Curd casserole in the multicooker Redmond

Even a novice mistress can cook the casserole with cottage cheese. This dish is difficult to spoil. But despite the apparent simplicity, there are several rules for preparing cottage cheese casserole in the redmond multicooker that must be observed.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the reduced multicooker


What is the most important thing in this dish? Of course, cottage cheese is fresh, crumbly, if possible, home. And prepare the baking according to the recipe indicated below.

Number of products:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • non -fat kefir - 1 cup;
  • semolina - half a glass;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • raisins or a mixture of dried fruits - to taste;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.

Preparation of cottage cheese casserole in the reducmond multicooker:

  1. Attention: eggs should be fresh, medium size. Take the glass of faceted, volume 200 ml. First you need to beat the egg with a mixer, but before that you need to pour semolina into a bowl, pour kefir. Let him swell yet to save time.
  2. We will need 2 bowls to divide the eggs. In one you need to leave proteins, and in the other yolks and add sugar to them.
  3. Beat the separated eggs sequentially, first the yolks with sugar, so that a slightly foamed mass turns out, into which it is then necessary to add the cottage cheese rubbed through the sieve and pour exactly a teaspoon of the baking powder, add vanilla sugar and semolina.
  4. All products must be thoroughly mixed, set aside, because then you need to beat the proteins well. It is easier to do this with a mixer, but you will also cope with the task “excellent” if you arouse an ordinary handy whisk. Proteins beat for a long time, to stable foam.
  5. Now the most important thing is to carefully combine both mixtures. Here you need to not rush and type whipped protein foam on a tablespoon, carefully mix into a mixture of yolks, again a couple of spoons of whipped proteins, and so on, until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. It is very important to gain patience and not rush, and at the very end, out of habit, you can’t energetically mix the dough.
  7. There are some tricks that you will teach you: if you want to combine both mixtures faster, then you need to gently shut the whipped proteins directly into a bowl of the yellow mixture, and then mix the dough with a traffic with the bottom up. Then a couple of times, but not much.
  8. The dough is prepared, you need to start preparing a baking bowl. In this case, it will be a potted pot. It should be dry, and quite naturally clean.
  9. Lubricate the walls, as well as the bottom of the form, must be necessary. Cream soft oil is best suited, but vegetable can also be used.
  10. Lubricate not abundantly and you can immediately send the dough to the slow cooker.
  11. Raisins, if you did not have time to prepare on the eve of the baking of the casserole of the cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond, you need to quickly rinse in warm water, throw it on a colander (the excess fluid flows faster), and then lay it on a towel. To speed up the process, dry the raisins in the towel: fold it in several layers, pour raisins, wrap, “probe” each zest through the fabric.
  12. Dried raisins must be poured right on top of the dough, a little bit, literally moved superficially so that the raisins “drown” in the test.
  13. Now it is allowed to close the lid to install the desired program for making cottage cheese casserole in the Redmond multicooker-“pastries”, cooking time 45-50 minutes. If your multicooker has a multiper function, then the temperature must be set 130 degrees, and set the timer for 45 minutes.
  14. As soon as you heard the timer signal, you can’t immediately open the lid! It is necessary to insert the device into the "heating of food" mode and withstand at least 10 minutes.
  15. If everything was done correctly, it will turn out a very magnificent and high casserole cottage cheese in the reducmond multicooker.
  16. The casserole is very tender, but at the same time it holds its shape well. Only you need to try to carefully pull the pastries out of the mold. To do this, you can use a flat plate, a slightly smaller diameter than the diameter of the multicooker bowl, or you can substitute a pairing grill and carefully turn the bowl.

Here is such a beautiful, magnificent and very tasty casserole of the cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond. Decorate the baking with fresh berries, pieces of dried fruits, powdered sugar. Let your tea party be the most important event of this day! Enjoy your meal!

Curd casserole in a multicooker Redmond on sour cream


If you add sour cream to the main ingredients to prepare a curd dessert, you get almost the same taste, only the casserole will be more delicate, air and just melt in your mouth. Want to return to childhood and once again enjoy the taste of the best and most delicious casserole with cottage cheese? Then proceed to cook the casserole of the cottage cheese in the multicooker Redmond faster.

Dessert products:

  • semolina- 6 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - half a teaspoon (or baking powder);
  • sugar - half 4 tbsp.;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste.

How to prepare a delicious dessert with the addition of cottage cheese:

  1. If you prepare the casserole in the reducmond casserole with the addition of soda, then you need to add soda to sour cream, mix, leave on the table for 30 minutes.
  2. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sugar, vanillin, semolina and you can still put chopped dried fruits.
  3. Add sour cream with soda to cottage cheese, mix.
  4. The dough for the preparation of cottage cheese casserole in the multicooker Redmond is ready, you need to lubricate the mold for baking with oil, sprinkle with crushed crackers (so the dessert will easily lag behind the walls of the bowl and does not absorb oil).
  5. We will bake the casserole in the "baking" mode. Time varies from 45 minutes to 60 minutes, it depends on the power of the device.
  6. If you want the cottage cheese casserole in the multicooker Redmond to be lush, then after the signal do not open the lid, wait 40 minutes. All this time you cannot open the lid!

The casserole is so tender that I want to eat another piece. The cottage cheese casserole in the multicooker Redmond is useful for children and adults, this is a calorie dish, it has a lot of protein. Such cottage cheese dessert can be served with sour -milk drinks, make homemade yogurt or simply brew the fragrant hour by adding dried currant leaves and raspberries. Successful pastries and pleasant appetite!

Curd casserole in a multicooker Redmond for children

Remember the taste of childhood casseroles in kindergarten? Each of us who fell in love with this dessert wants to enjoy this taste and be sure to prepare useful pastries for their children. You have the possibility: we share a recipe, and we recommend preparing the casserole in the reducmond multicooker.

Products for children's dessert:

  • semolina - 100 g;
  • milk - 1/3 cups;
  • low -fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • soft butter 50 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - half a bag;
  • sugar - 100 or 150 g.

The height of the casserole, prepared from this number of products, will be approximately 3-3.5 cm if the diameter of the multicooker bowl is 21 cm.

How to prepare a cottage cheese casserole in a multicooker Redmond:

  1. Many children do not really like cottage cheese, so mothers try to hide this useful product, inventing more and more recipes. We offer to prepare a curd with a cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond according to this recipe, grind cottage cheese through a sieve. It is better not to use a blender, because it turns out not a casserole, but something similar, to a mreamed cheese.
  2. Add eggs, oil (soft), sugar and vanillin to cottage cheese. All products need to be mixed, you can with a mixer.
  3. Add semolina to this mass, mix once again and leave so that the decoy swells. This process is allotted for 30 minutes.
  4. The tank capacity must be lubricated with oil and crushed with crushed crackers, pour the dough into a pan.
  5. We will prepare the casserole in the multicooker Redmond, using the “Baking” program, cooking time for 60 minutes, provided that the temperature regime is 160 degrees.
  6. During the operation of the slow cooker, you can not open the lid in order to find out out of curiosity how the casserole was baked. This is never done in any case. Break a little, because even after the signal you should not open the lid. You need to wait until the cottage cheese casserole in the multicooker Redmond cools completely.

Transfer the finished casserole to a plate, cut into pieces. Everything, you can serve such a healthy and tasty cottage cheese treat with sour cream, yogurt, pour berry syrup. And you can drink warm milk. Enjoy your meal!

Secrets of cooking cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond


If you want to prepare the perfect curd dessert, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Instead of semolina, you can put flour of the highest grade, only the casserole is not so lush and tender.
  2. To quickly beat the proteins into a strong foam, add a pinch of salt. By the way, the proteins should be chilled, then they are beaten much easier. The dishes for whipping egg proteins must be prepared in advance - thoroughly wiped with a napkin so that there is not a single drop of water in it.
  3. Squirrels can be beaten with sugar, only this component should not be added immediately, but after dense foam is formed during whipping. Then the proteins will be airy.
  4. It is not recommended to open the casserole lid in the process of cooking cottage cheese in a multicooker Redmond. If open the lid, then due to the temperature difference, the curd dessert will fall and it will not turn out as lush and airy as we would like.
  5. Poster, if possible, choose a dense, low percentage of fat content. A liquid dairy product is not suitable. If it was not possible to buy another cottage cheese, then you will have to bring the dough for cottage cheese casserole by increasing the number of semolina to balance. The mass for baking cottage cheese casserole in a multicooker Redmond should be such a consistency as a thick home sour cream.
  6. Do not rush, decoy should “get acquainted” with other products. She needs time to swell. The minimum is 20 minutes, and the ideal time for absorption of liquid is 40 minutes.

Curd casserole in the multicooker Redmond
