Pouring pie with cabbage in a slow cooker

Is it possible to make a pie with cabbage in a slow cooker? And what the dough needs to be prepared, but is it necessary to extinguish the cabbage, and what else needs to be added? To these and other questions you can find answers here and moreover, we offer several available recipes for making a filling cake with cabbage in a slow cooker.

Pouring pie with cabbage in a slow cooker


In Russia, since ancient times, pies with cabbage baked. The pies were different - thin, lush or floodplain. The pies were then baked in Russian furnaces, it was a real art, which every hostess should have mastered. Now I really want to bake a real Russian pie with cabbage, albeit not in the stove. And you do not need to look for the same Russian stove, because almost every housewife has its analogue now - this is a modern multicooker device. In it you can soar, and fry, and bake pies. Here is the recipe for a real Russian pie.


  • cabbage - 450 g;
  • flour is an incomplete glass;
  • salt and sugar - half a teaspoon for filling and preparing dough;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • baking powder - incomplete teaspoon;
  • sour cream of low fat content - 250 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.

How to make a pouring pie with cabbage in a slow cooker:

  1. This pie is not complicated, everything is extremely simple. To prepare the filling, you need to chop finely cabbage.
  2. In a separate bowl, you need to mix the following products: eggs with sour cream. By the way, instead of low -fat sour cream, you can take kefir. You need to add soft butter to this mass and mix all the ingredients well.
  3. The next step is to make the dough delicious, it is necessary to add half the indicated portion in the salt and sugar recipe.
  4. And in order to complete the process of preparing the dough, you need to sift the flour, and then add a baking powder to it, mix and knead the soft dough.
  5. Now the preparation of the multicooker bowl is to wash, dry, and then grease with butter.
  6. The dough needs to be put half. Speaking of the test: it will not be dense, so it’s easier to say this: half the dough needs to be poured into a multicooker bowl.
  7. We look at how the cabbage "behaved". While we were engaged in dough, cabbage let the juice. It must be well squeezed, add the remaining salt and sugar, mix.
  8. The filling is ready - lay it out on top of our dough, mix and move it with a spatula.
  9. The next step is to pour the remaining part of the dough into the slow cooker so that it covers the filling.
  10. The dough was poured, a filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker, then we cook this way: close the device cover, select the “Baking” program. Time needs to be set manually - you will need 1 hour to bake a filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker.
  11. And that is not all! After the timer works, you need to extend the cooking time for another 20 minutes. Just keep in mind that it is better not to open the device cover, tolerate a little more, very soon you will boast of your culinary abilities and treat everyone with a delicious home -made cake with cabbage prepared in a slow cooker.
  12. After the indicated time, it is allowed to open the device cover, but it is worthwhile to wait quite a little more, literally 5 minutes or 7, so that the pie “get acquainted” with the new temperature.
  13. And then it can be shifted to a flat plate. It is still hot enough, so try not to burn yourself.

You can cut the pie immediately and serve. Such ugly pastries with the first and second dishes go very well. And you can serve a flooded pie with cabbage cooked in a slow cooker, like an independent dish with cold milk, yogurt, yogurt. Enjoy your meal!

Tips for the preparation of a pouring cake with cabbage in a slow cooker


Do you want the baking to please? Then listen to these recommendations:

  1. The cabbage must be tied as smaller as possible, and then thoroughly grind it with your hands with fine salt. The cabbage needs to be left for some time (5-10 minutes) to let the juice and then squeeze. Excess fluid in the pie can interfere.
  2. It is better to take young cabbage so that the filling is soft and very tender. If the season has passed, then the "old" will do. But it is advisable to use it for filling not fresh, but in stew. It is necessary to slightly tolerate the cabbage in the cup of the multicooker in the "extinguishing" mode with onions and carrots. It will turn out a very tasty filling! Excess fluid must be drained.
  3. To make the filling more evidence, cabbage can be compiled by the company - add crushed boiled eggs, stewed mushrooms or meat minced meat.
  4. If you want to add the onion, then it needs to be frying or unraveling it, because it will remain crispy in fresh, and the taste of raw onions is not too pleasant in finished pastries.
  5. If you want to put a little meat minced meat as a filling, then it can be used raw. Just keep in mind that not all people (especially those who have diet) can be done. And if you treat children with a pie, it is better to fry the minced meat first in a pan with onions.
  6. As for the ingredients for the preparation of dough: there are many recipes: with cottage cheese, kefir and even mayonnaise. It is important to adhere to only one rule so that the dough is such a density as home sour cream.
  7. If you are worried that the pie is poorly baked, it is allowed to cook this baking in parts: first 60 minutes on one side, and then with the help grid for steamed, turn the floodplain pie with cabbage in the slow cooker to the other side and bind in the same mode of 20- 30 minutes.
  8. The calorie content of baking, prepared in this way, depends on the components of the dough. If you need to make a “light” pie, then you need to make the dough out of low-fat kefir, put a lot of fillings, and the dough is a little for the base.

Club pie with cabbage in a multicooker on kefir


What could be more profitable than home pastries? Everything that remains in the refrigerator can be assembled and figured out of these products a delicious dinner.

In this case, we recommend preparing:

  • non -fat kefir - 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 cups (it may need a little less);
  • white cabbage - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fry oil - 2 tbsp;
  • spices, salt - as necessary.

Read more about how to cook a filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker:

  1. The cabbage must be chopped thinly, chop the onion finely.
  2. Pour the vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, what to fry on the onion first (the “frying” mode, the time of 7 minutes), then add the cabbage and switch the device to the “stewing” mode. Time must be set manually, only 15 minutes.
  3. While the cabbage is being prepared, we completely manage to make the dough. And here everything is very simple: we start with the fact that it is necessary to sift the flour, add the baking powder and mix. While setting back a bowl of flour aside.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix kefir with eggs, add salt, spices, mix. Gradually add flour, maybe you will need not 2 glasses of flour, but a little less, so do not rush to immediately pour out the entire portion of the flour. The dough should be thick, viscous.
  5. The cabbage is already ready, you can continue. Without removing cabbage from the multicooker bowl, just pour the finished dough into the bowl on top.
  6. On this almost everything, we close the lid, activate the program “Baking” for 60 minutes. Perhaps your device will need a little less time. If your multicooker is powerful, then put the timer for 45-50 minutes, and then you will adjust the readiness of the baking “by eye”.

A filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker is fragrant, tasty, delicate and very magnificent. It is necessary to serve a little cooled, because with the heat-jara it is impossible to eat such baking, you can burn yourself. We all wish you a pleasant appetite!

Dietary floodplain pie with cabbage in a slow cooker


Who said it was boring to sit on a diet? Nothing of the kind, even adhering to a diet, you can eat deliciously and satisfying. And it can be not only light vegetable salads, but also baking! This is just this recipe by the way for those who follow their forms.

What needs to be purchased from products:

  • cauliflower - 200 g;
  • pepper - 1 pc.;
  • a mix of fresh herbs - in a bundle parsley, dill, basil;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • kefir light (0% fat) - 450 ml;
  • salt, pepper - as necessary;
  • wheat bran - 2 tbsp;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - to lubricate the shape.

Advice to the hostess: If you want the baking to be even more useful, add a little wheat bran. The amount indicated in the recipe does not exceed, otherwise the dough may not rise.

Prepare a floodplain pie with cabbage in a slow cooker together:

  1. Preparation of vegetables: divide the pepper into 2 halves, remove the core, the cabbage must be disassembled into inflorescences.
  2. We will prepare vegetables in a slow cooker in a steam welding mode. In order to cook vegetables for the filling, you need to use a bars-bars. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  3. Do not forget to pour water into the multicooker bowl. And to save time, immediately put eggs in the water - 2 pcs.
  4. Let the vegetables prepare, and we will deal with the dough. Take a spacious bowl, pour the entire portion of kefir, add eggs (2 pcs), bran, flour, sifted and mixed with bakery powder.
  5. Mix these components.
  6. Now greens: if you do not welcome the basil, replace it with green onions. Grind the greens, enter into the dough, mix.
  7. Do not forget about salt and spices, salt, pepper, try the dough to taste.
  8. If everything was done quickly, they should just invest in 15 minutes. The timer worked and you can extract ready -made vegetables from the double boiler.
  9. Now drain the water, put the eggs on a plate to cool.
  10. The multicooker bowl must be prepared for baking, that is, drain water, wipe and dry.
  11. Lubricate the bottom and walls with olive oil, pour half the portion of the dough into the shape. You need to lay vegetables on top (if necessary, the boiled vegetables should be chopped). On top, vegetables must be triggered with chopped boiled protein.
  12. The filling is ready, it remains only to pour the remaining dough and install the desired program for preparing a flood pie with cabbage in a slow cooker.
  13. To do this, select the “Baking” program, the time needs to be set for 40 minutes. If you have a heated device on both sides, then there is no need to turn over pastries. You just have to wait for the timer signal.
  14. Well, if the lower heating, then after 40 minutes you need to turn the pie and continue to finish in the same mode for another half hour.

Remove the hot finished pie from the multicooker bowl, leave it on the table, let it cool. And how it cools down a little, trim the chopped boiled yolk on top. It is better to serve such a delicious cake with a light salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with sauce. Enjoy to all of you appetite!

Pilled pie with cabbage in a slow cooker with bacon


And this is a simple recipe for making a flood pie with cabbage in a slow cooker. Even a novice mistress will cope with the task.

The following products will be needed:

  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • pekarsky powder - 1 tsp.;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking a filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker will be like this:

  1. The cake in the slow cooker is simply excellent, very tender and magnificent, and also soft. But if you bake the pie in the oven, it is very difficult to find the middle ground, the pie is undergoing and it is overdried.
  2. We make the dough for cooking the pie, immediately draw your attention to the fact that the dough is liquid, it should be.
  3. Mix eggs with mayonnaise and sour cream in a bowl, add sifted flour (along with bakery powder). Salt is not worth adding, because mayonnaise includes this component. But if you like salty products, then add just a little, literally half of the teaspoon or even less.
  4. The dough needs to be mixed and so far as set aside, because you need to prepare the filling.
  5. And for the filling, you need to chop the cabbage, salt, knead carefully so that it gives excess liquid. If there was no fresh cabbage at home, take salted/stewed. Only then you do not need to add salt.
  6. So far, if you wait, you need to cut the ham into cubes. Did you deal with this task? Then prepare a multicooker bowl, you just need to lubricate it with oil.
  7. Put the filling in the shape (cabbage and ham), pour the dough on top. We will prepare a filling pie with cabbage in a slow cooker in “Baking” mode, highlight the time for 45 minutes if we set the temperature for 150 aboutFROM.
  8. Keep in mind that the bottom of the pie will turn out to be more rosy than the top, this is not scary. After all, the main thing is that the pie is well baked. And if you really want the pie to be rosy on both sides, then it needs to be turned over and borrow another 10-15 minutes in the same mode. Only the temperature, if possible, needs to be set at 180 aboutFROM.

Cool the hot cake and serve a little to the table. It can make a company with a light salad of fresh vegetables, as well as vegetable or meat broth. Enjoy appetite to all of you!

Bulk pie with cabbage in a slow cooker. Video
