Mannone in a slow cooker

Sanny cereal is a healthy dietary product. Babies are introduced to the dishes at the age of 10 - 12 months. A balanced complex of proteins, starch, vitamins and trace elements contributes to the coordinated work of the intestine and the timely development of the enzymatic system of the growing organism. Boil a tasty, moderately thick semolina without lumps will help a multicooker.

How to cook semolina in a slow cooker: note recommendations

You do not need to be a gurus of culinary art to create this unpretentious dish. However, semolina is easy to spoil, not knowing the elementary prescription rules. Here they are:

  1. Porridge is cooked from high -quality semolina. Flying, the lack of glued grains, white or cream color - the main indicators of the suitability of the product.
  2. Sanny porridge is especially tasty and fragrant if one of its ingredients is milk. Even if you strictly follow the amount of this product in your diet, cook semolina at least with its minimum portion. The ratio of water and milk in this case is 3 to 1. If the degree of fat content of milk is low, then it can be taken in larger quantities.
  3. So that during cooking, the semolina does not burn, the walls of the multicier bowl before the start of cooking are lubricated with oil.
  4. The lumps spoil the impression even from the most delicious porridge, but one little trick will allow you to cook semolina without unpleasant clots. Pour the cereal into the bowl with small slips as you usually suck products.
  5. Salt and sugar are added to semolina when it boils and butter - after preparing it.
  6. The most suitable regime for cooking semolina is “extinguishing”. “Milk porridge”, of course, is also suitable, but according to reviews, it is in the process of extinguishing the grains of semolina that are fully boiled and do not glue into lumps that everyone does not like so.

In a multicier machine, you can prepare several options for semolina. Consider the most interesting and tasty of them.

Classic recipe for semolina in a slow cooker

The optimal mode for making semolina according to this recipe is “extinguishing”.


  • semolina - 1/2 multistakan;
  • milk - 3 multistakan;
  • water - 1 multistakan;
  • sugar and salt to taste;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.

To cook delicious semolina in a slow cooker, follow the instructions:

  1. Pour semolina into the bowl, as well as as much salt and sugar as you wish. Follow the butter.
  2. Fill the bowl with milk and boiled water. Mix all the products well.
  3. Cover the slow cooker with a lid and set the “Extinguishing” program for 30 minutes. If the minimum time that the manufacturer of your car has taken to this function is 1 hour, be careful and cool for half an hour.
  4. Do not forget to stir the semolina from time to time to prevent unpleasant lumps.
  5. After half an hour, a simple and hearty dish will be ready. If you decide to make semolina exclusively in milk, be prepared for the fact that there will be clots, so a little water will not hurt.

Semolina in a slow cooker with raisins

If the uncomplicity of simple porridge does not suit you or your child, but you still want to diversify breakfast due to semolina, it is easy to improve the dish. For example, a handful of dried fruits will make a semolina porridge even more healthy and tasty. The next recipe will allow you to cook 6 servings of porridge in 30 minutes.

You will need such ingredients:

  • low -fat milk - 1 liter;
  • semolina - 0.8 multistakan;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l. (do not forget that dried fruits will give additional sweetness to the dish);
  • dried fruits to choose from (we will take raisins) - about half a cup;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. Fill the multicier bowl with milk, activate the extinguishing program and leave the car to work for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour into one dish and mix semolina, sugar and salt. Rinse the raisins well or soak first for 10 - 15 minutes in warm water.
  3. When the milk in a slow cooker boils, slowly enter a semolina there. Stir the milk constantly so that the cereal does not take lumps.
  4. The last to add raisins and close the multicooker with a lid. Boil the semolina for 2 minutes, and then mix. Repeat this manipulation several times so that the cereal does not stick to the bowl.
  5. After half an hour, try porridge to make sure of her readiness. Divide the dish into portions, screaming each piece of ghee or butter. Enjoy your meal!

Sanny porridge in a multicooker in Italian

We are used to eating sweet porridge. It would seem to anyone, it could never have occurred to pepper or season with herbs. Absolutely in vain! The recipe for semolina in Italian will destroy all stereotypes and pleasantly surprise you.

Set of products:

  • semolina - 130 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • solid cheese in grated form - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • esteled or cream oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • nutmeg - a small pinch;
  • black pepper, salt - to taste.

Prepare this original dish like this:

  1. Heat milk in a slow cooker. Until it boiled, add oil there. After boiling milk, salt, pepper, add a pinch of nutmeg.
  2. Now gradually put semolina into milk. You should get thick porridge.
  3. After 5 to 8 minutes, pour the pre -whipped egg mass into the bowl, put the cheese grated with large cells grated. After 1 - 2 minutes, the slow cooker can be turned off - the original dish is ready.
  4. Wait for the porridge to cool. Blind from the thick mass of the cakes, as you are comfortable, grease them with oil, sprinkle with a small portion of cheese and send them to the oven for 5 minutes.
  5. Ready -made semolina can be designed in the spirit of Italian culinary traditions - decorated with tomato sauce and fresh herbs.

Sanny porridge in a multicooker with pumpkin

This is another recipe, thanks to which semolina does not bother. The combination of semolina and pumpkin gives rise to an interesting fresh taste. For the dish, they choose a ripe and sweet pumpkin-only then the porridge will turn out to be truly unique and saturated.

For two portions of semolina in a multicooker with pumpkin, you will need the following ingredients:

  • milk of any fat content - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • pumpkin pulp - 150 - 200 g;
  • manki - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar or honey - 3 tsp;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook semolina in a multicooker with pumpkin:

  1. Before pouring semolina into a multicooker bowl, serenne it. Then cross the pan and fry the cereal until it turns into a beautiful golden hue. This manipulation will take you no more than 2 minutes. So you exclude the formation of lumps in the finished dish.
  2. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the multicier bowl with a piece of butter. Pour water and pasteurized milk there. You can change the proportions of liquid ingredients at your discretion. It depends primarily on your taste preferences. If you follow the figure, you can refuse milk and cook semolina on the water, but it will not turn out so tasty and tender.
  3. At this stage, we will prepare a pumpkin. Clean the selected piece of peel, large fibers and seeds. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater or cut it with large slices/cubes, put in the bowl. In the cold season, fresh pumpkin can be replaced with frozen.
  4. Mix well products in the multicooker to a state of homogeneous mass. Close the kitchen device with a lid and select the porridge program. Set the timer for 10 - 15 minutes.
  5. When the multicooker gives a signal about the readiness of the dish, the semolina is ready for the supply. It remains only to add a piece of butter to each portion.

A delicate, bright and very tasty dish will appeal to adults and children. Enjoy your meal!

Small porridge in a multicooker for a couple

To make a semolina dish even more useful, give up programs designed for processing dairy products. Pay attention to the function "maintaining heat." Applying it to make semolina, you actually prepare a porridge for steam, while maintaining the beneficial substances in its composition.

For the preparation of semolina porridge in a slow cooker you will need:

  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • manki - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.

Sanny porridge in a multicooker for a couple is preparing this way:

  1. Fill the bowl with milk and water, boil the ingredients. A boiling time should not exceed 8 to 10 minutes.
  2. Add salt, stirring constantly, gradually pour sugar and in small portions enter pre -sifted semolina. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Turn on the “heat maintenance” mode, close the device with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. When you hear a signal of readiness, put the porridge on plates and season with butter.
  4. For a variety, semolina is eaten with the addition of chopped chocolate, chopped nuts, jams or fruits.
