pieces, poured with sour cream when serving.

Lenten semolina casserole in a slow cooker

In the post you can cook delicious casserole without milk and eggs. Some housewives will say that this is impossible. But if you adhere to this recipe, accurately observe the dosage of all ingredients, the result will be excellent. Sanny casserole will turn out tasty and hearty.

What you need from the products:

  • semolina - 180 g;
  • water - a glass;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cocoa or keros - 3 tbsp;
  • walnut nuclei - 10 pcs.;
  • prunes and dried apricots without a bone - 10 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Preparation of lean semolina:

  1. Mix semolina with vanilla sugar and sand sugar. Add water, mix again, leave for 40-60 minutes.
  2. After the indicated time, pour in vegetable oil, cocoa powder mixed with a spoon of sugar, mix.
  3. See you through a sieve flour, add to the mass. Pour the baking powder, mix again.
  4. Knead the dough, it should slowly drip from the spoon.
  5. Prepare dried fruits, they can be poured for 5-15 minutes with hot water, drained water, cut into cubes.
  6. Enter the dried apricots and prunes into the dough, mix.
  7. Lubricate the mold with oil, pour the dough.
  8. Bake for 60 minutes using the Baking option. After the signal, check the readiness of the baking with a toothpick. If necessary, the program can be extended.
  9. Cool a semolina in the form, transfer to a dish using a grille for cooking dishes for steam, cut into pieces.
  10. When serving, water with liquid honey, decorate with pieces of dried fruits.

Sanny casserole in a slow cooker. Video
