
Porridge in a multicooker Polaris

How prepare porridge in multicooker? Yes easier simple! AT this miracletechnology Everything is done so easily what Prepare porridge they can even children! Air semolina or fragrant buckwheat, sweet rice and useful oatmealPorridge in multicooker they will indispensable useful breakfast for all yours families. We prepared for you several most the best recipes cereal in multicooker. You learn, how without labor  cook oatmeal, please their own close sweet rice porridge,surprise guests exquisite buckwheat porridge with chicken and prunes.

Convenience preparations cereal in multicooker


Preparation of cereals in a slow cooker is required appreciate each mistress. Remember, how in cartoon porridge prepared herself? Really, porridge in multicooker Polaris preparing on one's own, not « run away», not hanging. Disappears need constantly stir and gloomy stand above stove. Clever technique cope cO everyone herself. Costs only to give her installation, and already through several minutes you you will enjoy delicious and useful dish.

More one huge advantage cereal in multicookerher preparation can delay on time thanks to timer. Imagine, you you can fall asleep group and rest products in multicap with evenings, a in the morning on the breakfast eat hot and tasty porridge! A bunch time and strength saves this miracleassistant mistress! By the way, thanks to simplicity and convenience technology, porridge in multicooker will be able prepare any member yours familiesbe-then spouse, deciding please breakfast or children, which they want do nice mom.

Usually after acquisitions this miracleassistants, in the first turn hostess start exactly with preparations porridge in a slow cooker. And we to you we recommend to begin their culinary knowledge together with multicooker Polaris. So, let's start?

Oatmeal porridge in multicooker


Oatmeal in the morningthe best dish for all. This porridge satter and useful, not contains a lot of calorius, what it is important for sitting on the diet. BUT if in her pour berries, dried fruits, switch oil, honey or jam, then this is dish will become for you most delicious breakfast!

So, to you you will need:

  • on 1 measured a glass oat clap, milk and water,
  • 40 gr creamy oils,
  • 1 art. l. sahara, salt on taste.

  1. Put in multicap a piece creamy oilsthis is prevent boiling milk. Now pour it oat flakes. Pour in water and milk.
  2. You put mode « Porridge» — enough fifteen minutes, to she is prepared. Can put on the mode « Accelerated preparation». One once preparing porridge, you themselves understand, how many time to you you will need it.
  3. AT case excessive thickening porridge, pour in a little milk.
  4. When porridge in multicooker will be ready, put her on the plates, a above sprinkle dried fruits, nuts. Can add jam or jam, honey. AT general, choose for myself most suitable option.

Semolina porridge in multicooker


Many underless manku with childhood fromper unpleasant associations. Memories about smeared on plate porridge with lumps, which in kindergarten forced constantly there is, district repulsed hunting prepare this is dish. However if you cook porridge in multicooker Polaris, you forever and ever change opinion about this dish. AT this miracletechnology she is it becomes lush and tender.

So, to prepare semolina porridge, to you you will need:

  • 0,5 glasses semolina groups,
  • 5 glasses milk,
  • salt, sugaron taste,
  • 30 gr creamy oils.
  1. AT cup multicooker pour milk, close cover and turn on in mode « Cooking on the pair» on the 5 minutes. Per this is time milk boil. Can boil his before cooking porridge and pour in already hot boiled in multicap. Then her preparation will become more easier.
  2. AT boiled milk add sugar and semolina group, preferably through sieve. Thanks to this in porridge not will be form all hated lumps.
  3. Then above put creamy oil and close multicap. Install mode « Heating» on the 5 minutes. Thanks to that, what in this mode porridge tares, a not cook, she is it turns out light and air.
  4. When porridge in a slow cooker will be ready, pour  her on the plates and add on taste creamy oil, jam, berries, jam. AT general, all, what you love.

Buckwheat porridge in multicooker


Buckwheat group appreciated his own big content vitamins and trace elements. That's why not forget turn on in diet yours families this product. BUT we let's share two beautiful recipes preparations this porridge in a slow cooker.

Recipe 1Crumbly buckwheat in multicooker


it universal recipe preparations buckwheat. U you it will turn out tender and crumbly porridge, which will serve beautiful garrier to meat, vegetables or fish. So, to you necessary:

  • buckwheat group1 measured cup,
  • water2 measured glasses,
  • salt, sugaron taste (about on 0,5 h. l.)

  1. Rinse group in cold water, after what put her in cup multicooker and pour necessary quantity water. Can pour brothkurin or beef, then buckwheat will be have saturated meat taste. Not forget also add a piece oils and salt group.dSC00233
  2. Install mode « Porridge» on the standard time. If a such regime no, use « Preparation krup», a after his endings stir porridge put in mode « Heating» more on the 20 minutes.
  3. Porridge ready? Not forget in plates put on a piece oils. Excellent suitable to this dish fried pieces ham or bacon.

Recipe 2Buckwheat porridge in multicooker  with chicken and prunes


To you necessary:

  • 1 cup buckwheat,
  • 1 cup water,
  • 23 kurin ham (in dependencies from size),
  • 2 art. l. sour cream,
  • 23 tooth garlic,
  • 6 pCS. prunes,
  • salt, spiceson taste.

  1. Prepare meat, cutting his on the pieces. For this cut horror on the small pieces.
  2. Put chicken in multicap. Salt, pepper, add seasoning on taste.
  3. Above meat put previously soaked and cut prunes and shallow sliced garlic.
  4. Pour ingredients sour cream.
  5. Pour it washed buckwheat and pour a glass water.
  6. You put mode « Pilaf». If a his no, use function « Preparationkrup«.
  7. After sound signal readiness put more on the 20 minutes in mode « Heating».

Rice porridge in multicooker


Such porridge maybe prepare even child. Rice group cooking very easily. The only thing conditionnecessarily before preparation rinse rice in cold water. Thanks to this porridge will be crumbly.

Recipe 1Classic rice porridge


Suitable in quality garnish to anyone meat, fish or vegetables.

  • rice1 cup,
  • water5 glasses,
  • pinch salt,
  • 30 gr creamy oils.

  1. Rinse rice in cold water and put his in cup multicooker.
  2. Pour water, salt and add creamy oil. Carefully mix.
  3. AT multicooker Polaris choose mode « Rice» and you put time on the 40 minutes.
  4. After sound signal, confirming preparation, you can open cover and mix carefully porridge.
  5. After this put mode « Heating» more on the 10 minutes and add in cup more  a piece creamy oils.

Recipe 2 - TO asha with kuraga and juice orange


This sweet porridge surely evaluate yours children. For preparations take it:

  • floorliter milk,
  • 1 cup rice,
  • 1 cup kurags,
  • 1 orange,
  • 1 h. l. honey.

  1. Kuraga and orange wash, rice rinse in cold water.
  2. Kuraga cut small slices, a from orange squeeze juice.
  3. Lay kuraga in multicap, pour juice and add honey. This mixture cook in multicooker in mode «Multiper" on the 7 minutes, a then transfer in another capacity.
  4. AT multicap pour rice group and pour his milk. AT mode « Multiper» cook rice  30 minutes.
  5. When porridge in a slow cooker will be ready, put her on the plates and pour medovoorange syrup.

Pea porridge in multicooker


Many hostess pea porridge many undeservedly forgot. Between that she is very useful and tasty. Necessarily try it her prepare and diversify mine daily diet this wonderful dish.

To you necessary:

  • 1 cup peas,
  • 2 glasses water,
  • salt, sugaron taste,
  • 30 gr creamy oils.

  1. If a you use round peas, better to give to him swell in waterleave his on the night. Peas from «halves» not requires soaking.
  2. AT multicap put incorrect peas and pour water. Not forget salt.IMG_3592
  3. AT mode « Stewing» peas you will need it on the preparation near 2 hours.
  4. If a to you need prepare this is dish quickly, use mode « High pressure». Then you spend total 2025 minutes your own time.
  5. After sound signal open cover, add creamy oil and again close multicap.
  6. Give porridge a little drive. Then about on the will acquire tender cream contestation.

Porridge from lentils


You love pea porridge? Then necessarily try it prepare and lentil. Today this view legumes undeservedly forgotten. And in vain! Lentils rich many vitamins, that's why will be appropriate in yours the diet. Prepare lentil porridge in multicooker can much faster, how on the stove.

To you you will need:

  • 2 multistakan lentils (better take brown variety),
  • 3 glasses water,
  • carrot, onionon 2 pCS,
  • salt, pepper, spices on taste,
  • vegetable oil.

  1. Before those  how send ours lentils in multicap, thoroughly rinse her in water.
  2. Prepare vegetablesonion cut, carrot rub on the grater and fry on the pan with vegetable oil.
  3. Can fry in multicooker in mode «Frying«. But this is take it more timenear twenty minutes.
  4. When vegetables will be ready, put them in multicap together with lentils and pour water.
  5. Prepare lentils can in different modes. E then maybe to be «Rice«, «Pilaf» or «Buckwheat«. Quantity time about the samenear 4050 minutes.
